Coach McDaniels: ‘[Steelers Are] a Really Tough Football Team’ | Raiders | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Robert Munoz Jr


Auggie Zarate

We have been getting lucky!! Push to win damn it!!!!!

Rick Worth

I hear a dog

    Mike Shanahan

    Mad Max brought his dogos!

channel surfer

no, no, no…un real..Franco died? that’s a Steeler win..(my tombstone will say “I knew this was going to happen”) God Bless Franco, but why couldn’t you wait ’til the season is over? good grief.

Raiders01 Nation





Can we only take a second to congratulate how much hours and dedication was put on the clips? 😀

channel surfer

Franco’s last stand against the Raiders…lol..unfreaking believable

    DVW experiences

    Josh JACOBS to the house!

John B

Steelers WIN!!
Franco died and they got the interception memorial!!

Cris Salgado

Steelers are probably going to win now.

    DVW experiences

    God took Franco so that he would not have to see his arch nemesis the Raiders humiliate his team the Steelers on Christmas eve. It has to be the reason.


Josh would micro manage Peyton M and PM would struggle he called his own plays Carr knows what the D is doing so Josh let him call his own plays until he proves he can’t!!

    Eternal Boss Doomsday

    Carr fanboys want Carr to be the coach, the GM, and forever the starting QB of the Raiders. Might as well name them the Las Vegas Carrs right?

Joel Quintero



The sacrifice for the Steelers to win

kopr cord

Crazy news with the immaculate deception video last night.

Marcos Lepe

Play Defense!!!!! Stop the run

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