Coach Judge Breaks Down Giants vs. 49ers Week 3 Game Film | Joe Judge Report (Ep. 3) – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Coach Judge Breaks Down Giants vs. 49ers Week 3 Game Film | Joe Judge Report (Ep. 3)

In a new episode of the Joe Judge Report, head coach Joe Judge uses the telestrator to break down Giants vs. 49ers, including an inside look at the mechanics of the run defense.

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    Alex Serrano

    Your not tired of breaking down losses …..

    Master Diver

    What do ya’ll want @ New York Giants? I throw 103.x & undefeated pitching. – NY Mets Diamond Team SS

    lawrence moran

    Remember when we used to win Super Bowls? Remember when we used to win games?


How about u show us the worst plays, and not look at the 2 good plays. Maybe we will learn a little bit from the bad plays. nO wE thReW a 22 yArD pASs

    KuanE 58

    The first thing he said was when they hit the tape/film the first thing they make is corrections. Killing your players with only the bad things they did won’t make them better either.

    Si Taylor

    They only have a 13min window slot…


Doesn’t Judge get tired of breaking down losses every week?

    Lucas Martinez

    +greatwuta Hey Mr. Sarcasm I really appreciate that. But seriously, I honestly expected it. The team could still really use some talent in a lot of areas, three starters on the offensive line are new and haven’t had a lot of time to gel together so the lack of chemistry right now is super apparent but it’ll get better over time, new head coach who’s really new, injuries to Barkely and Shepard don’t help, and the coronavirus taking away practice reps in the summer on top of all that? Yeah I’m not surprised the Giants are stinking the place up. I don’t think anyone else should be surprised either lol.


    @Lucas Martinez well you love to dog me when I told everybody in Entertainah’s channel that this team is not going to good in 2020. But I’ll admit I’m happy because Giant fans are finally angry that this team stink beyond stink. 3-13 I think this team is going to be and I love it. About time Giant fans are angry, should have been angry 2 years ago when John Mara scammed us that they are a playoff team after taking Saquon.


    Lucas Martinez yeah I agree bro we can definitely learn from our mistakes we make going week to week

    Lucas Martinez

    +Armoni I’m glad you agree.

    mark d

    Its his job. Win or loss.

Sachin R

Is he going to do this every weekend? What happens when we are 0-10?

    Andrew ryan

    Yeah I don’t know why there making him do this like seriously 😐

    June ! y.o I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! 26OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!


    Lucas Martinez

    You know you don’t have to watch this right?

    mark d

    Yes every week


How come he never talks about how they F’d up and let players catch the ball in the middle of the field.

    Chisom Kwubiri

    It wouldn’t make sense to come out and publicly criticize your players.

    Jose Bermeo

    The middle is always opennnnnnnnn, drives me crazy

Jason Berner

This team will start to turn season around soon!

    Alex 2028

    Be real man, it’ll be the worst season ever, this coach knows football only on flys

    Jason Berner

    This a young team and will get better playing as one unit with coaching.

    carlos sanchez


    Jason Berner

    carlos sanchez ?

    Mike Honcho

    They got a time machine?!

Si Taylor

They found 13mins of positive plays…. That’s impressive given the dire performance.

    Mike Honcho

    You didnt count the “filler” talk. Its about 5 min


    Funny ; )

    Isaiah Santiago


Raymond Rodriguez

Im sick and tired of losing


    You should have been sick of losing 2 years ago.

    Raymond Rodriguez

    I was. Might be numb to it now


    I’ve been sick of tired of losing for 9 years.

Unsung Hero

Does anyone else feel that all these press conferences and break downs just give other teams an even BIGGER edge over us?

    Chisom Kwubiri

    Teams already have the tape. They don’t need another coach to tell them what they’re doing.


    There’s nothing special being revealed here. Other teams should have no trouble figuring out how to exploit the gaping holes on each starting unit of this garbage roster.

Samuel Cassell

Did Bob say “some positive things” there was nothing positive about that game other than Geno😂😂

    Alex 2028

    Breaking the plays every week He’s going to do this till we are 0_12, GOOOOOD HELLLLLLP US

Leo Ayala

Bob Papa and Carl Banks called the game this past Sunday on the radio and were clearly disgusted with the giants play against the 9ers and rightfully so. Here, Papa has to just focus on the positives the giants did on their way to losing by 27??? This is an embarrassing team right now. This episode should have reflected the giants performance in a more realistic/honest light. Own up to the terrible performance! If it was close, yes, praise the good things you did but please, they looked horrendous. Give me a break.


    ^ Exactly

    Daniel C

    He said they did not play good and its not good enough. There was good things and bad on this game.


    @Daniel C <----- needs to put down the bong and clean the wax outta his ears. Neither Judge or Papa at any point said what you claim was said (find it in this vid, dare ya) and you know JACK-S about football if you think there was anything positive about this game. The Giants stunk the Meadowlands up so much HazMat should be called in to fumigate the place. 💯 As Parcells use to say (Carl Banks repeated it on WFAN on Monday) -- Parcells quote: "Guys... if I have to worry about you trying hard and not giving up in a game, then we have no shot. That needs to be a given." Professional athletes making millions to play "trying hard" should be a very low baseline bar to clear. To laud that as a "positive" coming outta that StinkFest would be laughable if not so pathetic.


Seriously, this is just silly at this point. The Giants embarrassed themselves and THEIR FANS this past Sunday. Put this nonsense on hold until they resemble a professional football team. As is, vids like this are akin to Rosie O’donnell posting beauty tips.

    Mr T

    Sell the team too, can’ hardly watch this clown show anymore.


    @Mr T — well, I certainly share your frustration and I’m beyond p1ssed at The Giants’ never-ending epic ineptitude… BUT… I also am forever grateful and appreciative for all the chills & thrills this organization has provided my fandom thru many, many years. It’s why it hurts so badly. The Giants are part of my family. Kids have been raised and are diehards of this football team. We share extended family get-togethers over Giants’ games. WE LOVE THE GIANTS! BLEED BLUE FOREVER, THICK & THIN.

    So… I simply want the owners to get their heads outta their derrierres (they’ve have their noggins up their rumps for a long, long time now) and FIX THIS NEVER-ENDING DEBACLE. They’ve been incompetent and have made so many blunders, and I’m not sure they possess the football acumen to fix it. They don’t appear to have any answers that work; lest anyone forget that the GREAT Tom Coughlin was hired due to Wellington (R.I.P., sir). Don’t sell… FIX IT FINALLY, ffs.

    But, unfortunately, I won’t/can’t hold my breath… cuz I kinda would like to keep on living.

    Myla ! I NEED SЕЕХ ღ*GO MY PROF!LE* ღ



Less talk, more winning.

    troy evans

    Agreed 👍

Paul Third

The break down of the game.

1. Giants focus on containment and stop the run early.
2. 49ers back up QB starts shredding the secondary with screens and short passes.
3. Giants adjustment the seconday.
4. 49ers play RPO rest of the game and blow giants out.

Alex Serrano

There’s a problem when the giants got as many wins as the fans this season …..

Master Diver

I thought, first half D played great, only 9 pts; matter of holding on to the last possession.

I learned, 0-Set, S. Gun, 3+2 Full House. 0-Guns in about 5-6 plays per half, for about 75-80% COMP%. I generically call that a Stop Play/Stop-Turnaround, which links, with me. It minimized the D-line to only 4, good WR insertion & allowed a possibility, for a big ISO play. Good video.


So why doesn’t bad plays get breakdowns? It’s like reading a company news letter/paper… nothing negative to say about themselves at all.


so you guys are saying the best thing from this game was a flop extra point by the other team? sad times to be a Giants fan lol


Seems like he needs to break the film down with the team not with us. Dumpster fire


Hang in there Joe!! This is a good dude and good staff, its the very beginning of his regime, he needs a roster! and they need to gel. as much as fans have been waiting, the “win while rebuilding” philosophy set us back 3-4 years. not joes fault.

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