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Sincere River

Wherever he, DC, ends up, I’ll root for him!!!!!


    @Oohhse Da God you are the one that needs it off since you, Golden Queen & BM will regret after we get a new QB lmao

    Golden King

    @Trevor Mannion You Carr groupies finally lost for good! Ahhhhhh! Take that Carrdashians! πŸ’― πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    young blood

    Me 2

    Clintony Cartero

    @Casper TB12dashian πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Joseph Gonzalez

    He retires if he aint a RAIDER.

Gordon Sam Hines

Much Respect To Josh Jacobs A Real Good Football Player And Thank You Derek Carr For Your Effort And Service πŸˆπŸ•Ά

    Ricardo Diaz

    Jj kept it real

    Walter Armstrong

    @Ricardo Diaz Davante too. They should’ve put Waller at the end because he sounded like a corporate stooge.


    @Walter Armstrong yeah..he’s excited to play with the new qb..geez



    Oscar Ramirez

    I smiled when he said he wanna be here..

Squintz Gaming

this locker room is tearing apart! thanks JMD smh regardless of what happens tho im still reppin and supporting any player or QB we have.. it just sucks how they tryna use DC as a scapegoat after the disfunction they put him thru for the past 9 yrs!!

    Frank Sharp

    Bro I agree the Carr haters rather lose everything than to have him at qb again. Devante Adams probably ask for a trade

    Derek Passante

    I think these guys knew that Carr has peaked and they were not ever gonna make a real run with him

    Squintz Gaming

    @Frank Sharp i wouldnt be surprised man but we shall see soon

    jay fairman

    So Josh McDaniels put him thru disfunction for 9 years ?

    Kyle DeMontmorency

    This was not JMD decision it was actually Mark Davis decision

Charles Pryor

This feels like Al Davis Letting Go Kenny Stabler but the difference is car has not won a championship but what that man put in I’ll never forget

    Matt M

    Never won a championship it has the most passing and come backs in Raider history!!!!

    channel surfer

    nobody on the Raiders acted the way these guys are acting when they traded the Snake…the greatest QB in franchise history ….they didn’t skip a beat and won the Super Bowl…I am almost disgusted with their behavior right now..they’re supposed to be professionals…they can all leave…there’s the door guys.

YD 223

I have a feeling we aren’t keeping any of these guys next year

Edutain me

In the first 13 seconds, you can actually see his love for the game die.
The Raiders need new ownership.

    Jerry Cash


    mike b

    πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚ nah

Steven Richardson

This scenario looks very similar to what McDaniels did in Denver first got rid of Jay Cutler which alienated his #1 Wr Brandon Marshall. McDaniels hasn’t learned the most important thing about being a coach. It’s about the players not your X and Os

    jay fairman

    @Artemio GutierrezΒ  Tim Tebow has a playoff win Carr don’t case closed

    Derek Luden

    @jay fairman lol

    Artemio Gutierrez

    @jay fairmanΒ  then why is he unemployed if he has a playoff win? According to you if you have a playoff win, you are considered the best qb to play? Nobody will ever remember Tebow for a playoff win, they only remember champions which is a team win, so case closed.

    Steven Richardson

    @jay fairman better talent who Kyle Orton or Tim Tebow? I think you need to rethink that comment


    @jay fairman Tim!!!?? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ lmao


Much respect to Carr if he don’t come back hope he has success elsewhere

Leo Mo

McDaniels lost the locker room in Denver and now in Vegas as well… a handful of players won’t be in silver and black regardless of contracts status or trade demands…..the whole team got upgraded but NO ONE SEEMS TO BLAME MCDANIELS.

    Matt Brown

    Well, why blame the correct people and fix the real issues when you can just blame Carr and get a free pass?


    Lots of people on Youtube and in the comments blane McDaniels. The sad thing is, it won’t matter. It’s not like Mark Davis reads youtube comments or cares about what we have to say (although the results and how the Raiders choked away so many leads this season speak for themselves).


Josh Jacobs and Max Crosby embodying the Raiders shield like they should, great young men

Schmucky the Raider Bear

Jacobs is the man. I’m gonna get his jersey even if he doesn’t come back next year.

    Arturo Banuelos



Whatever people think about Carr’s ability at QB is the man was a RAIDER. He stood at that podium after good, bad and ugly games and answered the tough questions. He NEVER blamed his teammates or coaches and ALWAYS took accountability regardless. Respect to DC4

    David Xu

    Nah I love the man but I don’t remember him once taking accountability. From the first game of the season to the steeler game, not once did he say hey my bad for throwing 3 picks I’m gonna do better.


    Yeah a true Raider. A legacy of losing…..

    HanKx Giggins

    When it’s time to sit it’s time to sit he will always be a raider

    Eternal Boss Doomsday

    He did not answer tough questions he just repeated this basically over and over:

    “Put it all on me”

    “We had a good week of practice”

    “the NFL is hard”

    “We are sooo close”

    Rinse and repeat and you Carr boys ate it up.

    Casey Wachendorf


Alex Gonzalez

I love this guy. I really hope he remains a Raider

C Dumdei

Carr was especially great during the Gruden and Ruggs issues.

    TheJedi Master

    Not really… his best effort was under JDR… under Gruden they collapsed every year.

    Matt Brown

    @TheJedi Master not what he was talking about.

    Casey Wachendorf


    C Dumdei

    I meant the way he handled the situations as a quality human being.

Eric nevarez

Feel bad Carr never had true success with the Raiders he really loved being in silver and black. Can’t help but rooting for him wherever he ends up

    Sabatooth Dash

    Carr did great in 2016 with 12-4 record. too bad he broke his leg and after that he is not the same.

Johnny Hosey

Much respect for DC, looking towards the future.

Michael f

The saddest part I think is how supposed fans attack him in a personal manner, its one thing to want to win and have passion, but this man has bled for us and carried us last year.Could at least show some respect.

Oakland Raider1982

It’s been great to have Carr as a Raider at heart! Once a Raider always a Raider! Josh Jacobs too! Davantae Adams is only gonna be here for a year but it was good to have another Tim Brown! It was fun.Good luck to all 3 of them on their new teams.We will have to thank Maxx for his service too when he requests his trade after next season when McDaniels sinks this team to a 2-3 win season.Mcdaniels will never be a Raider! He’s just another jack off.Someday Mark Davis will grow a backbone.

    Oohhse Da God

    You’re saying all this because Carr is gone? Because when Brady comes in it will be a different story!! And you know actually sent Carr to the bench and that was Mark Davis!! He is actually pissed that he paid all these contracts and Carr still couldn’t get it done!!

    Mark Foster

    Seriously, an old man who wears bangs is going to suddenly grow a pair. He has screwed the Raiders worst than Al did in his latter years.

    Matt Brown

    @Oohhse Da GodΒ  only an absolute idiot wants or thinks Brady is joining the team. He will 100% retire after this season. He hasn’t even been good this year. Why do you want a 45 year old who is showing obvious signs of an empty tank?


After everything that happened for the Raiders I believed in Carr and was just hoping for the team to brake lose and start winning at a consistent level. Carr played great under Jack Del Rio. I feel bad for Carr that he has to leave this way. Once a Raider always a Raider.


My whole life as a Raiders fan I’ve never been so disgusted. Hope Carr leaves and does great somewhere else. Done with this team.

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