D Smoke Talks About Embracing The Latino Culture & Amplifying It With The Rams | En Mi Barrio Ep. 1 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

D Smoke Talks About Embracing The Latino Culture & Amplifying It With The Rams | En Mi Barrio Ep. 1

On this season's first episode of En Mi Barrio, Grammy nominated artist & Los Angeles Rams fanatic D Smoke explains the importance of Latino culture in the city of Inglewood and the influence it has had on in his music and motivation to give back to the community.

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Christian Gerald Balido


Quarter Baked

Ive lived in El Paso my entire life, people here are nice and the brotherhood is real. I went to LA for the bills game and during my week living in Inglewood im able to say people there are no different from El Paso. I can’t say the same for hollywood and santa monica tho

Jhawson Miller

Thatโ€™s my guy D Farris

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