Daniel Jeremiah Breaks Down WR Options for Ravens | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ant Chao

Queen is gonna be our guy đź’Ż

Oui Bay

Just make sure our WR is fast. DJ’s dad is a great great man!

justice mayo

Need a wideout badly

Mackenzie Cammock

The best media department in the nfl


Tee Higgins

    Chris Injeian

    Nah wr isn’t a need. Pass rush is the biggest hole

Nesly Merat

J reagor would be nice. But I want that big body wr type guy. I think we need pass rush

king shark

Hmmm, so are we going 1 te sets now. Cause we can get all the wideouts we want. If they not playing and developing rythm week to week. It wont work.

Cant, 90% 3 te offense, then say ok lets throw the wrs in the game now we behind. The result, drop balls, bad routes, no qb confidence in throwing to them.

If we going after wideouts, we gone need to change the entire scheme a bit.

    Trey Wilson

    king shark I agreed, we gon have to change the playbook a little, more 3 receiver sets.

    Peyton Love

    king shark wouldn’t be that difficult.. lamar wants to pass more so more of a pass first scheme after adding an upgrade at wideout won’t be too much for him. ntm they want to trade Hayden hurst

    king shark

    @Trey Wilson … exactly, I was definitely peeved at some performances of wideouts , but had to really understand, they just never got the rythm and timing down as a bunch, only brown was afforded the most opportunity. Definitely should be looking different this season

    king shark

    @Peyton Love … I like hurst, seeing he came through when Andrews let us down, makes me think we better be careful. Andrews got his shine because hurst was hurt, and Lamar got comfy with Andrews.

    But athlete for athlete, hurst our fastest and more dynamic guy if given the opportunity.

    But o well.

    Trey Wilson

    king shark I actually like hurst better, he faster quicker and is better at contested catches. I feel like if he never got hurt he would’ve easily been our tight end number 1

Nate The Great

Bring another speedster

Frank Crocetti

Zac Baun might be there when we pick if Queen And Murray are gone. Lol your still getting a Big time Day 1 impact Player to add to the Defense And Man does he Crush QBs

Lion Thomas

We can score we NEED DYNAMIC pass rush to complete team….also LBS
#1 D Line
#2 LB
#3 WR

Brenda Smith

I can’t wait to see who they get….I’m ready for some Ravens football

Jon Doe

If Kenneth Murray and Patrick Queen aren’t there in the first round consider Bradlee Anae. He’s got speed off the edge and is just nasty with 13 sacks last year at Utah. Anae and Netane Muti, the Hawaiians are taking over football and its awesome.


we do need a big body receiver however having a speedy shift receiver wouldn’t hurt us at all either

    Ling Ling

    MarioPlaysMC so lavishka shenault jr

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