Defensive Coordinator Aaron Glenn speaks to the media on December 29 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Detroit flex

Let’s go lions

April Pauldo

Go Lions!!!

Bryan Smith

Run Defense completely failed. Really curious what happened, lack of motivation? Bad chemistry? No way you can have that drastic of a dropoff

    Gabe Herrera


    Scott Smith

    Bad coaching….can’t make quick enough adjustments, and too stubborn to change the type of defense required to that style of play. Within 2 plays, they should’ve immediately went to a 3-4 defense but did NOT!

    Paul Calvin



    Young guys. Day early game. Cold outside.. they are still living breathing humans it’s hard to play this game week in week out

Tim Stort

Need a big bounce back game Sunday, defense needs to lead the charge and BRING THE PAIN, GO LIONS

Scott Smith

Sooooo, basically your saying, that if we met the Panthers again, we wouldn’t do anything else different?
Hmmmm, that’s a recipe for disaster!

Old BK

I didn’t realize how many people don’t understand so many things about defense – this presser cleared it up. Then again, none of those people were running the Lions D when they let the Panthers set franchise records for rushing yards and total yards.

    Sean Pratt

    A 10 year old playing Madden couldn’t do any worse.

Charles Papineau

I really hope the defense responds. I just love the way AG presents himself and his philosophy on how to work with players. Go Lions!

Rocky Bass

We know AG can…. Get the D on track, no adjustments at the 1/2 not good. He has my support thru this season. I have no doubt DC is compelled to evaluate the coaching staff, after the season. Getting ride of a secondary coach mid season is one thing, to dump a coordinator is another. We know DC will do it, he did it last year. The D stumbled, get it back together and move forward.

Silent Service

AG is not the answer I thought he was but he doesn’t take responsibility for his lack of adjustments during a game.

    Mark Rodela

    I don’t know about that. Considering it didn’t seem like they were making ANY adjustments the last few years, the adjustments this year have been noticeable and have mostly worked the last half of the season. It’s obvious they just don’t have all the right pieces yet. Glenn may not be the guy but changing coaches every few years has never worked for the Lions and it won’t work now.

Erik Ledezma

I’ve come to realize that AG is all talk. What he says sounds good and is great, but the inconsistency in this defense is not worthy of him keeping his job.

    Justin Dooley

    Well he can’t play as a coach so talking is about the only tool he has.


    So the inconsistencies of this one game just erased the last 6-7 weeks of growth and stopping the run? Ok, so it never happened at averaging a total of under 20pts allowed each weekend? Gotcha

Nancy Lopez

The defense needs attention in this next draft…

    Deshawn Knott

    You think

    Nancy Lopez

    @Deshawn Knott 😉

Carson Claws

This team plays completely different at home vs on the road

Eric Harrison

After that first big run by Carolina Arron Glenn should have adjusted the scheme but he didn’t. One way to lose a locker room is when you stand at the podium and throw your defense under the bus when your not even taking any blame for “YOUR” defensive scheme “”YOU” have them run.

Sean Pratt

So we gave up 320 yards rushing and didn’t make any adjustments. Yet he wouldn’t do anything different!? wtf

J.K. Hinneburg

People acting like it’s his fault. SMH Those guys played like crap, and didn’t want to tackle. He’s done really well for the roster we have.

Michael Banks

I hope and pray we make the playoffs and win the Superbowl due to there is no guarantee that Glenn DC and Johnson OC will be back next year! I Believe in this coaching staff. I hope and pray Glenn DC and Johnson OC come back next year I just want to see a complete season with our coaches to see how good we will truly be! Boot Up!🦁🏉🐐💯🔥💪


I don’t think AG could be fired without Dan being fired himself , hes already fire 2 people if it’s 3 then he’s on the hot seat

David Deighton

The fact we did not move from 4-2-5 shell defense is INSANE.


    I agree they should have made adjustments, but watching the game and seeing who was active, I don’t think they had the personnel available to move out of nickel. The players knowing this, needed to be more gap sound and they weren’t. The front 6 got manhandled. I blame AG for scheme, but the players gave a crap effort, especially knowing what’s on the line.

King Sethos

I couldn’t imagine a bunch of reporters coming to my job and asking probing questions about what I am doing. I have been in management long enough to know that not everyone puts in 100% each and every hour.

Ronnel Turner

I don’t think he is telling us no information abt his next game plan I like it

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