Dalton Risner: ‘Drew brings a confidence to the offense and a swagger’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
MayDay Leon

I trust in Lock

    SVT Uliss

    Same bro from what I’ve seen people don’t wanna give him a chance with our team when HEALTHY! Remember how hype everyone was for this squad!

    TK TV

    Our team is gonna be lethal when healthy so I’m stoked

Francisco Hernandez

I trust in God

Love Dogs

Somebody has to. I trust Jesus Christ and Alexis Perry.

Derek Medrano

Yea me to

EcKo Yeti

My respect for Dalton📈📈📈📈📈

Natthaphon Noble

Fun fact: bill belicheck used to work for the broncos and learned things that make him succesful today

Kent Borges


Michael Crabtree

Drew has got to be the leader and give you guys lots of opportunities to be great. Play fierce but smart football. Do what you do best….win win win!! Score score score…chiefs beat the patriots…broncos can too!!

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