Cole Kmet Mic’d Up vs Steelers ‘Let’s build on it’ | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Simeon Gawel

Kmet is gonna be great for us, one of his best performances

Sean Haggerty

“Unbias unbias was he down?” Gotta Love it


Fields to kmet is gonna be a special connection

    Thomas Gena

    Thanks, Ryan Pace for great NFL Draft Day 1, 2, and 3 selections!


    For a loooooooong time 🐻👇🏻

    Thomas Gena

    @kingfc5 . . .that was my Dad — but you were kinda drunk.

vito faiello

It’s bleak now, but the future looks bright Bears fans!!! Much love 🐻⬇️


    I get a free jersy

Shorsey Letterkenny

Hometown kid wearing iconic 85 (85 bears) Love it 🐻🔽


Dude..The arm on this kid. Sheesh.

Justin Raap

This game will forever be infamous for being so badly officiated


    @CHELSKI9 in 50 years I dont think anyone will remember this game because the it was two average teams with not a ton of playoff relevance for 1 early in the season.. so its not gonna be infamous

    Justin Raap

    @GamingWithGio It honestly felt like a game from the 2012 referee lockout season. It didn’t have the finish like the Fail Mary game, but the erroneous low block call on Daniels and the taunting call on Marsh (among so many other flags on CHI) negated the Bears’ win. I hate the Packers but they should have had that win over the Seahawks.


    @Justin Raap I’m a saints fan and im just giving my opinion. With all that we consume in all aspects of our lifes I think this game will surely be forget. Probably as soon as next week when the refs suck again


    @CHELSKI9 there is games from the 1970s we still talk about. Thats what I thought you meant

    James Murphy

    @GamingWithGio Huh? No we don’t lol

Shalah Rahim



When are you going to mic up Justin Fields?

Barry Turner

This was not only Cole’s Breakout Game, but Justin’s Breakout Game! BUILD ON IT, BEARS–We now know that we have a franchise QB! Now, make it a Super Bowl team!!!!

James Martin

Justin and Kmet are keepers. Along with Mooney, Smith, ARob, Mack, Montgomery, Herbert, Hicks. And Carson-Houston.


    I wish we could get ARob more involved.. I don’t think he is bad.. just hasn’t been able to find that groove with fields

    Thomas Gena

    Thanks Ryan Pace for all the great additions you’ve made to this Bears’ roster (every player but Pat O’Donnell).

    Joey M

    a rob gone hopefully we can trade him for a pick n try to move up to take chris olave ik i spelt it wrong or garret wilson

PHILosophy 1990

Maaaaaaan that rocket, @ 1:39 is crazy!
😳😳😳 My God!

**Edit** Keep this man healthy, and he’s gonna keep makin plays like THIS, in the future!


Jackson Frost

This is why our Bears are going to be the best of the best….they’re family!!! Clearly on their way to greatness!!

    Thomas Gena

    Thanks, Ryan Pace — for some great NFL Draft Day 1, 2, and 3 selections.


KMET just makes his plays and goes back to work no bullshit and talking, that’s what we need more of….

Thomas Gena

Just think what this Bears’ roster could accomplish with competent coaching.


Let’s not forget
Only 1/3 Kmet college career was spent on football
He had school from a highly academic institution, football, and baseball.
Year 1 was spent on adjusting to the NFL at 21 years old and finishing up his degree in the off season
Year 2. He starting to find it.


Cole and Jimmy have such a great connection!


This is forever gonna be known to me as the screw game

Joseph Walker


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