Coach McDaniels Recaps Loss to Steelers: ‘We All Can Do Better’ | Raiders | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Donald Burns

I am so tired of this same crap. Sometimes coordinators are just good coordinators not head coaches. He does not make half time changes.



    Ry Guy

    Everyone one of those coordinators from the Belichick coaching tree aren’t capable of making halftime adjustments…. Yet Bill is one if not the greatest to ever do them. It goes to show how much control Bill had and how much he had to hold their hands

    Sonny Ortiz

    Or make changes during game same plays no changes


Sounds like Derek’s done to me lol

    Pat Jev

    You can hear whatever you want if you fantasize hard enough

    Those Walpole’s

    @Cory Rider just listen a few times you’ll eventually catch on lol

    Oohhse Da God

    I’m so glad!! I can’t wait to see Carr ruin another franchise

    Nasario Gomez

    @Oohhse Da God 😂😂😂

    Cory Rider

    @Those Walpole’s I heard JJ talking shot on McDaniels. And he didn’t come straight out and say it. Mark won’t allow McDaniels to get rid of him. Just watch. Snap shot this and come to me feb 15th. If he’s gone I’ll pay you 100. But if I’m right then you owe me.


Reads like Josh is not taking the bait on Carr questions, Vinnie is trying, haha. Playing DC with the injury G tells me they for sure have not made a decision (no way do you play DC if you have decided to move on, it’s way too risky, he gets injured, the contract is guaranteed) on Carr. And likely leaning to, or keeping Carr. Was thinking they bench Carr right now if they move on, made the decision. Not hearing anything like that with this. Even as these guys ask.

    Larry Saunders

    It’s comical with the Carr stuff… First year in his 6th system folks really need to get a grip… I agree DC hasn’t been playing up to par but it’s not like there’re other contributing factors to this… They’ll keep him only because better the devil you know then the devil you don’t know… They need a succession plan… It’s 50/50 to move on because whomever you bring in either the fan base will or won’t like and if they crash and burn the same people who complained to move on from DC will be calling for the head of the replacement…


Wow, it’s enough with Car!!!! Please get rid of him sit Carr out!!!!!
The rest of the year puts them in Stadium because if Car gets hurt, then we’re stuck with Carr!!!! He cannot elevate this team he has everything that he needs the number one receiver three interceptions this last game The biggest heartbreak one was Renfro was wide open. If he would’ve hit him with stride, he would’ve got a touchdown or at least tie it!!!!


the Raiders new slogan is “It is what it is”


    No it’s “umm you know what I mean” lmao

    Calvin Mak

    I think Tom Cable first coined that phrase for us.


If we get the correct call on the 4th down stop, game is over different conversation would have been 5 out of 6 wins

Good Comments

Great to be competitive in EVERY game & have the ‘HATE to lose’ mentality like in ’70s.

Mr. BR

We need a hard nose coach with a backbone, and once the nation stands and goes by the quote ” COMMENT TO EXCELLENCE,” 2023 will be the same thing! Raiders foe LIFE!

    Mike Grizwold

    I think you mean “commitment” to excellence. Something that’s been missing for a long time.

R8R jake

How can this man do this interview with a smile on his face, he is a disgrace to this organization


    Agree💯 Never seen a coach so happy to loose! He has to go!

Earl Butler

Happy days are coming !


    If they fire McDaniels and co.

Sarah Medina

Seems mark sold out.
Agenda I said from day 1 of this hire was he’d bring in shady Brady and Co.
I hope I’m wrong… we had a playoff team last season through all the adversity and Mark screwed us up.
Dark to light. One day will be known if this is in fact what happens.
Slap in the face of that thing is our QB.
I’ll be there last game wearing #4 on support. Chucky hopefully wins against the NFL but all the world is a stage so probably not. Sickening mark!


Yes carr is having a bad season. But mcdaniels play calling is mind boggling. We played a great run defense team/ horrible secondary in the rams. This man just tan the ball over and over. We plays in 5. Degree weather and he decides to pass the ball all game. I feel like he is setting carr as this team up for failure.


    @Gus Hernandez here’s a real stat for you to show you how predictable mcdaniels is with his play calling. McDaniels runs a 11 players personal or a 21 personnel. When 11 player personnel he calls 72% pass plays. When 21 personnel they run 67% of the time. When under center 47% and shotgun 52% raiders pass the ball 87% in shot gun. So raiders don’t use the shot gun often but pass it 87% when they are. If that doesn’t make sense to you then you shouldn’t be talking football. Cuz this tells you right here how predictable mcdaniels play calling has been. You’re mental if you think this clown has been doing a good job.

    TetraHydroCannabinoL THC


    Luke Parodi

    Was thinking the same thing. Why’s he always doing the exact opposite of what makes sense??

    Ry Guy

    This!! If he is the “offensive genius” he’s made out to be then he knows the bad situations he’s putting Carr in..


    @Noah Heredia he set him up bad at Pittsburgh…. coldest day of the season and Jacobs was running good but McMuffin telling Carr to just throw the ball doesn’t make sense

Durt Tha Houligan

I’m not gonna lie I’m really curious and optimistic about the success of this team next year!!! Let’s go Raiders!!!

    TetraHydroCannabinoL THC

    Without Carr and Jacobs we are gonna suck suck


    @TetraHydroCannabinoL THC 100%

    Orlando Sanchez

    @DL I agree but also, Carr has been w this team 9 years. Love the dude but this year has not been it. Definitely doesn’t excuse the play calling and gameplan from Mcdaniels but I think he may deserve at least one more year with a new QB. Definitely don’t know why he would micromanage force players to learn and adjust to the gameplan instead of making a scheme that favors every players strengths. Idk how he made a top 3 TE and a top 5 slot wr look like they don’t even belong in the league. Every player has regressed besides Crosby. It’s all around confusing and frustrating tbh


    @Orlando Sanchez  Gannon didn’t find success until year 12, but I’m fairly certain Carr won’t be here next year. I think that was McDaniels intention all along, so it’s a moot point.

    Durt Tha Houligan

    @DL don’t know if it’s moot but I agree with you on that whole statement


I think at this point the writing is on the wall. I have supported Carr for years and I still think up until recently he had the ability to be as good as anyone but lately that is just no longer the case. Pickett looked like the better QB in that game and that’s just not going to cut it. I still believe we should draft someone and have Carr teach them how to be a pro but based on the way Carr’s Contract lets the Raiders off the hook at the end of the Season it’s hard for me to see them doing anything but sending Carr on his way.


    @Calvin Mak Both of the first 2 picks were arguably catchable passes but several times in the game Carr’s passes were just bad. I’m talking about passes to Adams here, who he has great communication with. He was overthrowing people left and right. As I said before I am usually taking up for Carr but the reality is he doesn’t make things happen when they are not there. He really does rely on everything going right to be effective. I am usually complaining that if the D did it’s job things would be different. The D was outstanding in this game until the last drive when, as you said they had key pieces of the D hurt. The Steelers defense wasn’t even worried about the Raiders passing game and starting teeing off on Jacobs.

    Dietrick McElveen

    @Phil Anderson Excellent analysis on Carr achilles. May I also mentioned that our interior linemen was taken to school too, exposing flaws you stated earlier. As the veteran quarterback, I would consider giving him the benefit of doubt due to learning McDaniels complex offensive system. Zeigler knows how/what players are going to be capable/able to execute effectively McDaniels system. The process is underway.

    Phil Anderson

    @Dietrick McElveen When you say “As the veteran quarterback, I would consider giving him the benefit of doubt…” are you saying the Raiders should keep, and pay Carr the big money extension for next season, instead of trying to find a QB in the off season? That I disagree with. I even think signing someone like Garappolo would be a better decision. And less expensive. Then start thinking about how to find the future franchise QB. Because having Carr another 4 years will be expensive, and I simply do not see him improving much at all.

    Calvin Mak

    @Bethrezoth Totally agree that Carr was very erratic with his throws versus Pitt, which was what was shocking, because he was uncharacteristically inaccurate especially with Adams. I think Carr can succeed as the QB if McDaniels simplifies things for him and asks him to do less like what SF does with their QBs. I felt Gruden was going that direction and it was succeeding until that hit job by the league kept him from seeing it through.

    Phil Anderson

    @Calvin Mak While I think you make a good point, should the offense really need to be simplified for a guy your’e going to pay $40m a year for the next three years? If “simplify” is the answer, to me it makes more sense to let Carr go, and try to use Stidham, or maybe someone in FA for a year or two until they can find the right QB, be that in the draft, FA, or a trade.

Jer Barney

There is conflict before clarity! Our next season will be the season! I have faith in my team & will always have their back!!! Stay Strong Raider Nation!!! RN4L !!

    Phil Anderson


    Dietrick McElveen

    Trust the process! Zeigler knows what to do. His acumen for evaluating/drafting smart tough,physical talent will manifest soon.


Carr now leads the NFL in INT’S (14)

    Phil Anderson

    I actually like him, but I honestly think he’s not the guy. Not the future. He’s not terrible, but I think it would be possible to find someone in the off-season (Garappolo? Mayfield? Brady??) who could at least be a positive bridge until we can find our future QB, without having to pay Carr’s expensive contract extension. Sort of like Alex Smith, until the Chiefs was able to draft and nuture Patrick Mahomes.


    Bro two weeks left someone else can pass him

    Eternal Boss Doomsday

    @Phil Anderson Yes I would take a bridge who is at least average in cold weather and in the red zone until a young QB is groomed up.

Jonathan Belone



The raiders coaching staff and personnel have single-handedly killed the spirit and identity of this team. They had something going with bisaccia. I’ll admit there’s some games from him that I can’t forgive but he got us to playoff land. We have digressed HARD. It’s like a completely different team. Jacobs is most likely gone too. As long as Mark Davis is the owner we will struggle indefinitely. With no Jacobs I can see us being terrible for years to come. Go raiders I guess :/🏴‍☠️

    Parsa Persian

    Thanks to Mark Davis and his goofy haircut

    Steve RM

    honest question then…when receivers are open and Carr is overthrowing them and behind them and causing incompletions and picks….is that coaching? Throw the ball better and we win several more games. Defense has been at fault too but Im not so sure that its coaching. Im a Carr backer but not sure I can defend him anymore. he just cant get out of his own way.

Giovanni Lavita

Dont have to go away from the BEST RB IN FOOTBALL

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