Coach Lombardi and Coach Graham Presser – 9.13.22 | Raiders | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Kevin Kaatz

Now that Carr knocked the rust off, he’s gonna KILL this weekend v. AZ. U forget that prior to @LA, Carr hasn’t played LIVE BALL since Jan – and there’s nothing that can simulate live ball

    Golden King

    @RA1DERS Adams didn’t play a pre season game! 🤡

    William Chavez

    All Carr needs to do is be efficient. He needs to give wrs a chance to catch 50/50 balls and not under throw a simple crosser to waller which would be a TD.


    @Golden King Well I obviously was talking about Carr

    George Vega

    Should have got reps in preseason like Mahomes did. Mahomes had five TD passes.


Defense made some good stops. I like graham


    Hell yeah they did! F Paul Gunther!


    Defense looking good. Need some interior D line tho and I hope #25 is okay

Monty Chrisman


    Galaxia X

    Dang old man 😂, I started watching when bo Jackson and Marcus Allen 👽👍🏽

    Monty Chrisman

    @Galaxia X Right on im 58 years old love my Raaiiddeerrss

Michael James

Edges gotta keep containment. Need a QB spy. Keep lil Murray in the pocket


Carr and Adams really should have played the last Preseason game.

Christopher Bailey

If the chargers almost lost to the raiders after having five sacks and three interceptions just imagine what the chiefs are gonna do to them

    P B

    @Breyan I’m praying it’s just week 1 rust. A lot Teams we’re upset week 1 so I ain’t trippin. Plus the broncos don’t scare me one bit


    @Alan that’s because the Chargers are a much better team

    Manuela Valencia

    @DOUBLE 0 RAIDER. A much better team would have scored TDs on all them turn overs. Once again the chargers will be sent home out the playoffs come the end of the year so enjoy ur small victory now ✌🏾

    P B

    Let’s not forget 2 out of the top 3 teams with the best odds to win the super bowl are in our division 😅 Not making excuses. However, it’s only week 1 and iron sharpens iron baby 🦾


I thought we were running more man to man press. I saw mostly zone with no press. Those receivers were getting free releases. Pass rush couldn’t get there because the ball was out quick

    Wayne Houser

    That’s because we’re running the same defense we’ve been running for years. They talk big like it’s changed, but it hasnt

    Ryan Ashmore

    Its changed

josh smith

First game of the season! Don’t freak out! I know you fellas are emotional about the loss, so am I, but we know Carr is better than that. We also knew that O-line was garbage. We have to fix it now! Everything else will look much better if that line holds and Carr doesn’t have 3 or 4 guys falling around breaking up the pocket. It’s all timing with our offense. Pocket breaks, so do we.

    Jody Carrasco [Cadwallader MS]

    Absolutely correct Josh Smith. Hard enough to be an NFL Qb with a good pocket nevermind the level of difficulty when the pocket is crumbling so quickly. Carr had his negatives no doubt, but that line was easily being pushed around.

    Rich Vitale

    Did you also notice that the Chargers rolled Herbert out a bunch how about on those last plays a rollout or a screen pass. It was completely a joke we dropped straight back on both those last plays that was trash play calling. Coverage sacks because we didn’t have any short outlet options on those plays. And what’s with the trick plays.

Marc Valle

Raiders had a bad game DC 3 INTS, O line Struggle Blocking, D line Struggle Pressuring….. 2nd half Coaches make some adjustments especially Graham with the D and they stop Chargers Offense, but Raiders Offense especially DC you could tell missing the Pre season wasn’t the same. And they still made a game of it and had the chance to win only 5 points difference. Let’s give the players and the coaches the benefit they need to figure each other out and some get the first game jitters out. Raiders gonna be alright


    Carr didn’t play preseason last year the year before and took like 2 snaps in 19 , thats a weak played out excuse.

    channel surfer

    you’re right…the whole team, coaches and players, should all just sit in a sauna together and let their heads bake until they meld together…then maybe they will “figure each other out.”

Malcolm James Sr

Empty backfield says one thing, PASS! Pretty easy for the defense to perform!

Steve G

This is a learning experience all around from staff to team. Yes, they had a roller coaster game of positives and a lot of negatives. However, facing an aggressive chargers defense in week 1 should help the team get rid of the jitters moving forward. Just need to keep focusing on the playbook, the schemes, and most importantly the timing on both sides of the ball. Things will get better, I’m sure the staff will have things settled by week 4 or 5. As for Carr, the time is now (more than ever) to settle down, take charge of the playbook and pair that with his athletic ability. No need to be a hero – just stay disciplined with timing of the pocket collapse and ball release. Don’t be afraid to throw the ball away or roll out a little bit for throwing room. The team will be fine.

    Daniel Madden

    Carr is highschool level passer…the game would have been 40 to 24 Carr through away three easy touchdowns…Carr makes winning difficult he only has a 20 yard pass he has no long pass it is unreliable…

    channel surfer

    that sounds like something you’d say to a pop warner QB…for God’s sake, he’s a pro football player..

    Daniel Madden

    You are clueless this is Carrs 8th year….he is only getting worse…Derek is not a winner he is dillusional…You have never achieved success you do not know the mind of a winner Derek does not know how to win…

Jeff Garrison

I can see subbing in an O Linemen because a guy got banged up, but the coaching staff needs to settle on a starting 5 O Line. Being that the Chargers had the ball the majority of the first half, if that would have been the case for the second half, then there would have been no chance to win. But 14 points is not a huge deficit. The fact is, the running game was effective, it made the passing game better, it’s the Chargers weakness and it should have been exploited!!!
I think the Raiders 2nd half adjustments were excellent. But if we would have run the ball more, we would’ve won the game.


Chemistry is not there yet and can’t wait until everything starts clicking. Let’s Go Raiders💀☠️

eric Pangilinan

Offensive line did a good job 5 sacks

Louie Sanchez

Herbert is known as a good runner , how come we had no qb spy ?
Will we do the same for Mahomes?

Joseph Phifer

I just don’t understand how you can expect a brand new coaching staff to come out game one and be dominant. There is nothing like real game reps. I think we played well. There are some kinks to work out sure but i think it way to early to say anything except GO RAIDERS!

PJ Mokate

Is it possible the coaching staff is implementing too much game plan that the players are struggling to get it?


this felt like they wanted to show case adams and forgot about the og weapons. Hobbs and maxx is what kept chargers from executing another to. Hobbs had a great game

Alton Farnsworth

Lmao coach said win or loose I’m miserable that’s consistency right there

Ian McCaffrey

Carr, the offensive line, and the defense costed the Raiders the game. Carr kept forcing the ball to Adams and was underthrowing almost every receiver. $40mil a year…

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