DC Jeff Ulbrich Press Conference (11/11) | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Yo i want these black and grey sweaters they have like were do I get them???? Looked on Fanatics, NFL Shop, Jets Shop cant find it anyone know where?

    Dye Empire

    It’s in-house gear only

Lindles J

He needs to coach tougher sloppy undisaplined defense

Isaac Santana

We’re defense wide 9 players at wide 9 don’t work if u do have wide9 defense system player who we get off-season for wide 9 make video on that

Isaac Santana

Draft Evan Neal first

B Bulldog daddy

Neal-Bama, Davis-UGA

Scott Wilson

Anyone catch the comment he made when asked by Connor, any moments you watch mIke White you are like wow that’s different. Upbrich responded with no but Zach I get those moments every other play

john Kiefer

I appreciate how DC communicates

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