Coach Jeff Saturday One-On-One with Larra Overton – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Nolan Evans

All glory to Jeff

Michael Wayne

He definitely talks a good game.


    Bruh he is family what more do u want him too say ? He energy is what the colts need right now to win games not fire every player

    Michael Wayne

    @AWORKOF ART Why are you being defensive? All I said is that he talks a good game. Relax.


If he beats Philly he is coming back next year . Future goat coach

    Schwifty IV

    I’d be surprised if they don’t get stomped


    Agreed!!!! Go Jeff, go Colts!!


    I thought the eagles were going to destroy the commanders lol


    Lol bro Washington beat Philly there beatable and every team in the league is but if he wins 5 of the next 7 they should find a place for him for sure at worse he has to win 4 but if he goes 6 of 7 or 7 of 7 that be awesome to.


I’ll be there to watch Monday the 28th

Mike Kelso. Jr

Welcome Jeff you are a great Colt and will be a great coach !!👍👏😊

Terry Nance

#ThatsMyHC I totally believe in Jeff. It actually kinda shows how good of a coaching staff we have. I truly believe we’re gna kill it these last games w Jeff at the helm. He can lead men like no other. Anyone who watched Indy when Manning was here knows Jeff can lead Any1. Go COLTS 🧲


“hE sHoUlD hAvE tUrNeD dOwN tHe JoB” – Signed, the media marks


He the perfect wguy for the job


Also a friendly reminder that Bill Cowher only had 12 years of NFL experience before he became an NFL head coach, Jeff has 13

    Dr. Bryce Banner

    With Bill’s own logic he was completely unqualified to become a TV Analyst since he had zero experience doing that before.
    Just an absolute joke of a take. Jeff Saturday is a leader of men, period.

Diego Parra

Great leader. Great motivator. That’s what it takes

John Asher

He literally sees what we the fans have seen and Reich hasn’t.

I have faith in the Colts now.


    Bruh he was a qb lol 😂

Christopher Sanchez

Not even a colts fan but I’ve been plugged in because of Jeff Saturday. Love hearing him and seeing how the men in that locker room respond to him


Frank is a great guy. But sometimes personality can change a work environment and Jeff has a great personality


As a Titans fan the colts new coach is so authentic and nice and overall a good human being

Conservative Libertarian

Just listened to Pat McAfee….. Now he’s a die hard Colts fan as we all are…. He made this comment sarcastically and so will we….
“DO NOT LET THE COLTS MAKE THE WILD CARD LET ALONE THE PLAYOFFS, with Coach Saturday!!” Lol…. We beat the Eagles…. look out!

Barbara Chieppo

We love you Jeff.✌❤🏈

I moved to california & now surrounded by a cult

Pat said it best. He bled, worked, sweated, & fought for Indiana & Indianapolis 💯💯🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Scott Dudley

If no one owns him it’s like fresh air

Christopher Greenwell

He’s legit. Full stop.

E J80

You started Rogers over that other guy. Already a win in my book.

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