Derek Carr, Malcolm Koonce and Quinton Jefferson Presser – 12.14.21 | Las Vegas Raiders | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Derek Carr, Malcolm Koonce and Quinton Jefferson Presser – 12.14.21 | Las Vegas Raiders | NFL

Quarterback Derek Carr, defensive end Malcolm Koonce and defensive tackle Quinton Jefferson address the media from Intermountain Performance Center.

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Don’t know how the last few games will go, but what I do know is they gotta bring in a coaching staff who will get this team to snap out of it. It’s been 20 years for goodness sake, and during that timeframe I’ve been so sick and tired of seeing other teams improve, make playoff runs, and win a SB or two while this poor excuse for an organization has stayed the same.


    @yougotmike won’t matter the Raiders are the worst team in the league by a mile

    mid-90’s _ to _ early 2000’s ViBEZ

    @OffspringFan I know you’re being sarcastic…
    The freaking Jets, jaguars, and Lions, are *wayy* worse…

    Rodney Jackson

    @mid-90’s _ to _ early 2000’s ViBEZ I think the Jets and Lions are playing with more heart than the Raiders, Jags are in worst shape than us

Amar Badami

I don’t get the feeling that DC nor the coaches are in a position to put their finger on the problem of inconsistencies. Till they do that I don’t see any improvement in their game. This is one of the best teams the Raiders have fielded in the past decade . Yet their performance is substandard.


    If you look back at the first 5 games vs the last 8, the offensive time of possession, 3rd down conversion rate on BOTH sides of the ball, the red zone percentage on both sides & the turnover ratio have ALL gotten worse since game 5.. Coincidence? It could be, but I don’t think so..

    Gruden ran everything on this team for 4 years, until suddenly he didn’t.. They won the 1st 2 games after Gruden left, but still had Ruggs at that point.. The team is 3-5 without Gruden, 1-5 without Gruden AND Ruggs.. That is not a coincidence!

Peaceful Relaxation

I would be afraid to play the lion’s at this point.

    jay fairman

    Even the jags

    David Venesky

    After the last game, I am convinced that we are playing the worst football in the league.

    mid-90’s _ to _ early 2000’s ViBEZ

    We don’t play the *Lions* this year, though, *nor* the jags, nor jets, soooo…

    Peaceful Relaxation

    @mid-90’s _ to _ early 2000’s ViBEZ ummmm yea so this was an example of how bad we are and saying that right now I would be afraid of playing the worst team in the NFL I know we don’t play them…but now that I have spelled it out for you to understand we can move on to the next topic.

    mid-90’s _ to _ early 2000’s ViBEZ

    @Peaceful Relaxation *JFC…..!!!* You didn’t have to be so sarcastic, sorry, I didn’t get it at first…I understand what you’re sayin’….

Amar Badami

I watched the Rams Cardinals game last night. It was a treat to watch. Neither team gave in till the last second. They fought back and they put their heart andsoul into each play. They didn’t get discouraged when the other team scored. They fought like everything was on the line. Unlike the Raiders who lost their will to win after Jacob’s fumble. I feel the team needs a psychological overhaul.

    Got Any Wet Figs and Games ?

    2022 carr postgame , “its on me” via starter for Houston texans

    Noel Melchor

    @Dino Ruiz how’s the opposing pass rush an excuse Im literally watching the same game as you the other team are professionals too just that much better.

    Dino Ruiz

    @Noel Melchor Your excuses for Carr do not stop man LOL I wouldn’t wanna block for him either if i were a Raider Linemen, hopefully they aided in his release. 8 years of losing is enough to know he ain’t that man, what do you want 9,10,11,12 more years? your a slow learner dude and I’m glad you ain’t the owner to hand him over another contract smh

    Noel Melchor

    @Dino Ruiz no the fact that I Can see he’s definitely not the issue when they’ve won who was the reason ? The quarterback that threw 300+ yards right and good thing you ain’t a player you’re just a keyboard warrior who’s never played a down of the game

    Dino Ruiz

    @Noel Melchor Trollin man i swear lol and so big deal when your beloved QB throws 300+ yards they win this year so? now your blaming the oc or coach? what about all the times Bonehead Carr has fumbled to lose games against the cowboys throwing the ball by the goal line into the endzone. Your one not to count his million fumbles, seemed like he had at least four when they played the Falcons last year and there has been many other times throughout his career when he threw game sealing interceptions when the Raiders just had to cruise down the field to win a game. Lmk Carr’s win loss record again? I can’t keep track of his losses anymore. Haha Keyboard warrior lol how original and insulting.😁 I should take your advice since you played at least a down of football in the league huh 😂

Noah Smith

20 years of sorrow and counting. I’m so tired of always being the losers. I’m so tired of the excuses. There’s no mystique of the Raiders left anymore, just a sad husk of a once great organization. Coolest logo in the league, that’s about all we got going for ourselves.

    DogSlobber Gardens

    @MrNatedunkin I can very happily smoke drink grill and chill with the family without watching horrible performances by a team that really should be a lot better. In fact Sundays are now much more fun if you just skip the game entirely, because all that’s going to do is piss you off. The motto is “Just Win Baby,” not “yeah whatever who cares if they win.”

    Brian Watts

    Couldn’t have said it better myself! 👏

    Noah Smith

    @DogSlobber Gardens Exactly. Cheers, man.


    @DogSlobber Gardens just win baby. Don’t worry about your team I make sure at the end of the day I’m winning

    DogSlobber Gardens

    @MrNatedunkin Neato, you don’t even really care about football at all, you might as well be watching professional cornhole. That’s nice, have fun. Thanks so much for your incredibly valuable input.

4realztho Bro

Interview starts at 9:00

Omc 559

Our team is going downhill and if they actually end up getting rid of Carr be prepared to be drafting in the top 5 for a while ..going into complete rebuild mode something they been doing since 2002


    @falloutgam3r101 if we don’t do this now we will be right back in this same situation next yr…this is 3 yrs in a row now we just fell yr is carrs last yr on contract and he hasn’t signed an extension…there is no way he will play next yr without a new contract..If they do that that are BRAIN DEAD… Let Marriott play now…


    @falloutgam3r101 marriotta was a heisman trophy winner drafted in the 1st round…i dont believe for a second the coaching staff dont trust him…its all about sticking with carr. gruden was brought in to FIX HIM !! remember that ?? he is the most inconsistent STARTING QB in the league..


    @raidman75 Again you’re just speaking in hypotheticals. “You don’t believe that the coaching staff doesn’t trust Mariota”, yet why haven’t they put him in a single play other than that of a run play? Is Carr qb, and head coach and offensive coordinator? The fact that Mariota hasn’t even been given the chance just proves my point that the coaching is the problem. No creativity in plays and heavy reliance on short passes and forcing the run. Gruden and Bissacia’s mantra is literally “taking any points they can and not taking big risks to live for another down”. You look at the Chiefs, nothing is that impressive about Mahomes this season. Watch their game against the Chargers right now and you’d see that their main plays are 5 yd screen passes, play action and a creative run game. Deep passes only happen late in the game when the opposing defense is exhausted, yet they have Tyreek Hill. Not to mention the resurgence in their defense. Mahomes is the check down king for most of his games, yet the Chiefs are having a lot of success. You’ve just proved my point that Carr isn’t the biggest concern and that the coaching staff is, because of the fact that Mariota, alongside many other players, haven’t been given much opportunities.


    @falloutgam3r101 because rich said he doesn’t want to take 4 off the field….well then the raiders will continue to fold up just like Carr folds up in the pocket….it’s Carr..did u watch mahomes and Herbert last night what mobility and play action does to opening up the running game and the passing Lanes and guys just free willing to get open ?? That’s what Marcus would bring…last yr THIS EXACT DEBATE was going on and we all wanted to see Marcus and Carr got hurt vs the chargers and Marcus nearly willed us to the win alone…and Carr did everything he could the following week playing hurt to keep Marcus off the field..I would never wish any bad on anyone but Carr needs to sit…we all need to know if we’re all right and I would bet we are..


    @falloutgam3r101 i watched the game last nite…i cant believe you say mahomes lives on screen plays… your clearly not seeing straight..

Brandon Scott

Everyone needs to show up at practice and put in 💯 everyday and on game day come on guys get your stuff together

    Calvin Spencer

    Now that is the real truth behind it all.


I hope my team can get it together one day but I’m done watching the games this szn. They tend to kinda ruin my mood on Sunday😂

    DogSlobber Gardens

    I hear you. It’s just not even fun anymore.

    mid-90’s _ to _ early 2000’s ViBEZ

    I tell myself, everytime they have a bad loss, *”I’m not gonna watch any more games.”* But, I trick myself in to thinking, *”Hmmmmm…Maybe the results will be different this time…”* and then I watch the Game again and my mood either gets ruined or it’s *a* *good* *feeling,* because they won… I don’t know, maybe I’m just crazy..maybe I’m wasting my life…
    But, I always have faith they’ll turn it around.

    DogSlobber Gardens

    @mid-90’s _ to _ early 2000’s ViBEZ well, just wait till next year. They’ll start strong again for a few weeks like always.


Jefferson is one of my favorite interior guys right now



Givingmy Alltolife

You nailed it DC.. Greg Olson thinks that the same thing will work week in an week out. Sorry man… I know you love him but that doesn’t work. Changing up every week keeps your opponents kinda on their heels

    Ryan Elek

    yet DC doesnt have the courage to question him, or change it up. Dude is a soft yes man

Givingmy Alltolife

Continue to bring this attitude Mr Malcolm Koonce. Stay humble and less cocky

Givingmy Alltolife

Hopefully your teammates are listening to you Quinton.. because we better not see no effort like we did last week. Keep fighting, be more disciplined in your game

Jon Mobile

The rookie’s comment after Sunday’s game which basically said not everybody is putting forth maximum effort some people are going through the motions and that’s what’s been showing on the field

Anthony Benedetti

I would love to see this team come to life and win the last 4. Damn that would be sweet! If not I’ll just be glad this BS season is over and a new HC is coming in. RN4L

    Calvin Spencer

    I agree, with you and I’m proud to be a fan for forty years and I’m not happy right now.

    Anthony Benedetti


Mountain Biker

When you can’t beat the bears, Washington team, bengals and giants something is definitely wrong

    jay fairman

    Bengals are actually a good team I ain’t gon lie

    David Venesky

    Well, Cincinnati is decent.

Kenneth Bryant

These guys are RAIDERS in name only, since 1968 I’ve never ever seen that type of effort and play from my team! Jacobs called out players saying that he has never been a part of losing, but he was the first one to falter, giving up the ball barely even getting hit! We made a terrible mistake in choosing the special teams coach to lead, he has no idea how to do anything resembling leadership and heart. There’s weaknesses all over the place but the biggest problem is the o-line! If you control the line of scrimmage then you will win 9 out of 10 times, you can run and have time to throw. Same thing on defense, dominate and win! Our center can’t block Mary Poppins! We’re pitiful, the absolute worst that I’ve ever seen. This hurts. RN4L!

    Ryan Elek

    well said Sir. Imagine watching this slop they give us on the feild in the 70s or 80s? Last week was pathetic

    Rodney Jackson

    @Ryan Elek I feel y’all pain and agree 100%, been a Raider fan since ‘70, that’s 51 years and I would like to see us become relevant before I leave here

silver black

Diablo and koonce look promising …..could be a good draft haul , with Hobbs and Moehrig .

David Venesky

This is a real treat. A press conference before we lose! Lol!

Cory Rickard

He don’t look so happy. Wonder if he’s starting to feel the pressure. I like Carr. But part of me wants him to move on so he can win a super bowl. He’s plenty good. He just hasn’t had a fair shake at all. Look at how many coaches he’s been through. Once gruden left I feel he lost his heart.

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