Coach Matt Rhule gets the Game Ball after his first win – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jocelyn Price

First comment yeet

Shannon Dodson

Waiting on the mic’d up

Psycho _Christian

Let’s go keep pounding you’ll leed us to the top

It’s just Your old friend

Love the panthers


Ed Folley is the man!!


Keep pounding

The Speed Channel

I love that so much, SWEET CAROLINE, BA BA BA, HECK YES lesssssssss gooooooo panthers!

dom_on_wii ツΨ

Great Work Matt! Can’t wait til Christian comes back!

Jay_ dizzle yt

Keep pounding! LOL

Brandi K

Funny seeing Coach Foley lead “The W Anthem.” Buuuut IMO it’d been cooler to see Shaq or Tre, KK, Moton, DJax, JJ… of the ‘Carolina veterans’ lead it off like a leadership over the rookies… at Carolina there is a long time traditional anthem that is sung after every W and it goes like this…… Sweet Caroline….

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