Cover 4: Best Cowboys Game of the Season? | Dallas Cowboys 2019 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Brian Waller

Still not trusting this team. String 3 games in a row like that then I will.


And to celebrate the win Slipknot released the Nero Forte video💥💥💥


Let us give thanks that Wade Phillips is not our defensive coordinator, Rams D was lame.

Michael Nguyen

Jesus Tyron Smith is a beast of a man.

Tyler Main

Think about it the secondary has more sacs in the last 4 games than the dline

Lil no Turtle

Hi I like the cowboys



Marc Felix

Taylor Stern…all day everyday!!!! 😉

B Henderson

Winning truly cures all!!!

Sidenote: Bennett has to be better fundamentally.
This guy has incredible push, he just needs to step back a lil!

B Henderson

Woods DT!!!!!!

Big time game!!!


B Henderson


Michael Knight

Every single locker room talk. Tyron Smith is standing behind Jason Garrett without a shirt on

Frank Moyer

Its the eagles turn to string 3 or 4 wins together and we gonna do it because our players believe in each other the coaches and they believe they can do it and we play better when our backs are against the wall n as under dogs

D'Angela Stewart

Dave but to beat them down like that..😂

Steven Pellegrino

Cooper, Gallup and Cobb. We’re good decoys. To open up the run game!!! Zeke and TP will ball out against the eagles! And the WR will feast!!!! Cause the WR got a game of lite work. And more time to rest!!!! Let’s go cowboys!!!! 🤠🤠🤠🤠👍👍👍💪💪💪

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