Dave Toub: “He was two inches away from being a hero in the game” | Press Conference 1/13 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

šŸ¤˜šŸ˜¤šŸ¤˜ Go! Chiefs šŸ„

kc bh

They have only so many plays in a game, they have to get the most out of it.

Lord Chief

This is my issue with our special teams.. have you seen our offense? No, we donā€™t need to be aggressive on special teams. ā€œPunt Safeā€, Fair Catch on returns, no blocking field goals.. donā€™t need our special teams taking drives away from the offense when thatā€™s the entire game plan for our opponents. Too much risk.

S Briggs

Great segment! Hope the best for this coach!

Buck Joke OBiden

Dont worry about these reporters.. Keep up the aggressiveness #39 Anderson..


It looked like part of Zane hitting the kicker was the slippery field.

Todd Tollfree

Zane was too passive going for the block he had plenty of time to block it…the holding call was on coach keep your hands inside so the cheating Refs have no outs..

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