Coach McDaniels and QB Derek Carr Postgame Pressers | Week 2 vs. Cardinals | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Coach McDaniels and QB Derek Carr Postgame Pressers | Week 2 vs. Cardinals | NFL

Head Coach Josh McDaniels and quarterback Derek Carr address the media from Allegiant Stadium following the Week 2 matchup against the Arizona Cardinals.

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This was the most pathetic game I’ve ever seen as a Raider Fan. It was the best our defense has looked in a LONG TIME. Our defense stopped them in overtime and gave our offense a chance to win.

    Robert M. 2022



    The didn’t stop anybody in overtime…a wide open receiver just dropped a pass on the 15…there was no coverage!

    Jon Breevaart

    @James Alexander doesn’t matter where the pass was thrown. Renfrow tried fighting for extra yardage when we were already in FG range. That’s 100% on Renfrow and everybody has agreed with me so far. All Renfrow had to do was GET down after the catch. Not try to spin and get extra yardage. He cost us the game and it’s not even up for debate. It’s a fact.

    Jon Breevaart

    @Luke Parodi all we had to do was stop them ONE time and we win. I agree why can’t we get a stop on defense to win the game? Just ONE time 😅


These are the games that bite us when were clawing and scratching to get a playoff spot at the end of the season. Why all the weapons if your not gonna use them. Renfrow fumbled twice. Utilize your bigger targets like Waller and Moreau there. I almost feel for Jacobs at this point. Let him close or at least get you a closer fg.

    Ramon Fernandez

    Ain’t no way this team is contending for a playoff spot.

    Jeancarlos Vargas

    Fr , watch when jacobs signs with some1 like the chiefs or ravens next year


    @Jeancarlos Vargas he is gonna sign with the chargers or jets next season, watch

    David Rudd

    @raidernationcali how you gonna call another team chokers after you blew a 20 point lead with 1 min left in the 3rd 😂


    @A Garcia A Garcia that’s in a 16 game season, totalallt different odds in a 17 game season, not saying it’s great but it’s different than 20%

Aaron Johnson

I watched the whole thing.. We BARELY looked Adam’s way on some single man coverages.. We can’t go from 1 extreme (overtargetting) to not giving our best player a chance.

    Johan Stinson

    @S Zen best WR lol. Not even close.

    Without Rodgers he’s not even top 5 and is barely in the top 10

    Aaron Johnson

    @Johan Stinson A bit negative and confrontational, are we? He’s a top 5 receiver and should be given the chance to make a play on a jump ball

    Johan Stinson

    @Aaron Johnson also…..Adams has never been a “jump ball” WR. I’ve watched every game he’s played in the NFL and that’s not his game. Never has been and never will be.

    Aaron Johnson

    @Johan Stinson Oh so you’re saying Aaron Rodgers never threw Adams jump balls during single coverage in the back corners of the endzone? hmmm

    mistah ozzy

    @Johan Stinson yeah it’s the patriot offense. Did you ever watch Tom?

Anti Serg

Speechless, good teams keep leads


    The Raiders are not good.

    Armon Brown



    @YoBoog coaches are part of the team

    Deacon Gowan

    Good defenses keep good leads, something the Faiders haven’t had in 20 years.

    Gucci Mane

    @Deacon Gowan morn the defense was pitching a shutout the first half. Second half we’re running prevent defense and Chandler Jones dropping back in coverage… wtf that’s not why he paid him millions. The D cord needs to get slapped for that stupid adjustment. And Carr like always throwing behind his Wideouts


I feel bad for Duron Harmon! Dude made two outstanding plays on 3rd and 4th down in OT and then we blew it! Also shout out to Foster Moreau, great play to recover the first fumble from Renf, shame he wasn’t on hand to recover the second one 😩😩 let’s be honest though, we had a lot of games very similar to this last season and we squeaked our way to a win each time, it was bound to go against us at some stage. We need to close games out and be ruthless. Let’s not have another cardiac kids type season, please!!

    Nathan Bauman

    Too late. This season is over.


    Moreau had no business recovering that fumble! He just wanted it more 💪

    Robert M. 2022

    @Nathan Bauman week 2


    @Robert M. 2022 yup and its sad by week 2 we already know the season is over.


    @yunghollow72 The worst team ever with close games almost every week.

Luke Parodi

I can’t even fathom how we just lost that game. Why are our coaches always taking their foot off the gas when we have a lead?? When will they learn to not stop just cause you are winning by double digits? The second half play calling was horrendous, and somehow we just have a knack to never finish the big play on defense when it needs to be done. Unbelievable… and I love Renfrow, but he has 3 fumbles in 2 weeks. That is totally unacceptable and he’s about to get benched. I know he probably does, but I hope he feels like absolute crap after fumbling away this game.

    Tanner Edge

    McDaniels can’t be a HC

    Wayne Houser

    We didn’t play defense in the second half. The Receivers were getting 25 yard cushions at the line because Josh McDaniels is being forced to play the same defense the trash Raiders have been deploying for over 10 years. Plug in the DJ Hayden tape and compare it to yesterday’s game and you’ll see the exact same thing. Josh still deserves to be fired after that game.

    Christian M

    I don’t think the second fumble of this game should be his fault if carr hadn’t made that shitty throw renfrow wouldn’t have had to reposition himself and spin like a ballerina 🩰 like that


    @Jett Jensen and Murray..

    James Lathrop

    Should not have been throwing the ball in that situation anyways. 2 yards from Field Goal Range run the ball . Bad play calling and the offense only producing 3 points in the 2nd half coaching and play calling were horrendous

Jessie B

I’m so disappointed in myself for thinking the raiders would win a playoff game this year 😂
I’d be surprised if they make it in the playoffs at this point, afc is to stacked to lose games they should have won

    Deacon Gowan

    They MIGHT win 5 games, with the 7th pick in the 2023 NFL Draft, the Raiders select…

    Deacon Gowan

    @Levi Souder that team had better coaches last year. McDaniels has always sucked as a coach. He’s a coordinator and that’s it.

    alex riley

    ​@joseph jimenez First 2 weeks of the season are vital to making the playoffs. NFL history only 10% of teams have made the playoffs after starting 0-2. Season is likely done now .

enrique bravo

Right around field goal range, just give Jacobs the ball

    Jackie Chun_420

    Yea that’s on coaching but also Carr needs to change the play when it looks like it’s not gonna work

Valinor Mons

It was a bad day when the Raiders chose this cheerleader to be the head coach. It’s gonna be a long season with no results at the end. I’ve been a Raider fan since 1980. What have I done to deserve this?

    Marc Madonna

    Amen bro…. Fan since 1976, this was a super embarrassing loss.


    @Valinor Mons agreed with your assessment 💯 and it’s really too bad. They don’t seem to have the same team chemistry they did when he was coaching…

    boseefus macmurphy

    We should have kept delrio

    Isaac Morales

    Chucky fucked it all up

    victoria fundora

    exactley!!! coach & carr need to go sorry!!!


Teams that start out 0-2 don’t make the playoffs most of the time. This was a game that we should have won. What worries me the most is that we are already 2 games back and we haven’t played The Chiefs and Broncos yet. Going 0-2 and being in a very competitive division should make you worry.


    @Ron Pow that’s completely wrong , Cowboys, Patriots, and Giants all won superbowls after starting 0-2, but we will start 0-5 at best , and we are definitely not making the playoffs

    John Carlos

    10% chance to make play offs at 0-2


    Playoffs? Ur talking about playoffs??? I just hope we can win a game

    JayDogTitan 1464

    @EMBARRASSED RAIDER Yeah I remember Dallas “93, Didn’t know Giants, Pats. Dallas 0-2 hole was during Emmitts holdout.

    victoria fundora

    agree!! very worried

Hassy 81

Last 3 plays were 2 fumbles and a pass that was almost picked off. This is while Jacobs was running great all game and they have one of the best kickers in the NFL.

    Henry Gucci

    Josh McDaniels is not a ready to be a head coach


    Jacobs was like under 4 ypc he wasn’t that great


    Good observation

    JayDogTitan 1464

    @Henry Gucci Oh but he said he learned a lot from his Denver failure and he was a different coach this time around, He looks lost already, He’s got that Jay Gruden look about him.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

No excuses at all today Raiders. Congratulations to Mark Davis his new team already won him and the State a championship.


How can we disrespect Josh Jacobs so much? He was on fire and we didn’t have the faith to hand him the ball at the end to get in FG range to win the game.

    D Whoop

    All this money we spent on Carr ,waller ,and adams now jacobs is supposed to be the focal point on offense

    Sim Singh

    @D Whoop to eat up time yes. Game management is crucial

    Gucci Mane

    Offense made stupid adjustments and stopped running the ball…. And Carr just let the D stay out all the 2nd half

Ade Ellis

I can’t believe they didn’t run the ball almost in Carlson FG range. Needed 5 yards

    Crackhead Joe Dirt

    Playcalling mistake. McDaniels needs to be better. Josh has had 2 great 1st halves & after halftime we stop feeding him.

    Relly Rell is Really Real

    It was first down and he threw it..smh

    Christian M

    @Crackhead Joe Dirt could’ve been carr calling audibles like on second down

    Deacon Gowan

    I can, McDaniels is a terrible head coach.

Bob DelPrincipe

What we learned was there was leadership on one side and a lack of leadership on the other.

Rusty T

Week 2 of preseason football for the starters is in the books. Week 3 coming up!

Nikola Tesla

We were a Playoff team last year with fewer playmakers, more off field drama, 2 coaches, and 2 jail bound players. These last 2 games are Deplorable when you look at who we have on offense now! We have a front office that Refuses to bolster the trenches on both sides, saves up all our money for no reason, makes bone head play calls when, sorry hunter, but ya Just fumbled, why the Hell did we not put the ball in Jacob’s hands to run the 3 yards Daniel needed to end the game!? It’s like Josh wanted to be like Pete Carrol and not give Beast Mode the ball with 1 yard to go in the end zone. Josh is now 11-19. The nation does Not want him as our coach!! You should have kept Rich, Mark.. Your dad is rolling over in his grave. Awful play calling for a second week in a row. There is no excuse for that.

    CR R

    Totally agree with everything you said….here we go again


The Raiders need Josh Jacobs to touch the football. 25 plus times a game. This needs to be a run first team to keep the other teams quarterback on the bench.


    Exactly, in Jacobs first two seasons we were heavy hitters, the defense was just terrible


As a raider fan, I’m use to being disappointed… but todays loss hit different.
If you were in the stadium today you know exactly what I mean!!!

    Armon Brown

    Right we expect a lot from this years team just ugh idk if I can defend these guys anymore

    David Reyes

    Same ole GAYDERS!!! 😂😂

Sean Lane

I’ve supported the Raiders for nearly forty years and I know that a 20 to nil lead at half-time means nothing. As soon as the Cardinals scored their first touchdown you knew what was going to happen next…although the degree of capitulation was bad even for the Raiders!

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