Defensive Backs Steal the Show on Day 5 | 2 Minute Drill – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Kevin Caldwell

Shocker djoku can’t hold onto the ball. I’m glad that trade request of his worked out for him

    J Foster

    It was overthrown idiot

    Raymond Mosby

    He has to learn to catch the ball with his hands and not his body

    Hugh G. Fallacy

    @J Foster Most of the balls thrown to OBJ are overthrown, whats your point?

Driveway Reflections Detail

Stay healthy!

Jack Benton

I truly believe that when the NFL Network (or whoever does it) has one of those “retrospective” look backs to this year’s draft at the end of this season, both Harrison Bryant AND Peoples-Jones are going to be high on the list of league-wide “draft steals”. I think Bryant in particular could possibly be a Pro Bowl-level Tight End in the future…maybe even better than that. I’m not as confident that Peoples-Jones will be quite THAT good, but I still think he’ll be a great WR in the NFL.

I’m literally knocking on wood as I type this, but I hope we have FINALLY found a TRULY GREAT General Manager in Andrew Berry. NFL teams get, and remain, successful by having exceptional drafts year after year. With the salary cap in place, teams can’t keep every single elite player they draft or trade for, so in order to have a constantly elite team, drafting elite players who will spend five years on bargain contracts is the ONLY way to be a perennial contender. I truly believe that Berry’s first draft was a great one and if he can carry that elite drafting ability from year to year, this team could FINALLY become a perennial Super Bowl contender instead of a perennial laughing stock.

    Hobo Bob

    I agree!

Anthony Atkinson

Hey Browns don’t kneel

    #WeWantASeason !

    Shut up


    You already know they’re going to. If it bothers you go do something else

    Hugh G. Fallacy

    hey Anthony dont fucking worry about it… its not for you to decide, if you dont like it, dont turn the game on until kickoff.. its just that damn simple..

Wali Ahmad

I wonder how long it’s going to take Harrison Bryant before he take David ‘s starting spot as the 2nd tight end.


    he’s not tied to this regime should be soon

    Wali Ahmad

    @djidog3000 yea that sounds about right

    Hobo Bob

    I’d say before kickoff.


We may need to face our defense is just better than the offense


    I think the offense just needs time to move in to the new playbook. They didn’t have OTAs to clean up the mistakes they’re making right now

    Hugh G. Fallacy

    Our defense isnt that good to begin with, we have no LBers and our Safeties are adequate at best.. 1 cover CB, and a bunch of fill in DBs.. I havnt seen anything from Greedy to lead me to believe he will be anything close to Ward..

Zach Allen

How many INTs has baker thrown so far? So far not promising

    Hugh G. Fallacy

    I know, it doesnt bode well if this is just practice, because the Browns secondary isnt all world..

    Dan 1031

    Zach Allen like 2

    Joseph R

    He has a lot of of turnover worthy throws. Assholes are def getting tight in cleveland. I think he’s gonna get benched for keenum by 3rd or 4th game.

Hugh G. Fallacy

There is no point even bothering to play the season if all of our best guys end up on the IR.. I mean what in the bleep? Each day done = 1 more injury to a key player.. Its getting ridiculous..

Mel Bea

Is Njoku being traded?

Folks Nem

odell and jarvis aint no one better to learn from dpj gonna be a beast

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