Coach Hackett on start of voluntary veteran minicamp: ‘It’s just great to be around the guys’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Let’s go broncos 17-0

Yung. Ace

Beyond Excited about the season 🔥🔥 RUSS & HACKETT LETS RIDE!🐎


Having a coach with an actual personality that doesn’t say the same thing every week. I am so glad fangio is gone.

    Roman Gandara

    I’m so happy rn

    Dylan Kennedy

    Even how funny he is with the plane going over. Really like this guy he’s a crack up

    Steve Buscemi

    @Stevie Sevieria all he did was say it was nice for a coach to actually have a personality, instead of the robot Fangio.

    Never said anything about his skill set.

    Stevie Sevieria

    @Steve Buscemi ok, someone said they are glad Fangio is gone. After the personality comment. Insignificant… so ….sorry.

    Steve Buscemi

    @Stevie Sevieria yeah the op 😂😂 you need to learn how the Internet works bro


Like the attitude and energy, BUT let’s reel it in a bit and remember it’s his first stint as HC. Let’s give him time to do his thing and circle back about 8 games in.

Also, for all of Fangio’s shortcomings, his defenseive gameplans were always solid. People are assuming because we have the same players the defense will perform just as well. Again, time will tell.

    David Younkin

    We have alot of the same guys but all new coaches I do agree with you it will take time and chemistry with the whole team and the coaches once we have chemistry look out. Let’s ride.

    Royal k

    Ejiro Evero comes from the Fangio defensive tree

    Stevie Sevieria

    Preme. Totally agree, let’s see how he does coaching games. Yeah he looks better in front of the press but that’s worth zero on the field.

    Tim B

    Agree. Its just nice to have something to get excited about again. Think it will take time to get going but vibes are great.

Adam Jones

This is what Natural looks like 🔥

Brent Bman

Book it – Coach Hackett is going to lead this team back to the top of the AFC. Can’t wait!!

Gordon Shumway


Colin Rissler

Coach Hacketts certified

William Akiona

This is the coach we’ve needed since Gary Kubiak

    Amy Bright

    Kubes still so underrated tho. I really think we don’t win 50 without Gary


I LOVE this guy! 180 degrees from Vic! Smart, quick and informative! Great communicator! Props to Broncos IT dept! Can actually hear the questions from the press!


I know we’re all excited,but realistically I’d take 10 wins this year get us back on track and next year …… I think it’s Super Bowl or bust !


He’s so much more comfortable compared to Vic in his early pressers. Goddang I can’t wait for the season to begin!

Michael Ronquillo

Hackett and Wilson are going to send a message to all the NFL teams this year.

    Michael Ronquillo

    Let’s Ride and Go Broncos

Ryan Shaw

dude. I LOVE this guy!


Great mindsets! Ready to see what they do this season

Gabriel I

Let’s go Nathaniel! Love the energy. 🧡💙

KuKu Saur

Well, Russ is going to question everything. He has a Law Degree. 😂

Steve Buscemi

Let’s go coach Hackett!!!


Freaking love this guy. So glad Vic is gone. I love Hacketts personality and energy. Great positive and infectious attitude. So stoked to ride into next season with these guys!


Pat lived open communication…Payton carried that torch conversing with everyone in the building too..Feels like George and Coach Hackett are bringing that back…Excited for the years ahead. Communication is always key

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