Coach Bisaccia Recaps Week 9 and Talks WR DeSean Jackson | Raiders | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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    Unknown Raider Guy

    🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ I agree 💯

Papa Tee

We have a good team and we will bounce back from this. This was a team loss in every aspect from offense to defense to special teams! I’ll never give up believing in my team, I’m a Raider for life and I take that very seriously!! I support every player on this team that goes out there and gives it what he can to the best of his ability every single game! I’m a Raider…not just when they win!!!! Love this team!!!! RN4L

    Papa Tee

    @shannon churchill so Carlson missing the field goal isn’t special teams?

    Chris Guzman

    Car sucks


    @Gabe Guerrero nice job to give yourself a thumbs up… lol

    Chris Guzman

    Cars been the qb for 7 yrs and nothing every time , they’ve had top 1st rd picks for 20 yrs and nothing the team is the new 80s-90s patriots

    Papa Tee

    Nothing stopping you haters from finding a new team to follow…you have 31 other choices!! KICK ROCKS!!!

targaryen tickler

Yo nation I would rather have busts off the field than on the field you feel me? JUST WIN BABY 🏴‍☠️☯

    Ian McCaffrey

    Don’t say “Just Win, Baby” when we all know that’s not the franchise mantra anymore. If it was, we wouldn’t be worried about players being “high character” or whatever that means. Smdh.


    @Ian McCaffrey You said a whole lot of nothing

Sergio Padilla

This one hurt bro tbh. We got this tho we’ll bounce back


    Yeah we still have the chance to be 6-3 like last year and if we’re able to be 6-3 again will see if we’re able to take this opportunity once again finally with a defense

    Lennox Marcucci


Liquid Armz

Bisaccia gives the best real game notes addressing the opportunities both gained and missed as well as addressing by name the personnel responsible. He doesn’t blurt out all the collective team pronouns to sum up a gameday performance. When he speaks it sounds as if he takes detailed notes on every play and evaluates the performances. Best coach interviews

    Calapse Sathir

    Which is stupid. He ows the media nothing. Why throw people under the bus for no reason. To be a better entertainer???Trash coach. Hope raiders get someone new

    Levernare Thomas

    @Calapse Sathir who did he throw under the bus?

    Liquid Armz

    He didn’t throw anyone under the bus, stating obvious bad decisions and holding people accountable and saying that he addressed them isn’t throwing people under the bus also he praised the people that deserved credit and recognition for their efforts equally.

    Slow Loris

    @Calapse Sathir You’d rather have the BS soundbites from Gruden? Really?

Kevin Kaatz

DeSean Jackson here to SAVE THE DAY, the season

Givingmy Alltolife



    Love it !

    Richard Rodriguez

    Hilarious! I love this guy’s demeanor!

    Givingmy Alltolife

    @Richard RodriguezRight… It’s a Raider mentality for sure!

    jay fairman

    We need to keep him

Givingmy Alltolife

Please put him in that #10 jersey. 1’s haven’t faired very well with us and I want him to show that he’s still got a lot left in the tank! Bring it DJax.. come build chemistry with DCarr

    Fzoul Cmbyl

    I think DJ Turner has that number, and I can’t see how he would make a stink
    about giving it to Jackson, I mean, he’s on the practice squad right now so….

    trayvon dixon

    @Fzoul Cmbyl djax will be a starter dude he’s reacing ruggs right and riggs was a starter so he’s a starter

    Fzoul Cmbyl

    @trayvon dixon Ya, I said Turner was on the practice squad, so he can give
    up #10 no problem.


I love this team for the pieces, not 1 player because they make each other better, if they understand that then no Ego’s can cheat them out of looking down at the others

George Vega

Derek was not focused. He missed a wide open Waller in the endzone. The six pick was way behind the receiver. We could make excuses but the Giants came off a short week, they played last MNF and we had a bye. Give it to God and go on.

    Fzoul Cmbyl

    Yep, he was throwing high on a lot of passes, including the Waller one you mentioned.
    He started off the game with a high throw to Edwards. If he made that wide open throw
    to Waller, they could have squeaked out the win.

    Loretta Cadman

    He took the blame. He didn’t blame others or Arnette.

    Fzoul Cmbyl

    @Loretta Cadman Did you reply to the wrong post? We weren’t discussing

    Kevin Kaatz

    And your lady moans and groans every time y’all gettin down? We know the answer to that. You’re not perfect either, so………

Malik Jones

The Defense was Awesome and the Offensive play calling and choices was devastation… I understand his confidence in his receivers just be more thoughtful, use Moreau more!! 🏴‍☠️

    KASER 92

    Same thing I thought get waller and moreau more involved


    Greg Olson is a lousy play caller, he needs help from 3 people to get the job done.

    M A

    Every defense is awesome against the Giants, calm down

Vigilant Citizen

We get the pick 6 back and make the missed field goal, we win the game.


    We win if Carr executes he had a horrible day. Our defense kept us close, that game should have netted us 28 points with the pick 6 back 34.

    Vigilant Citizen

    @skywardpictures Yeah, well Carr isn’t a sociopath that can just”compartmentalize” the fact that his friend just murdered a girl and lost his livelihood less than a week before the game. All things considered, I’d say he did a great job. If Carl Nassib can take a day off for being a sensitive gay man, Carr can have a bad game from time to time.

    Kellen Knipp

    @Vigilant Citizen hahahaha that entire comment was legendary my dude. Facts on facts on facts….
    Sensitive gay man hhahaha

    Vigilant Citizen

    @Kellen Knipp I’ma give it to you straight before I give it to you late.

Richy Rich

PLAY MARIOTTA MORE!!!!!!!!!! Especially in red zone!!!

    Organic Grower

    They don’t wanna hurt carr feelings

Jeff Garrison

I still think that if Waller catches that touchdown pass that went through his hands and bounced off of his chest to be incomplete to end the second drive, we play out the rest of the game with a completely different mentality and win this game no problem!!!
Giants DBs were sitting on our routes with no fear whatsoever of getting beat deep!!!
The gameplan, play calling and execution wasn’t as good as it had been in the 2 games prior, but the lack of speed on the outside to stretch the field was the story of the game.
Offense having over 400 yards, but only scoring 1 touchdown on the first drive and then the missed field goal really hurt. Carr was forcing the ball to his receivers because they just weren’t getting open and when they did he didn’t have the time or the room to step into his throws in order to deliver an accurate pass and uncharacteristically missed wide open receivers badly more than a few times…
I must admit, that overall, they not only severely missed the speed of Ruggs’ and his explosive plays that not only add an extra touchdown or 2, but he automatically stretches the field and opens up everything underneath and everywhere else for that matter for the rest of the skill players. But really how could they have possibly won that game after the week that was…???
Seriously, they played hard, but Carr and the receiving corps looked like they were distracted and going through the motions. When one was focused, the other wasn’t… the rhythm and the timing was off… badly. And how could you blame them for that…??? I certainly can’t!!! I don’t think that I would even be able to play, let alone win. Idk. But the bottom line is that they’re going to come to terms with the tragedy and loss and they should bond and grow together over it and be that much better for it.
We’ll see…
I’m praying for them all.
Bless Us All.
Just Win Baby!!!


    DeSean Jackson will likely change that – but keep in mind, he wants more than 5 to 6 targets he was averaging with L.A. Rams.

    Ricky kilo exodiouz

    You nailed it but keep in mind I hope DeSean Jackson can fill in that space so we can stretch the field by the looks he has speed and wheels!


The inconsistency is killing me. I just hope this ain’t the beginning of the end. Where we go downhill like last year smh

I still believe in this team. Let’s keep fighting Raiders! ☠️

    Darth Nihilious dad

    I don’t think so. Henry being out and all the events of the past week probably wore some of the guys out. Those split seconds count.

    Chris Redfield

    Stop comparing this team to last year..every year is a new year


    @Chris Redfield and for almost the past 20 years(besides 2016) we’ve been below average to mediocre. New year same old Raiders 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Jack Gorringe

    I agree fast starts but bad finishes since 2016. Is a new year though. I always keep hope. Still in the driver’s seat for the division championship


Good luck coach, you are doing a great job, we are owed some luck. Smash the Chefs!


Damn I was really hoping this would have happened with Ruggs so it would open the passing game but maybe it still does cant wait to see


Carr had chances from our defense to stop them. There was enough time on the clock.

TK's Beat Box

I would like to see them utilize Mariota in the wildcat along with a healthy Jacobs and other explosive backs, end around with DJax and 3rd n Renfrow. Some creative play calling letting everyone shine.

Kobe24 Gigi8


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