Coach McDaniels and QB Jarrett Stidham Postgame Presser | Week 17 vs. 49ers | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Was at the game. Nice to see the offense have life. Good game 9ers!


    Since you were at the game, do you think Raiders’ fans sold their tickets for $ or in protest?

    Hummer VS

    I have many 9ers friends- they had those tickets for weeks, many for months.

    New years in Vegas then watch battle of the bay game when their team is having an amazing season.
    DC gone might have freed some tickets but saw a lot of 4 in the seats


Even tho we lost I liked this game everyone thought it was gonna be a blowout but we did a lot to #1 defense

    PokerRich GM

    @Nikko Ramirez so youre saying that Mcdaniels was calling trick plays to cater to Carrs knowledge of his trick play play book that he has so many more complex ones, that when Stidham subs in who has 4 years of experience in his system, not a single trick play was called? interesting take.

    Cody Steven

    Bro Raiders fans are so pathetic. What happened to your standards! Celebrating moral victories is what poverty teams do.

    Bikinis Forever

    When the Raiders lost with Carr, the loss was the only thing that mattered. When it comes to Stidham, all of a sudden, Raider fans don’t care about winning or losing. Such hypocrisy! He found out in one game what Carr has known for ten years, our defense absolutely sucks. Not like the 49ers are an offensive juggernaut.

    Raida Dave

    @Nikko Ramirez not a weak assumption at all based upon your comments.


    Seriously! I was avoiding watching the game, I budged and turned it on in the 2nd quarter and saw we were up, 10-7, in the end, I was very surprised to see we hung with a really good team who will probably go pretty deep in the playoffs


We had 2 of our best defenders out tonight. Stidy showing us what this offense can be. Hope for next year with a better D

    Luke Parodi

    Showing us what this offense can be? Carr has done the same thing over the years. Defense is still trash as always. Davante absolutely saved him on that deep throw too


    @Luke Parodi yes, when is the last time Carr put up 300+ yards on a #1 defense????? And for his first career start. Time to let go of Carr


    @TheMotoChick9 vs Baltimore.


    @BenevolentPrime they’re a bad pass defense… and one of the worst on 4th downs


    And a better head coach

Colorado Trucker

As a 49er fan I have to give you guys credit where credit is due. You guys came out firing on all cylinders and put up a great game. Even though it was a loss you need to look at it like this you are the first team to come out and do this to the niners since the KC game we had. Great game guys.


    @paolo-n2000 I don’t go to the game but live in Vegas and I was driving to work today( had to make a detour when trying to pass the stadium cuz I forgot their losing assses had a game today lol) I saw a ton more niners jerseys on the streets than raiders jerseys.


    @paolo-n2000  @paolo-n2000  I didn’t go to the game but live in Vegas and I was driving to work today( had to make a detour when trying to pass the stadium cuz I forgot their losing assses had a game today lol) I saw a ton more niners jerseys on the streets than raiders jerseys.


    Sounds like mcdaniels made this comment, what an idiot


    @Bay Life lol what a joke you are

    RaiderNationJason Saahir

    Respect. Great game. Get that Trophy Gang!


I hate the raiders but you showed up today. Respect

Hans Ostrom

49ers are Super Bowl caliber, and the undermanned Raiders stood tall. The draft will help. I have hope.

Cloned Avenger

Stidham balled out on the number 1 defense. Great job on your first start where all the talking heads and even SOME “Raider” fans were doubting you. Hope you guys bring the fire next week!

    Cloned Avenger

    @Bikinis Forever You have to look at the context of the picks. Did Carr have some that were on the WRs this year? Yeah. But a lot were simply just over thrown/under thrown balls. The ones on Stidham was a batted ball that went floating in the air, and the next one Nick Bosa bull rushed Kolton Miller into Stidham causing a floater. Did you actually watch the game or looking at stats? I know a lot of Carr fans said they were boycotting the game lol. I’m not sure the last time I saw Carr run outside the pocket and take a huge hit just to add some more time for a WR (Adams) to get open. I’ve watched Carr since his rookie season. I wish him well with his next team. But I’m happy the Raiders moved on

    Carbage Man


    Alan Barcenas

    I understand the Carr followers are hurt and don’t want to let go, y’all need to realize he was never to be and he’s done, move on. This change should’ve happened after the Tennessee game. Seriously in fact he should’ve been gone four seasons.

    Carbage Man

    @Alan Barcenas McCheese is a lying sack.

    Don't Think to Hard

    @Bikinis Forever give off the Carr train he’s done

ron james

We will see how he does next week. If he plays well I think they should give him a shot next season


    Wow great analysis lol

    Bikinis Forever

    If Stidham plays well next week, Carr is done, will probably retire. Raider Nation should be grateful for the years he has given us stability at a position where we lacked it. If Stidham sucks, though, Carr will be a Raider next year.

    Bikinis Forever

    @K. Masciarelli Do the 49ers have much tape on this guy? If not, once teams figure him out, he will struggle more. Though with more practice, he should show improvement. Those two picks are concerning.

    ron james

    I just dont think Carr can run this system very well. I also think since his injury he lost a step. He plays a little scared I think.

    Phil Waugh

    @K. Masciarelli ROFL 1 game is more than enough. Thanks for starting my day off with a good joke 🙂

Kim Macias

Good game against a Great team… so close and did a lot against the #1 defense! Raaaiiiiderssss ❤🔥❤️💥

el ayuwoki

Hopefully they give Stidham a chance he literally put his body on the line for the Raiders that’s appreciated.

Merre Keste

Great played and coached guys was our best game of the season vs a championship contender if we play like this next season we should be a great playoff team build on this showed us hope and proudly did great just unlucky with the results in the end but needed this war.

Matthew Jay Evans

I thought it would be a blowout, but they showed fight today. To take one of the best teams in the league to OT was impressive. Could have been a lot worse. Yeah a loss is a loss is a loss, but I’m actually proud of the effort today. If they finish 6-11, so be it. At least they won’t be 5-12 or 4-13 or 3-14 or 2-15 or 1-16 or 0-17. Gotta be positive. Hopefully they get a good pick in April’s draft. I also think some of the assistants need to change. Unfortunately McDummy is staying next season so that won’t change. I just hope they get better coordinators.

Big T

I’m so proud of the Raiders offense. Raiders defense need a rebuild.


    Better head coach to

    Crystal Nelson

    Start with a new defensive coordinator.

    Phil Anderson

    Not a full rebuild. Need to draft the best DT possible. Also need help at LB, and safety. Also need more depth on both lines.

    Strongly disagree with people who want to fire all the coaches.

Travis D

Raiders should have been in the playoffs this year, so many close games and a talented roster. STUDham looks legit! Also a niners fan here but you guys gave us a battle and came out swinging. Had our D against the ropes. Good luck with the Chiefs next week hope you pull a W.

    Phil Waugh

    If the Chiefs have anything to play for, it will not be close. And that’s because of our defense. Hopefully Stidham looks good again though. He deserves a shot at winning the job next season.

tsuv tom

49ers fan here. Not really a fan of Josh McD, however I thought he did a really good job calling this game with the Offense. He stuck with the run game and used a lot of play action. Sticking with this identity with DA and Jacobs will be hard to stop. I didn’t think this game was about Carr or Stidham. You guys will be good next year with more help on defense.


After hearing Jarrett speak at the podium I’m doubly impressed!


    They’ve found their starting QB

Al N Josi

Dude, I’ve been a Raider fan for a LONG time. This squad needs to learn to work together and be successful. I’ve seen a lot of Hall of Fame quarterbacks benched at one time or another and still make it to Canton on the same team! We’re all human beings that make mistakes. C’mon man! Keep this team together, quit the backstabbing and be professionals and work TOGETHER to win a few SUPER BOWLS!


Well damn McDaniels sounds like the same old broken record but carr ain’t there so it sounds like carr ain’t the problem I think the problem is what I’ve been saying the whole year but nobody wants to bring it up or say it Patrick Graham’s got to go he don’t know how to make halftime adjustments or anything else there’s no way in hell we should be up double digits every game and then at the end lose it just like when somebody gets into the Red Zone on the Raiders it’s a 98% guarantee they’re going to get a touchdown not a field goal a touchdown we didn’t hold somebody till field goal in the red zone until week 14 before then we hadn’t stopped anybody from scoring a touchdown and we haven’t stopped but maybe a couple of times and had them be a field goal instead of a touchdown since then

    Sherri T1337

    I think it might interesting to hear what David Carr has to say tomorrow. JMO

Sladjan Begic

Start him. Restructured carrs contract, and keep him as a back up. Sign JJ. And definitely work out these issues with the defense. And I think will be great for next season.

    Carbage Man

    They burned those bridges.

Dennis Bell

Raider defense lost to a 3rd string qb who will not be the starter next season…wtf. DC was never the problem. Next season will be McDaniels last.

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