Cooper Kupp placed on IR and is there a QB controversy in Washington? | The Insiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Hope copper gets better 😢😊




    @hotbananastud my bad


Rams need a miracle

Luc Lefebvre

Washington is 4-1 with Heinicke. Only loss is to Minnesota. I don’t think there should even be a controversy, Heinicke should get the job hands down!

    Robert M. 2022

    @Solomon Rodriguez idk what ur smoking but gimme some. Wentz is a horrible qb nowhere near the same boat as heincke

    Solomon Rodriguez

    @Robert M. 2022 Heinicke is terrible. Commanders aren’t going anywhere

    Robert M. 2022

    @Solomon Rodriguez if he’s so terrible how is he 3-1 but wentz was 2-4

    Solomon Rodriguez

    @Robert M. 2022 They’re running the Ball better

    Robert M. 2022

    @Solomon Rodriguez mhm which didn’t work with wentz


I’m shocked Taylor did well against the Eagles. I’d say he’s a solid choice

    Troy Evans

    He beat us last night it wasn’t just luck I think they should start him for sure

    Richard Cruz

    @Troy Evans respect for you

    Max Dai

    ##【新真相E2】## 美國的民調公司【全都】是被「美國的〈司法妖魔集團〉」控制,因此,美國的民調公司(共同合作)製造”Red Wave”的假象,也就是說,美國的民調公司(共同合作)製造〈「假的」民調結果〉來製造(2022年美國期中選舉)〈民主黨會輸的【非常慘】〉的假象,藉此,美國的〈司法妖魔集團〉不但”非常成功地”幫助「民主黨」催出(非常)大量的選票,(同時)也使”不少的”共和黨支持者「沒有出來投票」(因為他們”誤以為”〈自己不投票〉共和黨也贏定了)。
    ##【新】## 【〈我自願被槍斃〉的保證內容】至今仍然「全部有效」。這也就是說,過去(至少)17年來(至今),「從未」有人(直接或間接)提供(或承諾未來給)我【〈錢財或收入或好處〉(或”暗”錢財或收入或好處)】!+++ 倘若我這一輩子”曾經”當過「任何一個國家」的情報員(或任何其他”秘密組織”的人員),我自願被槍斃!也就是說,我保證【我(從出生至今)一直都是一個「一般的」民眾】,否則的話,我自願被槍斃!((註:我明知「惡魔非要”把我殺死(暗殺掉)”不可」,而我卻幫助惡魔”脫罪”的話,那我豈不是「找死」!請看,我的網站上的詳細真相報告。))
    ### daichs 2022-11-16 01:16 PM, 2022-11-10 07:30 AM (台灣時間)

    TRUTH REPORT: [Raleigh mass shooting] was created by the evil judicial group who has been supporting Biden, for helping Biden win the 2022 election.
    ### daichs 2022-10-15 08:50 PM (台灣時間)

    ##【新真相C2】## 若美國要維持【*自由民主*】的美國,選擇”Trump”比較好,否則,大約在五年左右,〈司法妖魔集團〉就可控制世界上「所有的」民主國家!詳細真相,我以後再寫。
    ##【新】## 〈司法妖魔集團〉是個【殺手兼裁判】的集團(註:裁判即法官等等)。〈司法妖魔集團〉是由〈“檢調、情報機構及警方”人員、法院法官、醫界人士、金融界人士、、、等等〉所組成。
    ##【新】## 【〈我自願被槍斃〉的保證內容】至今仍然「全部有效」。這也就是說,過去(至少)17年來(至今),「從未」有人(直接或間接)提供(或承諾未來給)我【〈錢財或收入或好處〉(或”暗”錢財或收入或好處)】!+++ 倘若我這一輩子”曾經”當過「任何一個國家」的情報員(或任何其他”秘密組織”的人員),我自願被槍斃!也就是說,我保證【我(從出生至今)一直都是一個「一般的」民眾】,否則的話,我自願被槍斃!((註:我明知「惡魔非要”把我殺死(暗殺掉)”不可」,而我卻幫助惡魔”脫罪”的話,那我豈不是「找死」!請看,我的網站上的詳細真相報告。))
    ### daichs 2022-10-31 11:30 AM, 2022-10-27 02:03 AM (台灣時間)

    ##【新真相】## 我以前”數次”提到:【【*〈司法妖魔集團〉為了要完全控制(所有的)民主國家,因此,〈司法妖魔集團〉與〈中共及”蘇俄極權政府”〉(暗中)密切合作「已經很多年」了,而【控制全世界】則是【〈司法妖魔集團〉與〈中共及”蘇俄極權政府”〉】的”領導階層”的最終目的。*】】。++++++ 由於【〈司法妖魔集團〉與〈中共及”蘇俄極權政府”〉(在暗中)密切合作】,因此,他們(共同合作)造就了【【*〈習近平極權的出現〉、〈普亭的極權〉以及〈〈越來越多的「民主國家」被「司法妖魔集團」控制〉〉*】】,而且,他們也為了【共同「斂大財」】而(暗中合作)散播COVID-19病毒、製造「通膨」、製造對抗(及戰爭)、、、等等(來【共同斂「非常巨大」的錢財】)。((註:「清零」政策不但可以”確保”【習近平的「永久掌權」及中國大陸人民的「永久順從」】,「清零」政策也可「遮醜」(遮自己的醜)。))
    ### daichs 2022-10-28 02:20 PM (台灣時間)


    I’m not shocked, I’ve personally had a high opinion of him since he started playing in the NFL

Justin Myer

Why would there be a controversy they are four and one with one quarterback and one in four with another clearly you go with the 4-1 guy who’s only loss is to the hottest team in the league.


Controversy? This is Taylors team. Wentz has no room for negotiation. 1-3 And 4-1 is two way different teams.

Truth Minus The BS

Washington has its QB of the future, they just don’t know it yet!


Theres not a controversy in my mind, heinicke gives them a better chance to win



Frybread King

Heinicke should be the starter. He actually reminds me of Brett Favre.

    Solomon Rodriguez

    Nah he sucks.


    that’s not really a good thing these days…


    I’ve been saying this just not as strong as a arm but a real risk taker

    Zack Hurwitz

    A man named TFG has the best comp for him IMO.

    Ryan Fitzpatrick.

    poopy pants

    @Flixxx he ain’t that good. He’s more like Ryan Fitzpatrick


The Superbowl hangover is REAL.

dan neilson

A ex long time Washington fan saw the writing on the wall day we lost the hoggettes we had good qbs go back and think had we been kirk from the start instead of rg knee please

Maurice W

I don’t know why people even give Wentz the time of day, he isn’t that good. He had one good season.


Rams are done !
I am a fan, but the superbowl had an impact on the Rams . This year is a real struggle 😪 wish they could have done better .
I knew Cooper was going to end up hurt ! That’s it season over ! Hope he gets better .
Coach is probably angry 😠 😡.. no Stafford no cup see you next year ..

me boy

Wentz is sorry and everyone needs to admit it 😂😂😂 SMH

WallFlower9028 !!

Minnesota had to cut him cuz he put his foot threw a window 😂 and always knew he could play!

Eric W

I don’t see a problem with Heinicke’ arm strength… and I can think a few QB’s that weren’t very tall. Even a Heisman trophy winner!


My commanders still have qb issues Heineken not the guy to move us forward he will win us game’s just not enough. He was good in stages against eagle’s but ultimately defense won us the game and some splendid field goals. Henike almost lost us the game as well


If Carson comes back in I’m switching teams no bs


At this point, Taylor is 4-1, the one loss coming from Justin Jefferson (which has to be given some slack). Dude has not made it look pretty all the time, but he’s getting them in the win column.

Louis Verheem

Washington has been looking for the next best thing since the end of last season… Fact is Taylor give them a chance to win. I think they should commit to him and give him fair shake!

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