Cowboys Break: Camp at Home | Dallas Cowboys 2020 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Cowboys Break: Camp at Home | Dallas Cowboys 2020

The crew discussed what training camp at The Star might look like and broke down big changes on defense.

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Johnson Vlogs

You have to admit The Cowboys should have more subscribers

    Andrew Strain


    Justin Quarles

    Probably due to 189 Dallas Cowboy YouTube channels

Caleb Diaz

Go Cowboys!!!!

Tyler Durden

Itโ€™s gonna be weird not seeing them out in Oxnard

    Jeff Holland

    Tyler Durden Again no period simpleton! Were you homeschooled by a homeless person?


    Tyler Durden Mad love, something youโ€™re all to familiar with! LoL

    Jeff Holland

    Titus ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜ Youโ€™re right, Tyler is some what of a Karen, good point.

    Deanna Caruso

    2020 sucks.

    Tyler Durden

    Deanna Caruso truuuuuuuuuuu

Furious Chris

Pick up Taylor Gabriel

Deon C.

Ambar Garcia….wow….๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ…wasnt expecting her!!!!

    Sera Ashley

    Ummm ya man sheโ€™s been

    Justin Quarles


Rmf 22

love having Bucky Brooks nice to hear things from someone I feel I can learn a bit from like how it was with Broaddous..

    Rmf 22

    @Brian Daniel yeah but like I said it’s nice to have someone on that has an extremely deep knowledge of football..he offers information and opinions that others just can’t and that’s fine it’s just nice to have that 1 guy

    Justin Quarles

    Rmf 22 I agree 100%. I really enjoyed Bryan Broaddus football intelligence.


    Yeah, because a failed scout that stutters is so amazing to listen to.

    marcus tucker

    Rmf 22 I’m with you boss

    Rmf 22

    @NormanRockswell then don’t listen Jackass..there’s always at least 1 of u in every supposed “fan” comment section๐Ÿคฃ

Raoul Duke

Itโ€™d be nice to have Bucky on more often.


I like the additions on defense and like the changes on the defensive staff, but I need to see it to believe it. Otherwise it’s nothing more than offseason excitement that results in absolutely nothing.

Frye Daddy

Lol!!Wow!Ambar put her foot in her mouth with that shot at Derek & just talked herself out of a job today or she definately won’t be filling in as host anymore.


    What did she say? I don’t think I caught it.


    LOL they always joke about Derek.

Chris Graham

Bucky Brooks good eye


Every year that passes is one year closer to John Stephen Jones being QB. Cant wait

    Justin Quarles

    Ya after he miraculously grows 7 inches taller? ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Agus Saleh

Its been awhile to listen this show since Byran left

    Justin Quarles

    Yep. BB was the best

Agus Saleh

Need a guy such Bucky

Joe Parks

We need to put together a gofundme account for Dave to get better wifi ๐Ÿ˜‚ – i still love you Dave

john Capo

preach bucky preach


Dude honestly, I cannot get through the whole show due to Ambar Garcia’s nauseating voice. Goodbye, Break.

    Justin Quarles

    Ambar stays!! ๐Ÿ˜ โœญ


    It’s eye candy Bro


Glad to hear Bucky talk about Anae and think he’s going to be good. I think that guys going to be a beast.

Roberto Cervantes

Wow Ambar is so BEAUTIFUL ๐Ÿ˜

Trevon Hill

Amber has some amazing art pieces!

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