Dan Graziano: Everything is out in the open on this issue, and that helps start the conversation – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jeff M

Can’t even mention how there is real grey area in 99.9999 percent of these situations.

Jeff M

Mike Brown tried to kill a cop, and was shot dead.

    Duane Lumpkin

    Walking in a neighborhood street does not warrant the death penalty. I hope you’re never caught walking in the street of your neighborhood if you disagree.

    Rob Tintelnot

    @Duane LumpkinStop. The dude tried to kill a cop. Even black witnesses said the cop should have shot sooner. The media fed you a lie like they always do.

Jeff M

Tamir Rice pointed a real looking gun at the public and the police were responding to a “gunman in the park.”


wanna be friends?

Jeff M

Wypepo can’t point real looking guns at the public and the cops who show and expect thing to go alright for them.
Wypepo can’t attack an officer, try and take his gun, and be turned into a martyr.
Wypepo can’t hang themselves in prison and have the public convince themselves its police murder.

Brandon Larrabee

No not everything is out in the open. For instance if black men are targeted and hunted daily by law enforcement. What would you call what law enforcement is if you have an 18x higher chance of being killed by a black man if you are a cop.than being killed by a cop if you are a black man.. Every thing on the table would include talking about how the NFL donates exclusively to far left wing causes. And the effects that has on American citizens freedom . As you sit in a boll gates un world health organization CDC decree that you will ruin America over what we know now 100% is something with no higher death rate with them cooking the books than a regular flu.The left is the kkk Democrats slave owners segregationists lynchings filibustering the civil rights act the Clinton’s crime bill of 1994 that lead to the incarceration of more black men then at anytime since slavery. The marxist teachers public school have lead to a higher illiteracy rate than at any time since reading was illegal. The left paying black mothers to not have black fathers in the house than anytime Ever ..yes today there are less 2 parent homes than even during slavery disgusting. And abortion and planned parenthood which were on purpose put in ever black neighborhood by liberal ivy leaguers including Bill Gates daddy and Hillary’s hero Margaret Sanger which has led to 20 million black souls and votes being lost and directly led to the black population in this country being the only population in the world that is stagnant and not growing. And the black community being passed in a 20 year span now and to come by asians indians eastern Europeans and Latinos. No one cares when your money supports pedophiles, luciferians, and marxists.. the anti bullying crowd are the bullies.. and because you have the support of devil worshipers that are billionaires dont think for one second any of you will take this country over .this country of great people who with its flaws is the best on earth .we have a long way to go but don’t ever think you leftist scum will ever determine the coarse. You have no idea what you are doing rightous people who want really change and real racial unity outnumber you scum by far..obviously someone told you something different obvious like Democrats being friends to black people this is dangerous misinformation. Now that we have that out there let’s have talk,real action. o

    B Mayfield


Sue Arnett

I feel that if all teams linked arms- hand over heart – standing for the anthem-THEN AFTER THE ANTHEM- kneel- would have more profound effect than anything

    Robert Janko

    Its a sign, but thats not the answer. Its obvious, that there is still racism in the US society. Why is it like you cannot walk into a white or black neighborhood, when you have the “wrong” skin color? That is a shame and society has to work on that! Kareem Hunts hotel incident is a good example on what to work on. And the only person you can work on is yourself.
    To me the real thread to a democratic society is the takeover of the discussion by ANTIFA leftist. They dont want any open argument, they want another kind of society, definitely no democrocay! Greets from bad old germany

Paul Beduhn

The CCP virus is a hoax! A bigger false flag than 911.

Paul Rock

You can not make racism go away, only Jesus can do that. Go to the cross, He will set you free.

B Mayfield

YOUTUBE Censoring me

B Mayfield

Floyd’s Tragic death being used to push a false narrative, double the amount of unarmed whites were shot and killed by police last year

B Mayfield

The NFL, NBA Media and Players have blood on there hands everytime a police officer gets stabed shot and killed its because of this irresponsible reddrick that isnt even close to being true, these millionaire athletes playing victim in their mansions.

B Mayfield

Nathan and Bo just stop you guys are ruining your show, systematic racism? The real issue is the Democrats systematically taking the father out of the home of the african american community, even Obama said growing up without a dad your 10 times more likely to drop out of school join a gang and go to jail and guess what 80 percent of black kids are growing up without a dad in this country. NFL is become a left wing woke joke.

B Mayfield

Collin Kaepernick was wearing pigs on his socks in pre game warm ups for christ sake you guys man..

Steven Crawford

No one is watching the protest…they are watching the riots…


Done watching y’all’s videos until all of this is over. Not gonna be force fed politics on a sports channel.

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