Coach Gruden Recaps Week 11, Previews Falcons | Las Vegas Raiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
aleph null


    aleph null

    @Scott Martin freelancing cost us on the LAST play… what about the 50 yards before that? They would’ve never gotten in striking distance had PG called a better series on that final drive.


    @Zoviet Football League i don’t think so either


    ​@Zoviet Football League Yeah I said the same thing. Should have ran it at least one more time (if not 2)….there was also a penalty we should have declined. The way our offense was playing, Gru should have left it up to that, versus giving the ball back w/ 1:43 & a timeout. The way both defenses were playing……on a one possession game the whole time… was gonna come down to whoever had the ball last with sufficient time to go downfield. Was actually surprised Jon opted to scheme routes deeper on that last drive. If Mahomes was given the ball with only a minute left…..I really don’t think they could have pulled it off. It’s unfortunate.

    Tom Gow

    @Tyko chiefs only needed a field goal on that last drive to get it to overtime. 1 min he’s 100% getting that done. It took them 1.15 minutes to get the touchdown

    Lucas Parodi

    @Zoviet Football League the problem is how are you going to pick and choose how much time you leave when are down and have to score a TD? If the game was tied I’d say run the crap out of the ball and kick a FG, but I don’t think we could have done much better on that last drive.

Jason Monroe

Onto the Falcons, GREAT game yesterday

    jarvis williams

    Great? Competitive yes great no!

    Michael Angelos

    @Mark Yocum realistically, nobody can stop the Chiefs on that one minute drill or 2 minutes or whatever it was.
    the Raiders obviously had to score a touchdown at the end of the game but they left too much time on the clock and that was somewhat of the problem





    Robert Young

    That was a great game yesterday if there is such thing that was the best loss of the season.

Al D

No moral victories but proud of the team is what we as a fan base feel. This program is on the rise, need to get some players healthy and maybe add a few more pieces on defense.

    Shawn BadBoy

    Lost when Gruden went FG on 1 yd line. TDs vs Chiefs and aggressiveness. Deep chances how we won 1st time. Gamble there and u win vs KC.

    TetraHydroCannabinoL THC

    @Shawn BadBoy there was a 15yrd penalty on the bench for complaing about the no call of interference, or we would have gone for it

    Kevin J

    David Irving in the little bit of snaps he’s been getting, has been looking very impressive. Once he’s 100% in playing shape again, he’s going to be a very good player. We just signed Vic Beasley to the practice squad and his former teammate Takk Mckinley. Both players are VERY good depth, and it’ll be interesting to see how impactful they are.


Defense lost this hate to say it, offensive the drop balls didn’t help but Carr played amazingly

    Leslie lee

    its understandable though, the chiefs offense is that good. I am not too hard on the raiders defense. although I do agree, they need to improve

j.p. navarro

We’ll get our redemption in the playoffs on to Atlanta


The way Carr is playing I say they win out and get into the playoffs.

    Surfer Bob, Raider Nation, Santa Cruz Chapter

    @Buffoons Sports Talk Yes, the worst. Ok lots of turnovers against Denver. That one game against a reckless quarterback doesn’t change anything. No pass rush whatsoever. None. Linebackers? Could be the worst in the entire league. Corners? Too young. Safeties? Abram is too interested in personal attention, doesn’t do he job.harris sucks. Heath? Maybe. And the numbers prove out what I said. I like Guenther, it’s not his fault. Mike and Jon need to now focus all their attention on fixing the D.


    @Surfer Bob, Raider Nation, Santa Cruz Chapter no way in hell Jets beat us this year so get that out your head and i think the tuffest match coming up will be Indy since there defense is so good but rivers is a turn over machine as long as we win the turn over battle that’s a W and Julio is still having hamstring problems which should help with containing Atlanta’s offense but we’ve shown we can score with the best of them not worried too much 12-4 isn’t far reached for us ☠️🏴‍☠️

    Surfer Bob, Raider Nation, Santa Cruz Chapter

    @JDMLosC 12-4??? Are you serious??? Have you not been watching the defense? It’s so bad GM Mayock did something yesterday way out of his character. He went out and scooped up two guys nobody wanted. He went dumpster diving. That’s desperation. But I applaud Mike for it. This 6-4 team he doesn’t want it to end the way last years 6-4 did. It shouldn’t. Derek Carr is carrying this team on his back and around March of next year will be given about a 4 year extension along with about 200 million. Book that one amigo.


    @Surfer Bob, Raider Nation, Santa Cruz Chapter yea I’m dead serious and your talking about our bad defense (which i agree is bad) that still has us at 6-4 playing much harder teams first half of the schedule also we lost to KC with 3 starters out which should all be bacc for next weeks game and moving forward also which team are we playing coming up has been playing lights out?? None ! The only tuff test is Indy because they’re well rounded while dolphins have a good defense there offensive play has been hidden by that good defense their not as good as people making them out to be u seen what the bum Broncos did to them?! So yea like i said winning out is very much possible

    A Guy

    @Surfer Bob, Raider Nation, Santa Cruz Chapter Makes sense the Falcons can put up points

Michael Angelos

If coach Gruden were reading this right now I would say ” Coach I’m proud of you guys you almost beat the defending world champions twice. In fact you probably should have beat em twice.”
The Raiders are back and they are a force in the NFL.
is this loss pisses you guys off and motivates you just to knock the crap out of whoever’s next, you can make this loss work to the plus side for you.
Let’s see the Raiders meet the Chiefs in the playoffs for best out of 3.
Signed, a 50-year Raider fan who really enjoys being a Raider fan again.


    Well said! You got some years on this 37 Year Raiders fan!

    Michael Angelos

    @TONYRYO13 hey man!
    Yeah I remember when I was about eight years old living in Dallas in about 1969 and I saw the Raiders on our little black-and-white TV and I just fell in love with them I knew they were my team right then. I think Daryl Lamonica was the quarterback and the punter and backup quarterback was George Banda.
    being a Raider fan back then and all the way through the 80s was awesome. But it’s been tough since then.
    But, this is a great team and I love it. Always had faith in Derek Carr even though he’s had a lot of haters but he’s tearing it up now.

    Karriem Sultan

    I like this I’m proud to be a a RAIDER fan they played great

    10th street

    A we are raiders we are not fans bcuz fans fade away raiders are 4 ever

    jacob gomez

    I agree! We are on the right path!!!!

Rhiley Lewis Larson

This was Carr’s game. Our Defense gave it up. Paul Guenther needs to be fired, great game tho.

    #Raider Nation

    I dont like pg no more then anyone but are defense has played better but they didnt practice all week together not all his fault


We can beat any team in the NFL.

    Adonis N5MB3RS

    But will we

    jimmy smith

    middle school 2nd string bravado after a stinging loss. have some class in the loss. im a chiefs fan but dont think they can topple pittsburgh.


shoutout brandon parker


Very proud of our team even though we lost they played really well and were equal to the Cheifs. Maybe practice a 2 minute drill more on D but really I can’t fault our team, they played like lions.

Nicholas Lash

Good job to Mullen getting his first interception. That dude is something special.

    mid-90’s _ to _ early 2000’s ViBEZ

    He got his First INT against the Bungholes last year…

    Nicholas Lash

    Well then, or this year 🤣🤣😂

    Luke Carnell

    Treyway27 is a beast was a baller at Clemson absolutely love how he has made the jump in his 2nd year

    Nicholas Lash

    Got to drive him from the port to Cosmo end of last year. Dude was respectful and cordial , we also picked his gf up from terminal 3. His necklace, is his kid etched on the medallion. Told him as a dad, that was super cool.

    CaliBorn86 Ortiz

    @mid-90’s _ to _ early 2000’s ViBEZ LMAO 😂

J. Hanson

49 year Chief Fan here: Raider s are looking good. Glad you guys are a real threat.

    Joe Blow

    Its good when Chiefs Raiders battling for something. The way it should be. Don’t want to have to face raiders in playoffs.

Phillip Tucker

I’m a true Chiefs fan but I have ton of respect for Gruden and the Raiders….. Y’all have an amazing team

    Leslie lee

    @bubba da beast first of all you misunderstood what I was trying to say. what I am saying is that even though the chiefs only lost to the raiders, that doesn’t mean they are somewhat immune to losing to anyone else. any given Sunday means even the team with the best record could lose to a team with a sub par record. the talent level amongst all teams is not so drastically different from each other where its to the point of comparing a college football team to a professional one

    bubba da beast

    @Leslie lee I didn’t misunderstand what you said you said cheifs showed that they have the best offense in the league when Patrick mahomes got intercepted he said the raiders are a very good team and they made him play to his fullest so yea they are not the best offense in the league they really just got lucky due to abram and Kwaitoski not watching the ball 🏈 raiders are gonna beat the cheifs again if we beat them by 8 points in week 5 and they beat us by 4 points in week 11 that’s shows that every other team does not ever have a chance of getting close to mahomes regarding points the raiders are superior in way more ways people need to understand and see

    CaliBorn86 Ortiz

    We appreciate that brothe, thank you for being a stand up person and giving us respect my brother! ✊🏼

    Drastic Thompson

    Thank you sir! RN4L!

    Drastic Thompson

    @Leslie lee Not even close! Derek has outplayed him twice! PG sucks no adjustments! The RAIDERS have the best offense in the league. Reverse the roll give Derek the ball back with time RAIDERS win! Smacked in KC and outplayed!

SusanD DanzFitnz

Way to fight raiders didn’t turn out in our favor, but that was impressive so proud of our raiders.👏🏼👏🏼

    Mike Mike

    Way to lose 🤣🤣😂😂👏👏

Andrew Cota

Raiders gonna start blowing teams out with a easy schedule leftover they look good we going 12-4 or 11-5


    I deff think we could/should win out but for some reason we play down to our competition often so blowouts don’t happen for us even though we very much could be putting up 30 a game! Let’s just get these wins ☠️🏴‍☠️

Bernando Turner

I believe Jon Gruden is gonna get the Raiders Where we want them to be.💪🏿😀💯

Gabriel Sanchez

It’s all set up for the 3rd match up in the play offs folks..

roy hobbs

Jon Gruden is the best man for the job. I don’t care what the record is. I want this guy running the team.


Say what you want about coach Gruden, he’s a gives great interviews and I love his answers. So happy he’s our coach. RN4L

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