Danny Trevathan talks protests, offseason | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Kaden Fieldhouse


ItsyourboySonnyJr Castaneda

Keep it up Danny

Ayden Thompson

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wanna be friends?


That comment from Akiem is deep, I’m not sure what will happen with him and the team with that mindset. I really hope that the Bears organization isn’t picking white QB’s just because. It can be a complete coincidence. Colin Kaepernick just has a lot of political baggage which can be why the Bears didn’t pick him though. I am not disagreeing with what he is representing, I always defended him and his decision on that, got into some serious arguments about it with people about the kneeling thing. But I am just trying to think as an organization of maybe why they may have passed on him. Also, maybe his play style didn’t align with our vision as well. Too many variables, I hope it’s not race at the end of the day, just trying to look down the scope deeper and try and understand potentially.

    Nidiffer Productions

    Larseus I think pace really values character and a healthy lockeroom and getting kap would have split it up so he went with the longneck who is a great guy.

Vercingetorix king of the Arverni

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Evan Device

Thanx yall. Make sure they hear everything while we hav their attention. Our nxt generation shuldnt hav 2 go thru this?

Sean CK

Facts Danny ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽

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