Cole Kmet recognized as the Jeff Dickerson Good Guy Award winner | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
big meech

Who’s cutting onions in here man wtf

    Jonathan Colby

    Bears fan, Ten Day cover art as profile pic, and what I assume is a Talladega nights reference as their Youtube name. We would get along lmao respect MrShakenBake

Gary Crook

Go get em, Cole! 👍

Jacob Wolf

Great guy

PHILosophy 1990

Cole! An area native, too. Been pretty open all year.

If a coach could get a nomination, it’s definitely Coach Alan Williams. He is a man that I would want to play for. Seems like a GREAT guy.


Amahd Cole

He was a good man Cole kmet is a good tightend Jeff was good at his job

Jay Em

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL introductory speech by “Hahj”.
Might be the best thing he’s ever written.

Not sure to what presser you were referencing about Trevathan, Cole, but he was pretty surly with the media MOST of the time.
There are certainly better people to emulate (& that’s the word your supposed “college-educated” mind should have selected for you).


Is there a Mr. Butterfingers Award??

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