Defensive Reaction: We’re Still A Good Team | Dallas Cowboys 2019 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Defensive Reaction: We’re Still A Good Team | Dallas Cowboys 2019

"Keep rolling. Gotta build on it now."

Watch as members of the DallasCowboys defensive group share their thoughts on defeating the Rams. LARvsDAL

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Nicolas Garcia

Finally took a shot out of the my Cowboys cup.. every win one more shot come on Dallas let’s win the East next week. #DC4L #RepeatChamps

Sunshine B

Love you Jaylon 💙


Jaylon a leader love his answers


Who’s the white girl always in the background tho? 👀


    Kevin’s Durant’s Burner lmao thanks brozay. She does seems a lil off 😂

    Dead Lion

    Kevin’s Durant’s Burner I’m just glad she didn’t kill herself 😏

    Peter Serrano

    A groupie?

    Ernesto james

    iLLmaticV3 Caitlyn Jenner

    The Stranger at Night

    Hahaha boyyy if you don’t stop!

King Amen-Tut-Ankh

We’re still a good team we just only showed you that against the rams and eagles smh

last jedi

Lee and witten both played awesome lees int and wittens one handed catch was the best….glad to see the cowboys give the rams some payback…..i hope to see them dig in and take it to the eagles and skins finish the season strong and get into playoffs…..they make it into the playoffs anything can happen the giants done it i dont see why the cowboys cant …especially if they play like they did today.

    John Pierce


    Mystery Man

    Yes Sir” Facts…Agree!

    Tyler Main

    I’m with u but whoever wins NFC will most likely play ravens. Our team has ALOT of trouble with rushing QBs

    last jedi

    @Tyler Main yes i agree the ravens are something else this season there alot of running qbs but the ravens have built that whole offensive style of play they do with jackson and its really hard to defend it.

Snoop Brown

Stay humble & stay on the gas until we in the the Superbowl…

Mystery Man

The Intensity was a huge impact on this game…you guys build up confidence and strength. Cowboys called it and did bring the INTENSITY to the game. The energy level was high and Cowboys came ready. Good WIN Boys”

Slippin’ Jimmy

I will admit you defensive guys showed up today. The tackling definitely improved. Michael Bennett aka Mr. Offsides needs to stop with those costly penalties

    Kenneth Harrison

    yes he cost us a takeaway

Peter Serrano

All I know this was a good win but its only a win. Can they do it next week and the next week and for three more weeks on top of this. The difference was no stupid penalties, they got the run game going and stuck with it and most of all we played solid defense. Oh and didn’t miss any field goals or extra points. My team didn’t shoot themselves in the foot today. Amen. May I also add instead of going into a zone prevent defense when it was 3rd and long they put pressure on the Q.B. this time with blitzing. I have been screaming at the T.V. all season long for them to do this. And hats off to General Saun Lee, he was on point and kept our defense on the point. He made so many plays today and set the tone for our defense to stay focused. We need this man out there most of the time. He is a General and a warrior. Thanks, Saun for your play today.

    Rodon Howard

    Peter Serrano Sooo right about blitzing, and the penalties!!!!! A.Woods also helped set the tempo on D. and the secondary actually covered for once!!! Let the General run his D!!!!!!

    Grayson Pitts

    Peter Serrano Michael Bennett makes stupid penalties every game

Eddie V

That’s right.

Fulfill your must do media requirements(no more, no less).

Focus on the next game not the nonsense.


They ask dumbazz questions

PortcityCowboy 85

I thought I didn’t see the D-line stunting this game….. I’m glad the the coaches finally figured out stunting is the reason teams was gashing us with there run game great job by the coaches adjustments for the game.

Pete Urbann

All I want for Christmas…Cowboy’s kicking the sh*t out of the Eagles at the Link.

Steven Pringle

Because of rhis player ALL of rhe coaches deserve to be FIRED. LEWIS tells you that the coaches don’t know JACK. Even I saw that he was the best DB on the team since he was a rookie. The only DB that makes a play on the ball. The rest make plays on the receiver after they catch the ball.

Kirk Mo

Lawrence can feed the whole organization with the intensity he brings too the table.

Nader Itayem

My man Jaylon Smith is always smiling in interviews after a loss but after a huge win his face is straight as hell lol. That’s good tho, stay humble.

ILL eagle Alien

If they can continue to Keep it up like that!! They’ll be hard to beat,!!

Cathy Leatherman

Nice to see how Sean Lee drives the defense … we certainly saw this in this game


Keep fighting and earn that D back in your name!!

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