Denzel Ward: “I feel like we can be special.” | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Anthony Miller

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The Browns


Alex Yealu


Mike Muffler

Great job Cleveland media for not adding difficulty to the lives of our players with stupid, negative questions. That’s a big W for you.


    Robert Janko

    still MKC blabla… ;o) Greets from germany

erick smith

You are more likely to die in a car accident the this virus…. yet we live your life’s without fear about the cars… wake up.. this shut down is all about the election

    Lukas Tiefenbacher

    thats why we have to use seat belts in cars.
    Nobody protests about seat belts. But when it comes to masks its the end of the world.. just why..

Joe Onemanteam

Team is getting better and so many so many aspects of the game you can only get better at I like to do a lot of things funny where I can help out is always great when I work on a jobsite. This division is going to be nice 1bal,pit,clev,cin, 1dal,phi,was,was,1hou,tenn,indy,jac,1sea,sf,larams,ari1,no,bucs,1GB,chi,min,det unless Foles plays like a champ again and shows out like in phiwill see tho. This player is a good play maker CB. This life is good for me I’m happy for everyone I know I hope there doing good and glad everyone is staying busy πŸ‘

Dan 1031

That first question from Mary Kay has to be the most irrelevant question ever

Dan 1031

The Warden

Not the Halo 5 one

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