Cordarrelle Patterson focused on push for playoffs | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Mike Rojas

Cordarrelle makes me happy

Super Mario Sammy

You are amazing


Fastest person if the nfl it almost isn’t debatable

    Hassan Sheikh

    Lmao it’s tyreek hill

    ASVOID 7

    I meant one of the fastest

Bboy B3000

Lol Cordarrelle Patterson Got Pat O’Donnell and Trevis Gipson saying HOW BOUT DEM BEARS Now 😂

Najib Sweis

Kick return master

Football Mama

That’s right baby, tell them like it is and power up. Put my CP in the game more.

Anthony j

He said go out with a bang…..translate to we not making the playoffs


Re-sign A-Rob!


Love this dude and the energy he brings to the team! He’s kept it fun this year despite a lot of adversity.

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