David Montgomery on finding NFL success | Player Profile | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Bear Down!

Letss goooo

joe perez

David’s always been good. hes top 10 in breaking tackles every year. we’ve just had the same horrible o-line for years and also bad coaching from nagy. this kid will only get better and better once the o- line is improved and nagy is fired

Brandan Morris

I’d be nice to win the game tomorrow

    Chicago 19

    @Ray Sports if you think drew lock and Mitch are good you should stop watching football probably didn’t even know who Broncos qb is

    Ray Sports

    Crazy enough our defense has cost us the games against our last 2 games we shouldn’t be giving up that many points and I think we could get a better 0-line in the offseason and then boom back to a better 2018 bears season

    Chicago 19

    @Ray Sports 2 of our qbs are bums

    Chicago 19

    @Ray Sports no we need to rebuild you don’t get it this d is trash we need trade a lot the players for draft picks and Mitch is not qb for the future at all he scored 7 points in second half and fumbled the game away and scored 10 points in packers game garbage touchdown didn’t mean anything and had 3 turnovers Mitch cost them the games too

    Chicago 19

    @Ray Sports are jets fans “fake” for wanting them to go 0-16 and get Lawrence no and neither are we smart bears fan are tired of mediocrity and need change

Michael Thomas

Fire Nagy!

    Brandan Morris

    Fire Pagano as well

    Chicago 19

    @Brandan Morris you want them to win but winning gives them better chance of staying 🤦‍♂️

    Brandan Morris

    @Chicago 19 Tru Tru lowkey i sound dumb 💀 😂

PHILosophy 1990

David…..IS…..THAT….DUDE! Hope he stays healthy and gets a decent line, so he can show his REAL worth! Its gonna be worth it! Keep COOKIN D Mo….👨🏽‍🍳


chi villa

When you have a week O Line the running back becomes weaker

mark Bilanzic

The season is NOT over. If the bears win the next four games, the probability of making the playoffs, according to Chicago Tribune is 96% they will


He keeps growing next year this team better be winning because we have allot of talent

DCS MarvinKing

They just need to build them offensive lines and he’ll be good

Mawy Wawy

This man is super underrated!!! He never quits! He’s the best player in our offense

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