Davontae Harris brings ‘best man wins’ approach to cornerback competition | Training Camp Tonight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Kent Borges

D. H. is gonna ROCK.

Phil Heather

Nicknames will come with success. And will be made up by the fans. You can’t make up your own nickname.

Mike Zimmerman

Good Luck Davontae, we wish you the best. You do good, we do good and we also love stand up guys and I know you are one of them. Rather have good guys than anything. We’re Broncos, we love integrity.

Ruben Herrera

Ready more than ever for this season! Was living in Germany for 12 years and never missed a game, win or lose, Broncos all day every day! D will be sick, O will put up points, and special teams will beast out!

Steph Paster

I like baus but davonte started growing last year to he gone be nice

P-Man Soa

Amukamura got released by Raiders and he hopped on a podcast and said he wouldn’t mind reuniting with Coach Vic. Are there any talks or interest in this? I think it would add depth but I’m not sure the financial side of things. What y’all think?

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