Coach McDaniels and QB Derek Carr Postgame Presser | Week 10 vs. Colts | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

For the love of God, for the love of Raider Nation!!!! Fire McDaniels!!!!

    Vinnie Espo

    Fire Patrick Graham

    Vinnie Espo

    It’s not Carr we draft another qb over Carter or Anderson this franchise will be doomed

    Are There Lakers To Talk About?

    Trade Derek Carr


    Mcdaniel traded cut let go all the good ones and replaced the with an old over the hill corners and safeties 🤬🤬🤬

    Ted Tod

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to share some good news with you all. Let’s just put it this way, the Ten Commandments are called the Moral Law. Ask yourself this. How many lies have you told? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever used God’s name in vein? Have you ever hated someone or ever looked with lust? This is for you to judge yourself, but chances are that you are a lying, thieving, blasphemous, fornicating, adulterer at heart and you HAVE to face God on judgement day. Now ask yourself this. If God judges you on judgement day by these Commandments, will you be innocent or guilty? Of course you’ll be guilty because we’ve all done these things. The truth is that none of us are good people and we NESD God’s grace to make it to heaven. We judt simply cannot do it on our own. These Commandments arecalled the Moral Law. You and I broke the law, Jesus payed the fine. So now what we must do to be saved is to repent of our sins and trust alone in Jesus Christ! To repent doesn’t mean to just say I’m sorry, but to turn from our sins and let Him truly be our Lord continually. He said that many will say to Him, Lord, Lord I have done all of these things for you. And He will say I never knew you. Depart from Me, ye who work iniquity! And those will be cast into outer darkness and raging hellfire and loneliness for all of eternity!!! Because we broke His law, He is very, very just to send us to hell. If someone had murdered 4 people and said to the judge, I’ve done nice things too and have tried to treat people nice but it was just one time, the judge would then say, okay but you’re going to jail. And the judge is very just to do that. One last thing, if you were 10,000 feet in the air and you had to jump, you wouldn’t jump out and flap your arms and try to save yourself. That’s ridiculous! You would put on the parachute. It is the same with Jesus. You must trust Him as you trust the parachute. We are not good and we cannot save ourselves with our own goodness. We must trust alone in Him to save us. In just a moment of time you can pass from death to life. Jesus said, “Verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again.” That is how we enter heaven. Through the blood and grace of Jesus Christ!!!!✝️If you ask someone how to enter Heaven, they will most likely say, “Be a good person.” Well the Bible says that none is good, no not one. We like to compare ourselves to guys like Hitler and say, “Hey, I’m a pretty good guy compared to him.” But when we compare ourselves to God’s standard, we  realize that the Bible speaks truth when it says that we all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God!!! When we see this ( our sin in its TRUE light), we see how much trouble we are in and we say, “Well then there’s nothing I can do. I’m going to hell for sure then.” It’s true that there is nothing that WE can do, but there is something that has already been done for you! God sent His One and Only Son to die on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins! So to recieve that eternal sweet sweet forgiveness, all we must do is repent of our sins (meaning to continually turn from them and confess them) and trust alone in Christ as you trust a parachute. If I was to push you out of an airplane, you’d want the parachute for sure! Don’t try to flap your arms and save yourself, trust in the parachute! His finished work on the Cross IS ENOUGH!! He is the only way to Heaven, He said it Himself!! These other religions teach that we must he good and do good things and then maybe if we’ve been good enough, we will enter Heaven. But if that is true then we are all doomed to eternal hell because none of us are good. That’s why this makes sense. Look at the Ten Commandments, they are written on your heart right now!! I promise that you have violated them. And you might still be doing that today. Therefore God is just to poor out His wrath on us because we deserve it!! But Christ died for us so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with Him! Turn to Him today, and He and only He will save your soul “Verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again ( to  go to Heaven).”✝️The true joy of Christ dwells in me!!! Does it in you? I know where I’m going when I die! Do you? I have an ETERNAL victory! Do you? I have more joy than ever because of what Christ has done. I have been down both roads. The road of the wicked and the road of Christ. Christ is way better and my cup runneth over with true joy and salvation. If you do not know the One true God and are not sure of your salvation, I promise He will never fail you. Turn to Him in repentance and faith. Repent means to confess and forsake your sins, never turning back to them. I tried changing on my own but I couldn’t. It took the power of Christ on the inside of me to do it for me. He will give you a new and clean heart with new and clean desires and you shall be born again. A new creation in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!! Jesus said in order to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be born again! Thank you Lord Jesus!✝️


Patrick Grahams defense getting beat the exact same way since week one, but this time by a brand new high-school coach and never done it before offensive coordinator. Gus Bradley meanwhile shows how to adjust his top 5 defense to play against the strengths of the opposition.

    Andy Torres

    We’re 28th defense in the league man and dead last in a lot of defensive rankings come on

    The Autumn Wind

    @Wyatt Cooley bro, they’re bottom of the league in every category that matters. How the hell Matt Ryan running on them fools like Lamar Jackson lol. Can’t cover, Can’t tackle, can’t pressure a pocket passer behind a bad O-line. We’re just all the way bad. Everywhere. Special teams is playing ok, though.


    @Wyatt Cooley The offense shouldn’t have to score on the last drive of the game. If we had a defense that could stop a pee wee league team it wouldn’t have to fall on the offense every single week

    Ricky Sanchez

    and his former team that they release him for graham huge mistake

    Ted Tod

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to share some good news with you all. Let’s just put it this way, the Ten Commandments are called the Moral Law. Ask yourself this. How many lies have you told? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever used God’s name in vein? Have you ever hated someone or ever looked with lust? This is for you to judge yourself, but chances are that you are a lying, thieving, blasphemous, fornicating, adulterer at heart and you HAVE to face God on judgement day. Now ask yourself this. If God judges you on judgement day by these Commandments, will you be innocent or guilty? Of course you’ll be guilty because we’ve all done these things. The truth is that none of us are good people and we NESD God’s grace to make it to heaven. We judt simply cannot do it on our own. These Commandments arecalled the Moral Law. You and I broke the law, Jesus payed the fine. So now what we must do to be saved is to repent of our sins and trust alone in Jesus Christ! To repent doesn’t mean to just say I’m sorry, but to turn from our sins and let Him truly be our Lord continually. He said that many will say to Him, Lord, Lord I have done all of these things for you. And He will say I never knew you. Depart from Me, ye who work iniquity! And those will be cast into outer darkness and raging hellfire and loneliness for all of eternity!!! Because we broke His law, He is very, very just to send us to hell. If someone had murdered 4 people and said to the judge, I’ve done nice things too and have tried to treat people nice but it was just one time, the judge would then say, okay but you’re going to jail. And the judge is very just to do that. One last thing, if you were 10,000 feet in the air and you had to jump, you wouldn’t jump out and flap your arms and try to save yourself. That’s ridiculous! You would put on the parachute. It is the same with Jesus. You must trust Him as you trust the parachute. We are not good and we cannot save ourselves with our own goodness. We must trust alone in Him to save us. In just a moment of time you can pass from death to life. Jesus said, “Verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again.” That is how we enter heaven. Through the blood and grace of Jesus Christ!!!!✝️If you ask someone how to enter Heaven, they will most likely say, “Be a good person.” Well the Bible says that none is good, no not one. We like to compare ourselves to guys like Hitler and say, “Hey, I’m a pretty good guy compared to him.” But when we compare ourselves to God’s standard, we  realize that the Bible speaks truth when it says that we all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God!!! When we see this ( our sin in its TRUE light), we see how much trouble we are in and we say, “Well then there’s nothing I can do. I’m going to hell for sure then.” It’s true that there is nothing that WE can do, but there is something that has already been done for you! God sent His One and Only Son to die on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins! So to recieve that eternal sweet sweet forgiveness, all we must do is repent of our sins (meaning to continually turn from them and confess them) and trust alone in Christ as you trust a parachute. If I was to push you out of an airplane, you’d want the parachute for sure! Don’t try to flap your arms and save yourself, trust in the parachute! His finished work on the Cross IS ENOUGH!! He is the only way to Heaven, He said it Himself!! These other religions teach that we must he good and do good things and then maybe if we’ve been good enough, we will enter Heaven. But if that is true then we are all doomed to eternal hell because none of us are good. That’s why this makes sense. Look at the Ten Commandments, they are written on your heart right now!! I promise that you have violated them. And you might still be doing that today. Therefore God is just to poor out His wrath on us because we deserve it!! But Christ died for us so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with Him! Turn to Him today, and He and only He will save your soul “Verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again ( to  go to Heaven).”✝️The true joy of Christ dwells in me!!! Does it in you? I know where I’m going when I die! Do you? I have an ETERNAL victory! Do you? I have more joy than ever because of what Christ has done. I have been down both roads. The road of the wicked and the road of Christ. Christ is way better and my cup runneth over with true joy and salvation. If you do not know the One true God and are not sure of your salvation, I promise He will never fail you. Turn to Him in repentance and faith. Repent means to confess and forsake your sins, never turning back to them. I tried changing on my own but I couldn’t. It took the power of Christ on the inside of me to do it for me. He will give you a new and clean heart with new and clean desires and you shall be born again. A new creation in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!! Jesus said in order to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be born again! Thank you Lord Jesus!✝️


Well done Mark Davis. Now we don’t know how it would’ve turned out had he kept Bisaccia, but the fact is you go from a guy the players fought for and a playoff team to this. A 180 degree turn from last season, inexcusable. Players are defeated and broken especially Carr as we see here. Lincoln Kennedy said it best this isn’t a team. It’s a group of guys with no identity.


    @jablonowskibrandon Terrible? He’s terrible? Really? JaMarcus Russell, Ryan Leaf, Josh Rosen, Nathan Peterman. THOSE quarterbacks are terrible. Now don’t get me wrong if you think Carr isn’t a top tier elite QB that’s fine, but if you think Carr is on the same bottom tier as the ones I listed, you’re delusional.

    Vulcan Raven

    @No filter Raider they have a similar team as last year. Now they’re not winning

    cddc 9889

    @Vulcan Raven Bruh, check your facts. Roster and team is very different from last year. Last year the team played with a purpose and sense of identity. This year Davis wanted to stamp the team with an identity using the Cheatriots. It’s obvious Carr needs to go now and it’s a damn shame. The way he played in 2016 was lights out. The organization has finally broken Carr. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if agents for qb’s in next year’s draft quietly contact the raiders and tell them NOT to draft their client because they won’t want to play for the Raiders. Remember Elway?

    jacob gomez

    Bisaccia had these men fighting!!!!!! This guy is a joke


    @jablonowskibrandon he won with the leagues second best scoring defense.


You my QB Derek… I believe in you and God will give his biggest test to his toughest soldiers. Keep the Faith

    Ryan Rawlings

    DC knows there are some cancers in the locker room

    John B

    @Michael GO MIND YOUR OWN BOZNESS!!!!!

    John B


    John B


    John B

    “”💅💅💅🏳️‍🌈 CARR’S REALLY GOOD, JUST TRUST ME!!!””

    “”(👄’s on Eggplant) YOUR MY QB CARR, I LOVE YOU!!””


Michael Nino

The Raiders destroyed him from having extreme success with constant change and horrid defenses. Just sad what could have been.


    @Michael Nino sounds like you have a hard time admitting he sucks.

    Michael Nino

    @Steven  sounds like you don’t know a damn thing about the Raiders. We all have our own opinions. Have a good day, my friend


    @Michael Nino I’ve been watching the raiders since the early 90s. Which is practically my whole life? I think I know what I’m talking about.

    Michael Nino

    @Steven  Well I’ve been watching since the 80’s, So?


    @Michael Nino so the fact that you think Derek Carr is our leader and watching since the 80s? I wouldn’t even know what to say. I say, it’s time to move on from him. He’s not going to get any better.

Clay Johnson

I have not seen Carr (or any player) this emotionally upset before… this show Carr loves and cares for the game of football and the Raiders. He knows he can do better on another team, but he’s a RAIDER! Wish all the other players and staff had the heart like he does.

    John B

    @BlackholeSon YUP!!

    John B



    The way he was rocking back and forth … he looked like he wanted to fight somebody (insert coach here imho)


    @John B the defense ranked dead last in pressure, sacks and turnovers because of him. 🤣🤣🤣
    This year the offense played 544 compared to the defense 570 snaps. That’s not even 3 snaps more per game. Maybe if this unit could stop a nose bleed they wouldn’t be on the field so long. Giving up a 70.8 comp% is ridiculous.
    But yes it’s Carr 😂😂😂

    Lavaughn FLA

    @John B People running there mouth. The crybaby Carr is the main problem . 9 years of bs from him and you point at the coach. Go get chuckie back you losers.

alex marquez

this team deserves better the coaching staff is holding this team back


    @alex marquez carr has been and still is the problem. These coaches just make it worst. We really shouldn’t be this bad. Even with carr

    Sebastian Tapia

    dude just needs some stability

    Manuel Rodriguez

    And what happens when he is gone and it’s the same result ?

    NEVER ‼️


    @Julian Hernandez Hey ‘bozo’…did you know the Raiders only beat ONE playoff team the year they went 12-4 and Carr got hurt? I repeat…ONE playoff team during the regular season. They also won 4 games by a FG or less against shitty teams. He wasn’t even that good that year but thank God Amari Cooper would come down with a lot of his 1v1 late games passes. It’s a game of inches, and that year was clearly an anomaly in terms of winning.

    I will say, obviously with a better defense maybe Carr is put in a different spotlight. But now he’s losing winnable games. Coaching staff or not, the elite/great QB’s pull out more games than what Carr has ever done. He’s the 12-18th best QB in this league on any given night. Period.

    Vulcan Raven

    @Javi Garcia you’re right that Carr isnt a franchise QB. That being said, the team in general blows. Their offense has 1 good player (Adams). They always struggle to run the ball. Defend. Close out games. The Raiders are what their record says they are.

Victor Hernandez

People talking bad about this guy but I bet we’ll never see another QB with this much passion for our team.


    @Jr Gomez and your older then me and using emojis, do you not see how childish they make you look. I’m 28 and will never ever use an emoji..are you usut trying to fit in with the younger generation by using emojis?


    @Jr Gomez how come you respond on this comment thread but not the other one where I bombarded you with 6 replies.


    @Jr Gomez I’m bored and got no life now but making sure you quit commenting on YouTube. So let the games begin.


    @Mrv B  Defense has nothing to do with him sucking as the leader and QB on offense.


    @Oscar Ramirez not Carr.
    He’s like 52- 77 as a qb..
    Never won a playoff game.
    The best qb for the Raiders..
    STABLER, Plunkett, Gannon..
    Stabler because he became the very attitude of the Raiders back then.. he simply refused to lose.

Cap Steve Poarch

I am heartbroken for Carr. For Maxx. For Adams. For the Nation. We all deserve better. Please. I am begging. We need a leader for a head coach. We need a winner for a head coach. Please get a decent head coach.

    Eddie Parker

    @Phil Anderson Nah Phil!! Mike Maylock still had MUCH 🏈 in him to contribute!! In Matlock’s 1st season as GM , The Raiders HAD NINE ROOKIES STARTING!!! Teams around the league kept asking “who are these guys!” When discover they’re a bunch of kids, Big Boys took the gloves off & said “Welcome The NFL!” Which is good lessons! It it shouldn’t be easy for them. The Raiders have had some of THEE WORST DRAFT PICKS IN NFL HISTORY!! Where do I begain?? Robert Gallery O-line man with short arms ( a safe pick 4 Al no it wasn’t) Ricky Dudley TE as fast as a receiver but.. Darius Haywood Bey WR fastest player in the draft ( Al was BIG on speed) YET, like Dudley couldn’t catch a cold to save his life!! Much less a 🏈!! Let’s Not Forget ( because I won’t) the greatest draft busts in Raiders history JaMarcus Russell QB!! Do you remember JaMarcus Russell??. I REMEMBER JAMARCUS RUSSELL!!! Phil get a hold of yourself when you try to say Mike Maylock has HAD IT!!

    Jaiden Benz live

    Carr can’t win any games he’s gone next year.

    Eddie Parker

    @Jaiden Benz liveU might be on to something Benz 🤔! I Rather see what DC4’S game is once he’s playing for a 🏈 franchise who’s stays CONSISTENT with his new HC & GM!! The more I look at this 🏈 franchise & it’s Players The more I’m convinced these players are being rebellions message to Mark Davis!! I don’t totally believe Josh McDaniels is THAT BAD A HC!! Him , Ziegler & every new comer in The Team is a” casualty of War!!” They didn’t quit on McDaniels’ , They quit on Mark Davis!! When U have HC who gets the team into The Playoffs dispike the turmoil of Gruden’s departure & still got The GM who made some of THEE BEST DRAFT PICKS in YEARS & DECADES U don’t fired them figuring the next GM & HC means instant success!! The CURSE of The Raiders has always been inconsistency!! Each yr each era this 🏈 franchise FINDS WAYS to hurt themselves & The Raiders Nation. From hiring the wrong coaches drafting the wrong players , signing & trading for players who’s even past their prime or dysfunctional!! U must have the “C” Word before U have “E” Word 😳 lost?? A commitment to CONSISTENCY before U have A Commitment to EXCELLENCE

    Phil Anderson

    ​@Eddie Parker Are you serious? Yes, they had a lot of rookies, because they traded Khalil Mack and Amari Cooper right when both were heading into their prime. But those, really the majority of Raiders drafts in the Gruden-Maycock era are widely considered to be a disaster. Expert after expert, article after article. We can even look back:

    2018 Draft R1 Kolton Miller – steady starter. R2 PJ Hall – considered a huge reach on draft day, turned out to be a bust, out of NFL. R3 Brandon Parker – another huge reach on draft day. Considered about the 14th best OT in the draft and a mid-round pick. Never played well, often hurt, out for this season. R3 Arden Key. – Another huge reach. Completely blew a game against Miami, never played well, cut before last season.

    2019 Draft – R1 Clelin Ferrell – Another huge reach taken 4th overall. Has barely panned out, borderline bust status. R1 Josh Jacobs – Has played quite well. R1 – Jonathan Abram – another crazy reach of a pick. Never played well, recently cut. R2 Trayvon Mullen – Another essential bust. Was traded this year with a 7th round pick, to get the Arizona’s 7th round pick (which will be worse, actually).

    2020 – R1 Henry Ruggs – Just a downright tragedy. Nothing more to say. R1 Damon Arnette – an absolute bust. Very poorly scouted, crazy gangsta gun nut, never played well at all, now a rapper. R3 Lynn Bowden. Never played well at all, traded to Miami with a 7th round pick, to get a 4th round pick., A total net loss. Now on NE’s practice squad. R3 Bryan Edwards – Caught a total of 11 receptions, traded to Atlanta with a swap of lower round picks. R3 Tanner Muse – Never took a snap for the Raiders. Cut, picked up by Seattle.

    2021 – R1 Alex Leatherwood – Widely considered another overdraft, cut after just one season. Yet another wasted 1st round pick. R2 – Trevon Moehrig, has played much more like a mid-round draft pick. R3 Malcolm Koonce – another reach of a pick.

    The only players taken that high again in any sort of re-draft would be Miller, Mullen, Edwards, and Jacobs. That’s a disaster for a team that had seven first-round picks over this time frame.

    Gruden and Maycock do deserve credit on one guy for sure. Max Crosby. A super pick in R4.

    Let’s not forget how bad the they did in FA. Often drasticaly overpaying players who didn’t perform. Remember the hype with Jordy Nelson? Lasted one year, cut. Cut Bruce Irvin (now back with Seattle and playing well) to keep Tahir Whitehead on a 3 year $19 million deal, lost starting job next season, then cut. Rashan Melvin was paid $5.5m and started just 7 games. Trent Brown was hugely hyped, 4 years at a whopping $66m to help rebuild the OL. Traded to NE after 2 years. Ty Williams signed to 4 years for over $11m a year. Started just one game in two years, then cut. Lamarcus Joyner signed to a 4 year $42m deal, played one full season, cut after the second. Cory Littletwon paid over $10m a year. Nick Kwiatkowsky, Nassib,Malek Collins, Ngakoue, Drake, etc. I could keep going, but why? This is just a savage list of FA failures.

    Darren Waller and Nelson Agholor were good signings. Renfrow has played fairly well. That’s about it.

    But Maycock and Gruden’s tenure doesn’t stop there though. They traded away a third and fifth round pick to the Steelers to get Antonion Brown, which was a spectacular failure before he even suited up. They sent another 3rd round pick to Pittsburgh for Martavis Bryant, and then cut him at the end of camp.

    DE Jihad Ward was traded for Ryan Switzer, who never played for the team. They traded a 6th round pick to the Packers for Trevor Davis, who was cut after two and a half months. The Packers used that pick on Jon Runyan, who started every game last season at guard.

    Maycock and Gruden sent a 5th pick to the Bills for quarterback AJ McCarron, who threw a total of three passes with the team. Not done monkeying with QBs, they sent a 7th round pick to the Jets for QB Christian Hackenberg.

    So, tell me again that Maycock was a great evaluator of talent? A good GM?

    Bret Edwards

    Until the Raiders take Mark Davis out of the hiring job, we will get more incompetent HC and GM choices. Seriously people, in a decade he has gone thru six HC’s and three GM’s and none of them were good hires. If a player or coach performed this bad, there would have been fired years ago.


This feels like theyre taking Carr out back and executing him and he knows it. No matter what us real Raider fans support you. FIRE MCDUMMY NOW!!

    Trevor Mannion

    @Junior Beckham Bortles had a defense. Foles had a Wentz carried season. Peterson was not a bad coach.
    You still have yet to name a great player who beat out bad coaching. So hit me with that name. The examples you gave are bunk.


    😂😂😂😂😂😂 bad choice of words with execution

    Barber Jungle

    @Junior Beckham McDaniels been calling some questionable plays. For example on the last drive. The goal should be to get the first down but the play called was for the Td which is a risk because then you’ll turn it on downs.

    Junior Beckham

    @Barber Jungle I agree, and that’s why i said Mcdaniels should be fired, at the same time bro, Derek Carr hasn’t been played well this season, he’s regressed, 2 things can be true man but the coach gotta go and i’m not even a raiders fan lol

    Ted Tod

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to share some good news with you all. Let’s just put it this way, the Ten Commandments are called the Moral Law. Ask yourself this. How many lies have you told? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever used God’s name in vein? Have you ever hated someone or ever looked with lust? This is for you to judge yourself, but chances are that you are a lying, thieving, blasphemous, fornicating, adulterer at heart and you HAVE to face God on judgement day. Now ask yourself this. If God judges you on judgement day by these Commandments, will you be innocent or guilty? Of course you’ll be guilty because we’ve all done these things. The truth is that none of us are good people and we NESD God’s grace to make it to heaven. We judt simply cannot do it on our own. These Commandments arecalled the Moral Law. You and I broke the law, Jesus payed the fine. So now what we must do to be saved is to repent of our sins and trust alone in Jesus Christ! To repent doesn’t mean to just say I’m sorry, but to turn from our sins and let Him truly be our Lord continually. He said that many will say to Him, Lord, Lord I have done all of these things for you. And He will say I never knew you. Depart from Me, ye who work iniquity! And those will be cast into outer darkness and raging hellfire and loneliness for all of eternity!!! Because we broke His law, He is very, very just to send us to hell. If someone had murdered 4 people and said to the judge, I’ve done nice things too and have tried to treat people nice but it was just one time, the judge would then say, okay but you’re going to jail. And the judge is very just to do that. One last thing, if you were 10,000 feet in the air and you had to jump, you wouldn’t jump out and flap your arms and try to save yourself. That’s ridiculous! You would put on the parachute. It is the same with Jesus. You must trust Him as you trust the parachute. We are not good and we cannot save ourselves with our own goodness. We must trust alone in Him to save us. In just a moment of time you can pass from death to life. Jesus said, “Verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again.” That is how we enter heaven. Through the blood and grace of Jesus Christ!!!!✝️If you ask someone how to enter Heaven, they will most likely say, “Be a good person.” Well the Bible says that none is good, no not one. We like to compare ourselves to guys like Hitler and say, “Hey, I’m a pretty good guy compared to him.” But when we compare ourselves to God’s standard, we  realize that the Bible speaks truth when it says that we all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God!!! When we see this ( our sin in its TRUE light), we see how much trouble we are in and we say, “Well then there’s nothing I can do. I’m going to hell for sure then.” It’s true that there is nothing that WE can do, but there is something that has already been done for you! God sent His One and Only Son to die on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins! So to recieve that eternal sweet sweet forgiveness, all we must do is repent of our sins (meaning to continually turn from them and confess them) and trust alone in Christ as you trust a parachute. If I was to push you out of an airplane, you’d want the parachute for sure! Don’t try to flap your arms and save yourself, trust in the parachute! His finished work on the Cross IS ENOUGH!! He is the only way to Heaven, He said it Himself!! These other religions teach that we must he good and do good things and then maybe if we’ve been good enough, we will enter Heaven. But if that is true then we are all doomed to eternal hell because none of us are good. That’s why this makes sense. Look at the Ten Commandments, they are written on your heart right now!! I promise that you have violated them. And you might still be doing that today. Therefore God is just to poor out His wrath on us because we deserve it!! But Christ died for us so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with Him! Turn to Him today, and He and only He will save your soul “Verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again ( to  go to Heaven).”✝️The true joy of Christ dwells in me!!! Does it in you? I know where I’m going when I die! Do you? I have an ETERNAL victory! Do you? I have more joy than ever because of what Christ has done. I have been down both roads. The road of the wicked and the road of Christ. Christ is way better and my cup runneth over with true joy and salvation. If you do not know the One true God and are not sure of your salvation, I promise He will never fail you. Turn to Him in repentance and faith. Repent means to confess and forsake your sins, never turning back to them. I tried changing on my own but I couldn’t. It took the power of Christ on the inside of me to do it for me. He will give you a new and clean heart with new and clean desires and you shall be born again. A new creation in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!! Jesus said in order to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be born again! Thank you Lord Jesus!✝️

Eddie Sanchez

To my fans and to my squad!!! And CARR!!! Once a “RAIDER ALWAYS A RAIDER” keep your head up ” THE SILVER AND BLACK”… we loose but WE WILL RISE!!!

    k35ducky duck

    Yessir bro you just made the rest of my night this season is not over yet

    Joey Macaluso

    When though??? Raiders have not been relevant for decades.

    Eddie Sanchez

    @Joey Macaluso let’s go back to last season l??? When our in term coach took off??? I’m sorry whos your team?? And ain’t no QB like CARR… that man has had to adapt to so many plays throughout the years.. and he still plays his heart out.. so again.. who’s your team??

    Ted Tod

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to share some good news with you all. Let’s just put it this way, the Ten Commandments are called the Moral Law. Ask yourself this. How many lies have you told? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever used God’s name in vein? Have you ever hated someone or ever looked with lust? This is for you to judge yourself, but chances are that you are a lying, thieving, blasphemous, fornicating, adulterer at heart and you HAVE to face God on judgement day. Now ask yourself this. If God judges you on judgement day by these Commandments, will you be innocent or guilty? Of course you’ll be guilty because we’ve all done these things. The truth is that none of us are good people and we NESD God’s grace to make it to heaven. We judt simply cannot do it on our own. These Commandments arecalled the Moral Law. You and I broke the law, Jesus payed the fine. So now what we must do to be saved is to repent of our sins and trust alone in Jesus Christ! To repent doesn’t mean to just say I’m sorry, but to turn from our sins and let Him truly be our Lord continually. He said that many will say to Him, Lord, Lord I have done all of these things for you. And He will say I never knew you. Depart from Me, ye who work iniquity! And those will be cast into outer darkness and raging hellfire and loneliness for all of eternity!!! Because we broke His law, He is very, very just to send us to hell. If someone had murdered 4 people and said to the judge, I’ve done nice things too and have tried to treat people nice but it was just one time, the judge would then say, okay but you’re going to jail. And the judge is very just to do that. One last thing, if you were 10,000 feet in the air and you had to jump, you wouldn’t jump out and flap your arms and try to save yourself. That’s ridiculous! You would put on the parachute. It is the same with Jesus. You must trust Him as you trust the parachute. We are not good and we cannot save ourselves with our own goodness. We must trust alone in Him to save us. In just a moment of time you can pass from death to life. Jesus said, “Verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again.” That is how we enter heaven. Through the blood and grace of Jesus Christ!!!!✝️If you ask someone how to enter Heaven, they will most likely say, “Be a good person.” Well the Bible says that none is good, no not one. We like to compare ourselves to guys like Hitler and say, “Hey, I’m a pretty good guy compared to him.” But when we compare ourselves to God’s standard, we  realize that the Bible speaks truth when it says that we all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God!!! When we see this ( our sin in its TRUE light), we see how much trouble we are in and we say, “Well then there’s nothing I can do. I’m going to hell for sure then.” It’s true that there is nothing that WE can do, but there is something that has already been done for you! God sent His One and Only Son to die on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins! So to recieve that eternal sweet sweet forgiveness, all we must do is repent of our sins (meaning to continually turn from them and confess them) and trust alone in Christ as you trust a parachute. If I was to push you out of an airplane, you’d want the parachute for sure! Don’t try to flap your arms and save yourself, trust in the parachute! His finished work on the Cross IS ENOUGH!! He is the only way to Heaven, He said it Himself!! These other religions teach that we must he good and do good things and then maybe if we’ve been good enough, we will enter Heaven. But if that is true then we are all doomed to eternal hell because none of us are good. That’s why this makes sense. Look at the Ten Commandments, they are written on your heart right now!! I promise that you have violated them. And you might still be doing that today. Therefore God is just to poor out His wrath on us because we deserve it!! But Christ died for us so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with Him! Turn to Him today, and He and only He will save your soul “Verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again ( to  go to Heaven).”✝️The true joy of Christ dwells in me!!! Does it in you? I know where I’m going when I die! Do you? I have an ETERNAL victory! Do you? I have more joy than ever because of what Christ has done. I have been down both roads. The road of the wicked and the road of Christ. Christ is way better and my cup runneth over with true joy and salvation. If you do not know the One true God and are not sure of your salvation, I promise He will never fail you. Turn to Him in repentance and faith. Repent means to confess and forsake your sins, never turning back to them. I tried changing on my own but I couldn’t. It took the power of Christ on the inside of me to do it for me. He will give you a new and clean heart with new and clean desires and you shall be born again. A new creation in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!! Jesus said in order to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be born again! Thank you Lord Jesus!✝️



    Brian Watts


    Don Pierce

    Haha…that will be the day !

    Joe Sanchez

    As a Niner fan I’d take him in a heartbeat


Josh Mcdaniels is now 7-24 in his last 31 games as a head coach…this is the man Mark Davis hired to return the Raiders
to greatness…can someone please make this make sense

    DAN B

    @Space Cowboy whaaat?


    @Raider Martin Wins arent a QB stat smooth brain…


    He’s 5-26 in his last 31 games as a hc lol, his last season with the broncos in 2010 he went 3-9 when he got fired and now with the raiders he’s only won 2 games so 5-26 would be his record, that’s quite the resume 😬


    @Raider Martin Everytime Carr has gotten his team to the playoffs the owner fired the whole coaching staff and forced his team to start over which is not what you do, you build on what you have and keep progressing, never have I seen coaching staffs get fired for making the playoffs, that’s exactly what they’re suppose to do make it to the post season so mark Davis will fire you if you do your job this team will never have stability as long as mark Davis is the owner.


    @Space Cowboy brother the offense had 5 minutes in the 4th qt to win the game

J.R’s Cards

You can’t tell me he isn’t one of the most passionate guys in this league

Aaron Lopez

I do not care if the Raiders go to the Super Bowl next year, I will always remember this year when Josh McDaniel took over Jon Gruden’s team and pissed all over it.. and my heart goes out to the players and especially you Derek Carr the best quarterback the Raiders have had in a while. God bless you Derek Carr.

    Artemio Flores


    Mike Deleon

    @Brooklyn opinion Brooklyn is trash

    Brooklyn opinion

    @Mike Deleon where u from Iowa or something

    Steve Mai

    @Brooklyn opinion Wrong. If Gruden wasn’t blackballed for hurting over sensitive people’s feelings then the Ruggs accident never happens, the team doesn’t have a meltdown and who knows how the season would had played out but with how Gruden liked to use the run game I believe we could’ve been unstoppable with the play action. Then say we still trade for Davante in the off-season. Ruggs lined up across from Tae. Over sensitive people with soft skin is what killed the Raiders chances for success.

    Brooklyn opinion

    @Steve Mai bro gruden was arrogant racist trash..and he drafted horribly..I don’t understand why inyway think gruden was inything…we need a good coach …

Rod Amos

I feel Carr is getting a lot of heat this year. Other than the Saints game, we’ve had several high scoring games. The biggest issue I see is the defense. They are allowing at a minimum 20 points a game. This means offense has to play even harder to get a win.

We need to focus next season on restructuring our defense and hiring a different coach

    Phil Waugh

    25 ppg they are giving up. Mark Davis took a playoff team and handed it over to a failure of a coach who was planning from Day 1 to tear it all down so he could build it his way, with his guys. That’s fine when you take over a bottom of the standings team, but it’s not how you do it when you inherit a playoff team on the rise. Fire this clown and bring in Payton. It won’t happen because Mark’s ego won’t let him admit he broke the entire organization, but that’s what should happen.


    you seriously think asking carr and adams to score more than 21 points a game is tough??? this fambase is doomed what happened to commitment to excellence?

    Rod Amos

    @Dutchmaster710 Well, no. Basic math would show you there’s only an 8 point difference between the average score of the Raiders and the top team, the Chiefs, for points per game this season. Which means the problem isn’t with the offense. Defense is allowing too many last half comebacks and forcing offense to try and win the game in under 2 minutes, negating all the work offense already did.

    Phil Waugh

    @Dutchmaster710 they avg 23 and the defense gives up an avg of 25. Try again loser.


    @Rod Amos carr has the thrown 3 tds in 2 and a half years dude stop

Super Shaw

This is the most realistic Carr has ever been so far in press this entire season.

    Raider Martin

    Second round pick and he can go.

    israel mendoza

    It’s because he knows this will be his last season with the Raiders, he sees the writing on the wall, that’s why he’s super emotional. He wanted this to work so bad, but it’s just not meant to be


    @israel mendoza Carr’s a good guy but he’s just not in the same tier as Mahomes, Brady, Rodgers. Far from it actually. The excuses have to stop. Raiders need to move on


    @Ryan Bro it’s the coaching staff, teams been there, when we lost Gruden we lost the ability to get the best out of our players.


    It’s OK to be a crying little man as long as you’re angry.

Ant Conn

Man these guys do the best they can with what they are given. Good job everyone, Derek clearly has a big heart and a ton of passion and love for the team plus he always leaves it all out there and I can respect that! Good job dude, I won’t knock ya anymore, I hope you are with them your entire career. Don’t worry man, you guys will come together.✌💕

    Ted Tod

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to share some good news with you all. Let’s just put it this way, the Ten Commandments are called the Moral Law. Ask yourself this. How many lies have you told? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever used God’s name in vein? Have you ever hated someone or ever looked with lust? This is for you to judge yourself, but chances are that you are a lying, thieving, blasphemous, fornicating, adulterer at heart and you HAVE to face God on judgement day. Now ask yourself this. If God judges you on judgement day by these Commandments, will you be innocent or guilty? Of course you’ll be guilty because we’ve all done these things. The truth is that none of us are good people and we NESD God’s grace to make it to heaven. We judt simply cannot do it on our own. These Commandments arecalled the Moral Law. You and I broke the law, Jesus payed the fine. So now what we must do to be saved is to repent of our sins and trust alone in Jesus Christ! To repent doesn’t mean to just say I’m sorry, but to turn from our sins and let Him truly be our Lord continually. He said that many will say to Him, Lord, Lord I have done all of these things for you. And He will say I never knew you. Depart from Me, ye who work iniquity! And those will be cast into outer darkness and raging hellfire and loneliness for all of eternity!!! Because we broke His law, He is very, very just to send us to hell. If someone had murdered 4 people and said to the judge, I’ve done nice things too and have tried to treat people nice but it was just one time, the judge would then say, okay but you’re going to jail. And the judge is very just to do that. One last thing, if you were 10,000 feet in the air and you had to jump, you wouldn’t jump out and flap your arms and try to save yourself. That’s ridiculous! You would put on the parachute. It is the same with Jesus. You must trust Him as you trust the parachute. We are not good and we cannot save ourselves with our own goodness. We must trust alone in Him to save us. In just a moment of time you can pass from death to life. Jesus said, “Verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again.” That is how we enter heaven. Through the blood and grace of Jesus Christ!!!!✝️If you ask someone how to enter Heaven, they will most likely say, “Be a good person.” Well the Bible says that none is good, no not one. We like to compare ourselves to guys like Hitler and say, “Hey, I’m a pretty good guy compared to him.” But when we compare ourselves to God’s standard, we  realize that the Bible speaks truth when it says that we all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God!!! When we see this ( our sin in its TRUE light), we see how much trouble we are in and we say, “Well then there’s nothing I can do. I’m going to hell for sure then.” It’s true that there is nothing that WE can do, but there is something that has already been done for you! God sent His One and Only Son to die on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins! So to recieve that eternal sweet sweet forgiveness, all we must do is repent of our sins (meaning to continually turn from them and confess them) and trust alone in Christ as you trust a parachute. If I was to push you out of an airplane, you’d want the parachute for sure! Don’t try to flap your arms and save yourself, trust in the parachute! His finished work on the Cross IS ENOUGH!! He is the only way to Heaven, He said it Himself!! These other religions teach that we must he good and do good things and then maybe if we’ve been good enough, we will enter Heaven. But if that is true then we are all doomed to eternal hell because none of us are good. That’s why this makes sense. Look at the Ten Commandments, they are written on your heart right now!! I promise that you have violated them. And you might still be doing that today. Therefore God is just to poor out His wrath on us because we deserve it!! But Christ died for us so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with Him! Turn to Him today, and He and only He will save your soul “Verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again ( to  go to Heaven).”✝️The true joy of Christ dwells in me!!! Does it in you? I know where I’m going when I die! Do you? I have an ETERNAL victory! Do you? I have more joy than ever because of what Christ has done. I have been down both roads. The road of the wicked and the road of Christ. Christ is way better and my cup runneth over with true joy and salvation. If you do not know the One true God and are not sure of your salvation, I promise He will never fail you. Turn to Him in repentance and faith. Repent means to confess and forsake your sins, never turning back to them. I tried changing on my own but I couldn’t. It took the power of Christ on the inside of me to do it for me. He will give you a new and clean heart with new and clean desires and you shall be born again. A new creation in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!! Jesus said in order to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be born again! Thank you Lord Jesus!✝️


This young man has accomplished a lot this is one Jersey I will always keep

Joker Productions

It is all too obvious now that was meant to be a rebuild. That being said a rebuild makes ZERO SENSE! We made it to the playoffs against all odds last year and from a talent standpoint we should have only gotten better and made a real run at the conference title and maybe even a superbowl by 2024 to win in VEGAS. Now it is a complete reset. It makes absolutely no sense to me.

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