DC Jeff Ulbrich Press Conference | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Brian Duff

Wish jets wouldn’t talk so much. Take advice from belichick and don’t say much. Talk about what you like,teams attack it. Talk about where you want to improve,teams attack that. These press conferences are designed to pull information. Don’t give it to them. Other teams are watching. Hurt, I don’t know,I’m not a doctor, we’ll see. Jets talk to much. Wish they would just say less.

    Jus Silver

    Fans think this matters way way more than it actually does lol they are fine

    Adam Barran

    he’s not revealing anything that can’t already be identified on film

G Pat

It is NOT Greg, it is Jeff! Who is posting this? 😅

Adam Barran

dawg it’s jeff. 😭😭😭

Tommy Tee

Where can I get that hoodie?

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