Cowboys Break: Strong First Impressions? | Dallas Cowboys 2020 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
tyrannosaurus mex

Al Harris is a 2 time pro bowler


Where is the Tomsula interview Video?

Kenneth Banks

Good show

Doctor D.C.

Rob Davis is going to get the deeper mental aspect of being winners and Team players with a winning attitude from our players, and staff as well as a winning culture.

Silver Ancient

Chris Banjo

Eddie V

Is Rod Davis in a Coaching Role or a Player Development/Front Office role?

Eddie V

You’re right.
I think these Coaches are really just passionate about Coaching at any level.

Gerald Whitaker

Lol stop with the sean lee talk please

Seanoftheshredz Channel

Finally! The full regular cast!

Chris Graham

1 Delpit/McKinney 2 Damon Annette/Noah Igbinoghene 3KJHill/Denzel Mims


“They don’t value Safety” coaches are not around anymore. This free agency and draft are going to be different. I just can’t tell how different.

Ms. Felony Strutter


Ms. Felony Strutter

Ever since Jimmy left we have had too many coaches….hell we once had a DE and DT seperate coaches. TOO MANY VOICES

James Howerton

The only problem I have with the show’s format is these ppl are all just fans like us. They need at least one real football person for input.

Big Mike

No disrespect to the lady – she’s beautiful and smart – but it’s difficult to listen to the accent when talking about my Cowboys. Sorry but I listened to the broadcast for a few minutes and just couldn’t handle her input. I don’t know what the answer is. However you need to listen to the broadcast – it doesn’t play well for me with her input.

Greg Blevins

Good grief, quit using the word LIKE so much! It is very tiresome listening to grown men and women speaking with a vocabulary of children today!

James Howerton

And I agree so much with Troy about Byron Jones. We need DBs who can not only cover but get turnovers. Lack of turnovers makes a great D decent. Or said another way, tons of turnovers can make a good D outstanding.

James Howerton

We need another Draft class of Thurman’s Thieves!!! (Sorry to keep posting on this podcast).

James Howerton

And it’s pronounced Lake OR-E-IN.

James Howerton

And Chiefs by 10! 😁 Not just b/c I don’t like the 40 Whiners but b/c: A. It’s been 50 years since the Chefs won a Championship and B. Reid deserves one. (Plus one of my grandsons is named Reid but that’s purely by coincidence. Oh yeah, and I f***ing HATE the 49ers!!!!! 😁😂🤣😆😄😃😀😅😂

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