Coach McDaniels Presser – 1.2.23 | Week 17 vs. 49ers | Raiders | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Most can agree that Stidham played very well, aside from the 2 interceptions. He added extra dimension of the run game with scrambles. When Carr was willing to use his legs, ie the Thanksgiving game last year it helps the offense tremendously. That being said why bring a Brady or Garrapolo to an offense where a mobile QB seems to be more successful?

    Dustin Byrd

    If we can improve the offer site line, and they decide to keep stidham as starter or bring back Carr, I’d be happy. The o-line used to be awesome with Donald Penn, osenele, Hudson, Miller, and Gabe jackson


    @Dustin Byrd I agree 💯. But if they keep this same pieced up O line, we gonna need somebody who can scramble for days!


The way Stidham played against the #1 Defense, that says a lot, I’m also sure that if we had Jones, perryman & Rock yasin we could’ve won that game.


    I agree. If we had perryman, chandler and rock yasin, we would have won.


    Yeah that defense was down to rookies and nobodies lol

Arturo Banuelos

👏👏👏👍 way to go, franchise killer

Arturo Banuelos

And continuing the drinking game….
A drink for every “you know” 😂😂😂😂



Frank V

Stidham already in his first game looks better than Carr. I wonder what our record would be if he started the whole season. I think our redzone offense will improve greatly with Stidham.



    Frank V

    @24gaijin I think we would have won a lot more games. Carr lost us many games by not being able to get first downs or score in the second half of games.

    Simon Badillo

    We lost this game. We blew another double digit lead. QB play can improve but we still have the same defense.

    Frank V

    @Simon Badillo We had a double-digit lead 14-24 for 5 mins in the 3rd qtr or one possession. It was a back and forth game against the a SB bound team. We scored as many points in the second half of the game as the first. The defense needs to improve, yes, but we still had a chance to win.


I like DC but I am a Diehard Raiders fan 1st. My Jerseys says “Raider Nation” #13. Why 13? 11 Men on the field, Al Davis is the 12 Man, Raider Nation is the 13th man. My 49er Dogg’s are quiet today, worried about what JS did to their #1 rated D. JS deserves the opportunity to prove what he’s capable of doing.

glenn wilson

Was a Raider fan before Carr, will be a Raider fan after Carr.
He brought stability to the QB position and I thank him for that. Time for a change however. Hoping the staff get this right Happy New Year Nation 🎉

    Silver Surfer

    He brought losing and pussydom

Raul Chris

I thought it was gonna be a Blow Out for us but to end up in Overtime against #1 Defense & a Rookie QB on his first 4 quarter NFL game 365yd & Offense almost 500 yd is big We need more pieces in our Defense get Crosby help & Jacobs his contract already ‘ im looking forward for 2023, This is the 1st game that actually felt good losing no more overthrowing or under throwing crumbling in the pocket that would piss me off If we benched Carr earlier like after the Cardinals game this would be a different Conversation I wanna see JS ball out against KC another super bowl contender finally we have a ball out QB JS3 2023 ..RNFL.

Jeff Aragon

Different QB same result 10 point led and lost for the 5th time

    Silver Surfer

    WRONG, we scored 17 points in the 2nd half instead of zero.


Why with your own guy that knows your ” system” as his only system in four year shows up and you cant delivery us a W against a 22 year who only knew 49ers system 1 year JMD screwed The Raiders fan out of playoff with that loss and now Alot of Raider fans didnt even show up to root Live expect us to be out number on week 18 JMD is lair and so bad Jeff Saturday out coached him

    Carlos Martinez

    McDaniels did much better with stidham and in general the defense was the problem they couldn’t stop the best team in the nfl and still the offense still kept up with them minus the interception amik got the defense was terrible

Joe Lopez

In no way do I think McDaniels is a good play caller, but no one can sit there and honestly say DC’s accuracy has not declined. Against Pittsburgh with time in the pocket he missed targets on multiple possessions. Overthrown, underthrown, or behind, the passes have to be at least close for catches to be made. The game has evolved where QBs must be mobile unless you have elite accuracy and Carr is neither. I respect who he is and what he’s done, but for our team, he is not it. Whether this coach or another, we still needed another quarterback. Let’s see how Jared plays against KC and go from there. Just keep JJ and get some defensive help 🙏 please.

    Cory Rider

    0 degrees

    Silver Surfer

    It was never good, he just took high % passes. He never threw into windows and his ball placement is trash.

Omar Parish

This season so brought a terrible coach, McDaniels 🤡, didn’t really open the playback to Carr. Used Carr as a scapegoat, so they won’t pay him his 40mil. Used the back up quarterback, open play book. Different quarterback, with same Results!! 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    Silver Surfer

    Follow Carr to the XFL


Being close. Gettin picks, or pass breakups,- yes, next year, the secondary needs vast improvement. Like the line from the movie “Neighbors” (John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd)- “CLOSE, CLOSE”.- That wasn’t us this year, past 20 years. – Hey Dave,- addressed this!!!

NinerNiner Faith

49ers Empire Yessssirrr ! Just WIN Baby ! lmfao

Derek Galloway

As long as this guy is on the sidelines calling plays it wont change our outlook. How many double digit leads has this coach blown. He has set proffessional football records in blowing leads. He is a disaster. It wouldnt matter if they drafted a Joe Montana 2.0, this coach will find a way to throw talent down the tubes. He was trying to shop Jacobs around in the preseason remember. And this guy was touted as a genious? Embarassing!

Joe Salem

Forever I will be at Derek Carr fan I’m wearing his jersey right now I hope he succeeds somewhere else


In McDaniels I trust.


I wonder if Carr wanted out, he did make some horribly plays.

    Silver Surfer

    Who cares what that their wanted?

Big Ray

Took the best defense in the NFL into OT says alot. If this is what McDaniels is really bringing to this organization with Stiddy then im all in. NEXT SEASON GONNA BE 🔥🔥

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