Comparing The WRs Strengths To Each Other | The O’s Offensive Spotlight Delivered By FedEx – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Cam Sims is a dog


    Dogue. Rhymes with rogue.

1 Man Show

Sims and others will have to step up even more this year as defenses will gameplan more for Terry M.


Trey Quinn. Not a game changer. Cam Sims over Quinn, easy decision.

    michael pet

    Have to throw Inman and Wright into the discussion as well. If they keep just 5 receivers, only 2 of the 4 make the 53 man roster.

Paul Greenwell

Scary Terry gonna reach ova 1000 yrds

Paul Greenwell

Y does Terry n Haskins look alike

    michael pet

    Only in hats

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