Davis Mills recaps Texans vs. Chiefs Week 15 loss in overtime | Houston Texans Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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paula smith

The Texans can hold their heads high, I think the Chiefs were surprised how had it was to beat this team. Thank you so much.


I have no idea what to make of this team

walter bonner

I thought Davis Mills has played his best the last 2 weeks and against 2 top teams . I think the improvement is due to Jeff Driskall added to the mix . It kind of gives Houston the same kind of formula that the Saints use with Dalton and Hill .I even think Driskal could be used as a receiver like Hill .

Brayden Schraub


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You fumbled again when the team needed you the most. In the words of Vince Mcmahon, “YOOUUUR FIRRRED!”

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