Defensive Coordinator Todd Wash Meets with the Media During Week 2 of the NFL Season – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Eli Carlson


Kayla Santos

I’m single 😥😥😥😥😥


    When TF did I ask


He actually called a decent game on Sunday, color me shocked


    @Gee Mo I’m not sure how im being childish. You offered up your opinion and I gave mine. I personally think he’s been lack luster and not very good. It’s surprising he’s still here because a lot of people felt (myself included) that everyone from the Gus Bradley era should have been let go

    Gee Mo

    @Caity It was the fact that you clearly tried to diminish him and his job as DC by saying if you have talented players that means the job is easy and any coach can do the same exact thing. That my friend is being childish by discrediting the job of all DCs across the country.

    Gee Mo

    @Caity And the fact that everyone didn’t get fired when Gus did was the best decision Shad made because we we went to the playoffs immediately after. So your friends that wanted Dave fired were wrong they just hate to admit it that’s why they have been attacking him all offseason about a team they haven’t seen play a game yet. Now they all look stupid and not criticizing anymore but still throwing shade. It’s ok though the reason why he still here is because they know what I told you already.

    Austin claw

    The last 4 games, including the last three games of last season, we’ve allowed a total of 10 points in the second half. Hopefully wash has turned the corner.

    Austin claw

    Robert Rooney maybe we will. C.J. Is off to a great start

Bryan b

It took our defense about a quarter or two to improve tackling. The lack of preseason games was probably a factor. Overall the defense did good.

    Austin claw

    I agree. Our rookies looked amazing as well. Sling blade made some solid adjustments in the second half AGAIN!!

Diego Mayo

Love how fellow jaguar fans was pleading for Todd to get fired even after the defense put carried the team to victory last Sunday. I think you guys are watching too much UCF jaguar and not enough of the actually Jaguar game. Less than 250 yards of total offense wasn’t the reason we scored 3 TDs, I’m not being hard on the offense because they were efficient enough to get us a win but I have to give credit where credit is do. In my opinion the game ball goes to Todd’s defense as a group. Great adjustments at halftime only gave up 3 points in the 2nd half and I’m glad to see more man to man overall great play calling after the colts first 3 possessions.

    Austin claw

    Lately, wash has improved his coaching. Mostly the second half. Our defense in the last 5 games, 4 of them in last season of course excluding the chargers, gave up a total of 16 points. In 5 out of the last 6 second half games. That’s coaching right there. Now if his defense can start better, we’ll be an excellent team

    Diego Mayo

    @Austin claw I totally agree with you but 93% of our fan base have the football iq of the average kid playing Pop Warner. I’m truly beginning to think that they don’t even watch the full game.

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