Derek Carr and Davante Adams Presser – 11.16.22 | Raiders | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Angel Huerta

It will take a miracle to make the playoffs this year, hopefully they at leat keep getting better and dominate next year.

    Robert Martinez III

    @Angel Huerta exactly. If anything will draft the QB to be in Derek’s ear if we start of 0-2, 0-3 again here comes the new kid. There going to give Derek one more year hopefully w a better defense and probably no Josh jacobs


    @Gregory Phillips what does carr do so special that a rookie cant come in and do ?

    Patrick L

    @ToneLocOfficial experience and football IQ?


    @Patrick L but carr still makes rookie mistakes?


    @Patrick L so what good is that experience? And carr actually has one of the lowest iqs in the league. At least as far as those tests they take during the draft process goes.

Nathan Walsh

Derek and Matthew Stafford pretty much had the same record until Matthew Stafford went to a team that loved him embraced them and put a defense around him.

    Golden King

    @Bill Lozier You said that as long as Mahomes is in our division we can’t be the best which is why I said that’s nonsense since all we need is an elite QB like Allen and we are beating the Chiefs and on top of the division for years to come since we are loaded with better weapons then the Chiefs and most teams in the NFL so regulate your thoughts casual fanboy! 💯

    Danny Sanchez

    No one has had it worse than Derek Carr! No defense better than 20th rank. Best receiver Crab. And now Adams. Stafford has had top 10 defenses with the Lions, his best receiver was Megatron. Than he goes to LA and he gets too 10 D along with Kupp on O.

    Bill Lozier

    @Golden King I actually hope your right.

    Golden King

    @Danny Sanchez What you mean clown! Con man Carr has been given more chances them anybody in the league and has been pampered by the Raiders for 9 years! 9 years of catering to that spoiled cry baby and all for what? Excuses! Miss me with that nonsense! 🤡

    Golden King

    @Bill Lozier I’ve been right about con man Carr and everything else Raiders related since before the 2017 season ended! 💯

Jerry Tolley

DC4, DA17, Madd Maxx, and McDaniels all gonna be here next year. Then we gonna dominate the league.

    Chantel Trujillo

    PLEASE LORD 😭🙏🏽🏴‍☠️

    Jerry Tolley

    @Chantel Trujillo from what I’ve been told we are going after Will Anderson in the 1st rd of the Draft. And try to make a dominant defense. Offense is already there.


    @Jerry Tolley Fact unlike these 🤡 that don’t agree lol

    East Bay Original Raider

    @Chantel Trujillo lmfao. Lord? Bahahaha. Grow up

    East Bay Original Raider

    @27RAIDERMAN Karen. Go cry in a corner and juggle Carr’s sack


I just want a top 20 defense for once 😭 its been 9 yrs bro is it really that too much to ask for

    Golden King

    @MulliganzWrld 2017 was nothing special casual fanboy and last season we made it to the playoffs with no head coach, no defense, no number one receiver and no O line so stop making excuses! What we need is to finally get rid of con man Carr and I thank coach McDaniels for finally doing that! 💯

    Brian P

    @Golden King You forgot con man Carr on the playoff list last season.


    @Golden King I never said we did anything in 2017. The reason we didn’t is because Mark let some people go on the staff. I’m fine with getting rid of DC if we upgraded at QB. ie Brady or Rogers or Lamar etc. Your football iq is low af if you think us getting a rookie QB with this horrific defense will fix anything. We’d only regress

    Golden King

    @Brian P How many playoff games has con man Carr won in 9 years? Exactly! 😆😆😆😆😆

    Golden King

    @MulliganzWrld Go make Carr excuses somewhere else! 🤡

Anderson Martinez

Mark Davis fired two head coaches that took us to the playoffs Del Rio and Bassachia. He needs to respect the process.

    Golden King

    He fired them because the casual Carr groupies being the keyboard warriors and trolls that they are went on line and blamed them for Carr’s failure like they do every year! 💯


    Covid took us to the playoffs last year, and Bill Musgrave took us in 16 , DelRio was narcissist trash.

    Ant Conn

    Just like I posted above dude, lil Marky needs to QUIT MAKING DECISIONSSSS!!!! Dude don’t know chit about football!!! Why don’t people notice that issue’s start at the top!!!🤷 If you look at his horrible decisions from day one, . . HE SHOULD BE FIRED!!! People are so blind to the OBVIOUS, chits pathetic. .

    Golden King

    @Ant Conn Mark Davis has made some terrible decisions like keeping con man Carr for 9 years! 💯


    @Ant Conn lol you sure are funny.


Carr has blown away all the Raider greats stats…Stabler, Plunkett and Gannon! It’s not even close! All those other QBs had excellent Olines, wide receivers and defenses to back them up. Carr hasn’t had any of those to help him and yet he put up better stats! 50 year fan here and I’ve seen 31 QBs come through our organization….the QB carousel is disheartening. QB is not our problem at all! Get a respectable Oline and a dominant defense and I thoroughly believe Carr can take us all the way!

    Brian P

    @Jorge Rodriguez you proved Carr is not the problem with your reply. “But no play offs wins or a superbowl. Those personal acolytes don’t mean $#@!” Playyoffs. wins, and superbowl are a team stats. Carr’s personal stats just show he is not the reason this team can’t win anything.

    Brian P

    @StarPowerFitness Maholmes and Brady are both a lot better QB’s than Carr and they both play on teams with at least a decent D. The raiders are consistently bottom 5 in the league except 2016 when they went to the playoffs with 20th ranked D

    Jorge Rodriguez

    @Brian P he has those stats cause we stop running the ball prior teams that we had depended on the running game n we use to play football not flag football like now. He panics can not create plays he either fumbles or throws interceptions or gets sacked . He can’t handle the pressure he is not worth the 25 million a year he gets . Stop making excuses for him he is over rated n over payed

    Brian P

    @Jorge Rodriguez actually he is making just under 20 this year. Go back and watch the chiefs BUCS sb and see how well the great makes played under pressure. No excuses, you can’t blame a crappy team on 1 player. That would be like blaming Crosby for not getting enough sacks or ff, Or Jacobs for not averaging more yards per carry. It’s a team sport and takes the whole team to win or lose

    Jorge Rodriguez

    @Brian P he chokes all the time go back n look all his games towards the end he panics under pressure so what if the pocket collapses he is a professional or only he can make completions under the most perfect situations.. I don’t see Mahomes panicking when his pocket collapses he takes off n makes plays carr just waits for to be sacked or he fumbles. And if you can’t blame only one player then why only give him credit for the win. He just sucks n don’t want 2 admit it . Over payed n over rated n 20 million still 2 much for him Mariota has same numbers n has his team at .50 percent n had the same circumstances as carr . All hype like the 2nd coming.


Love my Raiders but these guy’s are making too much money just to give us excuses. We need production. Carr needs to get 1st downs with his legs and after that many years he should have better foot work. GO RAIDERS 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

David Leyva

Well someone ask Derek why he says “you know” so much?!


    Someone also needs to ask Maxx why he keeps saying, “At the end of the day…..”

    Golden King

    @juicev25 💯 😆😆😆

    Dennis G.

    McDaniels says the same.

Monico Ramirez

Imagine if Carr had a set of nuts like Aaron Rodgers and put McDaniels in his place

    Andrew Butterfield

    He cant because he’s just as bad. They both need to go. Carr’s had nine years!

    Jerry Sweany

    Or if Carr fidnt panick in the pocket. Or if he didnt throw into triple coverage. Or if he had the ability to look guys off. Or if he could have a vision to escape the pocket and use his legs.

    Monico Ramirez

    @Jerry Sweany very true but you got to admit, most of the time the situational play calling is terrible

raider nation full moon records

The crazy part is if we win out we probably make the playoffs………the war starts this Sunday against the donkeys!!!!!!!!!!!A MUST WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!.one game at a time


If they beat the chargers, Kansas and Broncos would be good

Daddy and Bella

Raider Nation knows we should have kept Chuckie… we went from having less talent last year and making the playoffs to having more talent and eating 💩. As a Raider fan since the 80s, we’ve been eating 💩 sandwiches for far too long. We need to improve our defense and O-line.


Devante Adam’s has made an excellent point to end his press conference!!!! High football IQ! Keep your head up Raider Nation!! Players, coaches, fans and families surrounding us all! 🫡

Leo Leo

Good years Gruden’s first time around then got screwed twice NE “Snow Job” & Ravens Saragusa “Belly Flop”. Then Al shipped Gruden off cuz fans loved him too much. After 20 plus years of real crappy football Gruden came back & was slowly getting team back to relevancy it felt good. Now Marc wants me to wait. I hope he’s right about these new guys cuz I’m real tired at my team and us fans getting laughed at

Tyler Marks

They lost alot of players over the years I think Carr seems like a humble leader but lacks talent to win and Adams is thinking about going back to Green Bay

    Brian P

    yeah because Green Bay is doing so good this year.

Yumi Tokushige

I believe Davante Adams can do more so the Raiders can score more to win…. 😮I guess.

Jerry Sweany

The coaches have put the Raiders in a position to win most of the games they have lost. Players must execute and not make stupid mistakes and miss tackles.

Vance Leon

Is anyone else experiencing audio sync issues? Can’t hear Carr until half way into Davante’s talk

    Ron Boust

    Same here

Erick Bravo

Our playoff games starts this Sunday unfortunately


15:25 !! Haha, the Raiders have had Carr accidents for 6 years straight.

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