Coach Flores: ‘We’ve got to use it as a learning experience and move forward.’ | Media Avails – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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So what we lost 5-1 I’m cool with that learn from our mistakes and get better 🐬🐬🐬


    Fax but I’m kinda sad it was to a hurt QB but that D was all over tua

Sports Stars


    Apoc Morrow

    Of course they will do awesome next game… it’s the Jets! But there is no excuse for losing to the Broncos and putting up this kind of performance.

    Maher Justice

    @Apoc Morrow it happens. It’s good that they went through it it’ll only make them better

    Apoc Morrow

    @Maher Justice Yea, but its a costly loss this season, and there’s a strong chance they will miss the playoffs because of it.

    Adam Playz

    @Apoc Morrow don’t say that don’t be mean to the jets

    Adam Playz

    @Apoc Morrow I am still a dolphin fan

tim zorg

I’m 100% with Coach Flo! Really trust this man!

    Adam Playz

    yea we have to make the playoffs

Matthew Walker

Come on Phins yesterday was the past. Move forward to New York

    Da’mani The Goat

    We still should have won that game

    Matthew Walker

    @Da’mani The Goat I know


I’d like to see some better calls being sent in. It’s only Tuas 4th game in over a year. This team is still in the rebuilding stage and I’m proud of them. I think next time let him finish the game. I like this coach. They just need more time and they will get there.


The play calling gotta be more diverse like bro the dolphins ran basically the same play with tua like 10 passing plays in a row. Let tua have the full playbook let him cook. You can’t have him always throwing on the run to short in routes and slants come one now

    Maher Justice

    And the roll out to his right while he’s a lefty, is Gailey trying to make Tua fail on purpose?!

    Steve Oltjenbruns

    @Maher Justice I think that was more about trying to show he can roll out both sides. If you only ever roll out one way defenses pick up on it and shut down that side of the field. Like Baker Mayfield; all he ever does is roll to his right. You have to switch it up.

Patriot usa

We believe in ya coach… win these games on Tuesday , run that ball! Make it happen…. get that trophy!

Patriot usa

Need Tua to get thru it, Fitz has to learn how to not throw dang ints, we reallllllly need to get the running game going into Dec

    Andrew Achal

    That’s fitz only problem to many bad decisions

Lutz Alexander Keferstein Caballero

Answer of the decade: We don’t accept bad play here. (Standing ovation).


    Agreed!!!!! Classic Flo,right there.


Fix that O line Asap.

    Maher Justice

    I imagine they’re going hard this week

    Mark Jefferson

    Bro its headscratching lol. We with a doubt need a piece or 2 on the O-line. But you can’t tell me we don’t need a number 1 weapon at wr whether it be a tight end like Pitts, or A guy like Devante Smith. And a RB. I like Chub,and Harris. What say you?

    garry williams


    Luke Sparkman

    @Mark Jefferson we can get a offensive weapon with the second 1st rounder. The top pick ideally goes to penei sewell


    That O Line is a liability to Tua’s health.

Daniel Ashford

We *Win as team & lose as a team!* we will make the adjustments. 💘 that statement!👏 Coach flo *COY!* 🐬☝

Dig Dog

I didn’t see any support or coaching confidence in Tua from them in the 4th Q!!!?

    Mark Jefferson

    I hate to say it; but I agree. But keep im mind; lol just as Tua is young; so is Flores. As fans we have to be patient with both of them.


Just a hiccup coach! Fins Up!

Lt Boki

“You’re either the Lion or the Gazelle” yesterday Tua woke up and chose to be the Gazelle… That O line gave him no choice. Hopefully only upwards from here 🙌

Apoc Morrow

Flo… as a Dolphin fan for 40 years, what I hope more than anything is that YOU will use this as a learning experience. You made a bad call benching Tua. If it’s about learning and growing, then let your QB of the future and the team around him try to dig themselves out of the hole they dug and win or lose together. If you had won that game… what would the team have learned from that? Now, if there was actually an injury that isn’t being disclosed, then it’s another story. But if not… I hope you’ve learned something from this mistake.

408 made

We need Myles gaskin back

Mitchell Latzman

We lost cause we switched back to the new uniforms

Adam Playz

Guys we can still make the playoffs beat the jets bengals and the pats we can make it dont lose hope

Adam Playz

Tua is Fantastic we gotta beat the jets yall get your defense ready and offense

Rich V

We gonna be fine, great call benching Tua before he got slaughtered. We see how Joe Burrow ended up

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