Dave Spadaro from eagles.com chats Andrew Berry on Cleveland Browns Daily – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Dave Spadaro from eagles.com chats Andrew Berry on Cleveland Browns Daily

Dave Spadaro from eagles.com hops on Cleveland Browns Daily to talk about Browns Executive VP of Football Operations and GM Andrew Berry.

Cleveland Browns Daily is hosted by Browns senior media broadcaster Nathan Zegura and Emmy award-winner Beau Bishop. It offers comprehensive coverage and analysis of the team both on and off the field, broadcast directly from the Browns’ facilities. The live stream is presented by Buffalo Wild Wings.

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The shows airs on ESPN 850 WKNR – Monday through Friday from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM and streams on clevelandbrowns.com and YouTube.com/Browns

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K Mac

It aint rocket science. You build from the LINES out. If you get a first for OBJ take it and run.


    We can probably get more than that tbh, first and third


    I think O’Dell will much better then what was seen last season. I say wait on trade thought and see if Baker plays poor, good, great. Why get rid of good pieces that can help and you know what you get in return. No trade for me build around what we got and see what the Qb does or if we need another Qb…


Berry is a joke. This team will be a joke until we get rid of the Haslams


Hey you two clowns where’s the worlds team now?

Jack Benton

I’m pretty sick of the media trying to sell me on Andrew Berry. The FACT of the matter is we lost out on the BEST candidate for the job when George Paton pulled out of the running. Paton was the best talent evaluator and he was the guy that Stefanski wanted as his GM. Instead he saw how screwed up this organization truly was and refused to work someplace where the person with all of the power is some weasel “baseball guy” who lives 3,000 miles away from Cleveland and isn’t even in the building every day. Haslam’s dumb a$$ is paying Depodesta $1,000,000+ a year to sit in his mansion in California and send Jimmy emails whenever he feels like stirring up dissent between Haslam, the GM and the head coach. You think a guy like George Paton is going to work in an environment like that? A place where ALL of his decisions have to be emailed out to California first for approval from DePodesta? People need to wake up to what is really going on here. Haslam has given DePodesta total control over this organization after the firing of John Dorsey. DePodesta picked the head coach he’s wanted for more than a year (the one guy who NO OTHER TEAM IN THE NFL even bothered to interview over the last two years), and now he picked the GM he wanted from the start of this “exhaustive search”.

Dave Rocket

Poor Nathan and Beau. Their enthusiasm during the John Dorsey reign was obvious. Dorsey wasn’t perfect, but he was better than what is going to happen next. The next draft class is going to suck, and these guys know it. They can’t say it, because of course their job is to build up hype for the Browns and sell tickets, but they know what’s ahead. There is enough of a track record on Jimmy Haslam now to know that he is a horrible, clueless, micro-managing owner who might possibly be the worst in the NFL. Too bad the NFL doesn’t have relegation like the Europeans. Then they could force him to sell to a competent owner.


    You don’t know a fucking thing.

Jared Davis

Its amazing to me how un-intelligent some of you are in this comment section. The team said they were going for ALIGNMENT and that’s what they have! They have a coach and a GM that believe in each other and are committed to working together without EGO! I don’t care if Depodesta is in the building everyday or in ANTARTICA….as long as he and Haslam are letting people coach and scout we should not have any issues. I am sick of all the negativity and complaining from fans who just want something to be mad about! Andrew Berry comes well recommended and has over a decade of knowledge…that seems to me that he can handle this position.

Now I get if you are mad at Haslem always quickly pulling the trigger as we all should be but we at least should give this a year before we start approaching this with a cloud of melancholy! Oh and please stop talking about the HASLEMS selling the team….IT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. If you don’t have money to buy the team shut up and deal. Complaining about ownership does nothing. If you don’t want to support the team than don’t.

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