Coach Gruden Tours Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas | Raiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Coach Gruden Tours Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas | Raiders

Head Coach Jon Gruden gets a sneak peek at Allegiant Stadium as he steps inside the new home of the Raiders for the first time.

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Lincoln Kauffman

Gruden already looking for linebackers at the stadium

    Anthony Prado

    Lincoln Kauffman 💀😂

    julio guzman

    Lincoln Kauffman 4-12 I’m sure


    Who can’t blame him, sure he dreams lb’s everyday

    Robert McNearny

    Yup, it happens when you get rid of the best linebacker in the game. Gruden sucks.

    Steve Arnold


Edgar Velazquez

That gatta get back to work mentality is a one of chucky’s attributes I really like!☠️☠️

zach lewis

Im glad i had the opportunity to be a OAKLAND Raiders Fan at the Oakland Coliseum. ONE NATION

    Town _Biznessman

    @Shark Arise That’s fiscally irresponsible. The league and the owners should be building these stadiums. They’ve gotten rich enough on the taxpayer’s back. Oakland still owes the Raiders money from their return back! As a lifelong Raider fan who as a kid wished death on Mr. Davis’ for moving my beloved team. During their absence,and the growth of maturity, I saw his dream of a home with luxury boxes, spread across the league’s stadiums like wildflowers, grow my affection for “the Maverick”, become great admiration for his desire to be a visionary. The ironic part of all of this is I resided in Las Vegas for a period of time, thinking, it would be an ideal landing spot, fir the Silver &Black while believing there wasnt a chance in hell! The NFL was too scared of the possibility of a sports betting scandal. They forbid the casino viewing parties to include the name Super Bowl when advertising. I return home and now there’s talk of a possible move to Lost Wages! The 1st thought that came to my mind was I’m cool with that, if it’s going to cost Oakland one more tax dollar to keep them here… see ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya!✌🏾

    Town _Biznessman

    @Kafkaesque3 Appreciate that, bruh bruh! The Raider Nation actually inherited that negative mark while in L.A. We have that hometown loyalty, so when our teams go to war we make sure we represent. The Coliseum is a magical place. The Black Hole was the epitome of the Raiders heart and soul. It made a lot of visiting players want to don that Silver& Black!💯


    Hey, I got to do that twice, plus Los Angeles… on to Las Vegas and the future… This is RAIDER NATION

    baping thug

    @Robert Thompsonyou stfu niner Bandwagon 😭😂🖕🏼

    Vegas Tone

    zach lewis Thank You Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff for the Las Vegas Raiders. 💯

Austin Nardone

Fn love that guy! Let’s go Gruden you da man! 👌💪

Soy Leal

Can’t wait to see the Raiders first Win at the new stadium 💚

Phenomenal C

“We got to get back to work, we have to start winning “ 🔥🔥🔥

Scott Shelton

I can’t wait to go to pre season there , I want a neon vest with the Raiders logo on it

Lynne Moss

Love our new stadium!! RN4L!!

RichRN4L A

DAM Gruden Looks Like a Fleet Admiral boarding his Battleship ready For war.Go RAIDERRRRRSSSSSSS.

Omc 559

Love grudens vibe and enthusiasm


I needed that to be about 25 minutes longer


    I’m sayin!

    PS4 G


Jason Crawford

Gruden: “ we gotta get back to winning. We gotta win now.”

Don’t talk about it. Be about it. Gruden.

    Edgar J Reyes

    Jason Crawford success comes from hours of trial and error. Patience is a virtu my friend. One Nation.

    chris strong

    Not gonna happen with car at qb

Rogelio Gonzalez

“Knock on wood if you’re with me”

The whole construction crew knocks on wood

Isabella Rodriguez


    LocK TowN Native14

    Just win baby!!!!

Steve Mai

Gruden, “We gotta get back to work, we gotta start winning.” He knows what’s at stake.

Wilder Hernandez

“You Play linebacker” 😂

la tulipe noire

“I just love the black shiny” 😂Well Gru just made it into my quote journal along with the likes of Einstein and Plato. I’m telling you kids never give up anything can happen.


I can’t wait to see the first game “Chucky”☠️☠️☠️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Love Jon Gruden. He sees what his boss is doing for the team and his reaction is “We got to win…we need to get back to work.” That is why Gruden is a perfect fit. I’m rooting for Gruden & Mayock to hit more home runs this coming draft and God Speed in free agency… No more crackhead AB crap…

    F U

    Well said…no more crack heads like AB

Roberto Camacho

Gruden: *sees a big guy*
Gruden: You play linebacker?

We’re that desperate for one rn 😂

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