Coach Bisaccia, Carr, Waller, Ngakoue and Renfrow Postgame Presser | Week 9 | Raiders | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Coach Bisaccia, Carr, Waller, Ngakoue and Renfrow Postgame Presser | Week 9 | Raiders | NFL

Interim Head Coach Rich Bisaccia, QB Derek Carr, TE Darren Waller, DE Yannick Ngakoue and WR Hunter Renfrow address the media following the Week 9 matchup against the New York Giants.

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Marissa Gee

It’s been a hard & stressful couple of weeks but will get back up! Let’s go Raiders!

    Jesse Salazar

    @Piscatorial what made it an even worse loss is that we have KC bengals cowboys coming up and Washington is the only “easy” game we have left on our schedule really hope this isn’t our typical fall apart after the bye week


    @Jesse Salazar unfortunately, we both know how this season will end but I hope the Raiders prove me wrong

    Greener Greens Delivery

    Each game is it’s own separate animal. Regroup Raiders and start a roll by finding a way to best kc. RN4L ☠️🏴‍☠️☠️🏴‍☠️☠️🏴‍☠️☠️🏴‍☠️☠️🏴‍☠️☠️🏴‍☠️☠️🏴‍☠️☠️🏴‍☠️

    Jesse Salazar

    @Piscatorial been a raider fan for a while I take it 😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️


    @K K Carrbage

Esai Givens

bad game after a rough week, understandable. Still should not have lost. Played sloppy in the second half with missed redzone opportunities, missed fg, 2 ints and multiple over throws. We gotta stop passing on 2nd and short without Ruggs, time to sign DeSean Jackson.

    B M

    @Iran Mendoza 8 years* ✌🇺🇲

    Surfer Bob

    The truth is, this quarterback here, his passion isn’t football, it’s Jesus. Get rid of this weirdo. He can go and take Christ with him.

    Ahmad Faris Ramli

    Fan of DC4 but I’m afraid he hit the ceiling for him. This is why raiders will not make the playoffs. He will turn it over and makes mistakes after mistakes especially in a game where we should’ve won like the Bears game. Last year it was the falcons game. Sloppy play, multiple overthrow, redzone missed opportunities. The defense played great and gave Carr & offense the opportunities to come back, this loss was on Carr. This is why Raiders will be a good team but not a championship calibre team. This is also why Carr will not get the media respect and will not be in elite QB conversation.

    B M

    @Surfer Bob 100% he said he cares more about his family than football. Need a Rodgers type, that leaves his family for football! ✌🇺🇲

    Iran Mendoza

    @B M sike it’s just sad to see these comments but when he does good and plays at his normal stage yall be D riding Carr saying that he is top 5 like come on make y’all mind up Carr too me is defently a top 8 why in the league

Quintis Collier

Keep moving forward, that’s all you can do we got beat today because of turnovers the quarterback did not play well and there was blown coverage by our free safety Go Raiders, keep moving forward!

fernando cavazos

This is so Raider like ! This game and the bears are going to come back and hurt us . Carr had an awful game but we need to re group.

David Rodriguez

Put the loss behind us and beat the chiefs

JDub Tha Menace

This game was on Carr 100%, 2 ints and a lost fumble killed our momentum…

    Dragon Luffy

    @Dustin Ferreira Carr has had these type of “bad games” all through out his playoff less career.

    Speed’s Brother

    @Dustin Ferreira stop making excuses for Carr, ha gets paid millions to do his job and he stunk at it today period. Now let’s see if he can do his job against the chiefs

    Jade Tanuz

    @Dustin Ferreira He’s had 3 terrible games this season. Only games he’s played “elite”are the broncos and eagles. DC is nowhere close to MVP talks dude has 13 tuddys with 7 ints not to mention 6 fumbles. He loses games he should win every year and he’s been the worst qb in the red zone since 2018.

    Jesse D

    Def on Carr this week. The ball was just coming on his hand terribly. He has been playing great this year though. He usually balls out against the Queefs so hopefully we get that W next week

    Jesse D

    @Dragon Luffy he missed tye playoffs because he broke his leg. Howd our team look without him btw?

Terrell Tasha McCrorey

I actually feel like we ran the ball better though. Giants just dodged a bullet by stripping the ball. That was critical

    Terrell Tasha McCrorey

    Im not saying he is trash but he wasn’t focused either. That overthrow to Waller before the half shouldn’t have had more touch. That was points we should have capitalize on

Cameron Sprow

If we get touchdowns instead of field goals in the red zone we win, simple as that.


    Carr screwed the pooch all game! Not hating, just stating the truth. Carr is up and down and always has been! He tends to make really bad rookie mistakes when he is off!

    kamui Cage

    @Vegas Diamond Guy Stop with the Ruggs BS Carr plays like this every year it who he is


    If I had wings, I could fly.
    Carr is not the QB the Raiders need.
    He’s like Romo..

    James Bruegeman

    We blow them out the pick 6 we win or at least going to overtime if Jacobs would have jumped on the ball instead of trying to scoop it up who knows

    James Bruegeman

    Listen we really blew them out no pick 6 we going to overtime Josh Jacobs instead of trying to scoop it up jumps on it who knows what would have happened it wasn’t just car most of it was but he’s won every game for us this year

Quincy Billops

Well d Jackson on his way .. I want OBJ too 😢🏴‍☠️

    Givingmy Alltolife

    That’s what I was thinking last night when I heard that Jackson signed

Rick Frye

The addition of Jackson should be a nice boost for the team. If he can stay healthy, he’s dangerous

    Estevan Biggs

    Jax is a bum


    He is a 35YO nazi quoter… but our head coach is kicked for personal emails!?!? WTF

    Aaron Collins

    @SouthernOregonReps oh u mad huh 🤔


    @Gold Tau 34 gonna be 35 on Dec first

Mike Holland

It’s a team sport but the pick 6 and other interception was very costly considering we lost by 7 points. Carlson missing the field goal didn’t help either. Onto the next game!! Let’s go RAIDER NATION!! 😎🏈👊


Huge loss. Second loss this year that should have been a ‘W’.

    Thomas McLaughlin

    True but non conference loss. No loses are good but division and conference loses hurt more

    Jesse D

    @Izaiah Valenzuela his throws were lousy all day. It happens to every QB. He was definitely off. The Giants had our number with their defensive gameplan as well. They knew we had to speed to stretch the field and it showed

    Izaiah Valenzuela

    @Jesse D True he did have an off game but I still don’t think he’s trash. Because when he’s winning completing 90 percent of his passes, people aren’t saying Carr is trash.


    @Izaiah Valenzuela the chargers are crazy good that game the raiders didn’t play bad at all


    @Silo-Ren of course not your on the raiders youtube channel 😂😂😂😂

Mr. Retrohale

I wish we would’ve won so we didn’t have to get these same Henry Ruggs/emotion questions over and over

    Le Bourreau

    @Wayne Eric Chew 5 different reporters asked a variation of the same question. GTFOH about them “doing their job”.

    Wayne Eric Chew

    @Mr. Retrohale Having been in public relations I can tell you that one reporter working for a news outlet versus another reporter working for a different news outlet each have the sole responsibility to their respective agencies. Simply means that within the coverage of a specific news story, especially an important one, you will often get multiple reporters asking the same question to either one person or many people of the same organization. Yes, it’s frustrating. But each reporter is trying to break a story or have their own headline. That’s the reason. They are doing their job.


    @Wayne Eric Chew You have to be kidding right .. Break what story .. its already been broke, and a new headline? Theses reporters suck at their job PERIOD!

    Ashley Loveee

    Yeah they are going to base every damn question on Henry Ruggs, it’s unbelievable what happened and I hope he does well after this it breaks my heart for both ends of what happened

    Mr. Retrohale

    @Wayne Eric Chew I get they’re doing their job but my point is had we had won we wouldn’t even be getting asked these questions over and over. The team could’ve been feeling good but because we lost they think it’s because of Ruggs

Tim M

Carr blew it big time. This was his stage and he exited right stage left


I’m personally a Giants fan but I respect the Raiders franchise and thought all these guys were well-spoken today. Best of luck the rest of the way (especially against the NFC East!) and I actually really like your interim head coach. Good game. 👍🏼👍🏼

    John Vargas IV

    Good to hear something positive Being a Raider fan Thank you🙏

    Rudy Rosales

    Good game thanks your a true Giants fan my respects .

Elroy Hegwood

2 blown games..(bears, and now giants) ..hopefully no more disasters this season..On to next week!

    Jade Tanuz

    What about the chargers.

    Givingmy Alltolife

    It’s the NFL.. You can win or lose on any given Sunday!


    @Jade Tanuz the chargers are really good and have a lot of wepons that wasnt really are fault the bears and giants were 100 games that we blew

    Jade Tanuz

    @COBRAThere defense is ranked 20th. Not sure how a defense that allows 360 yards and 26 points a game is good. Derwin James and bosa ballers for sure but that units average af. Raiders defense had a damn good day that game considering the weapons they have on that offense and the fact we couldn’t get a first down.

Dragon Luffy

Cardinals just won without Kyler and D-hop. And we got people making all types of excuses for this lost. I don’t know if people know this or not but good teams find ways to get it done especially against bad teams.

    ruiz ruiz

    And AJ Green the other wideout I feel ya brotha

    Iron Man

    You’re 100 percent right !!!! Carr is so dam inconsistent !!!!!! We are not going anywhere with him !!!!

    Jesse D

    Did they have a teammate everyone liked kill someone and ruin their lives? If you think that didn’t affect practice all week you are dreaming. You practice bad, you play bad. We will get it back on track

Juan Contreras

You can tell how much our offense missed the threat of the deep pass today. As bad as it seemed we still had a chance to score at the end. But the strip sack just embodied the way the tone felt today.

doctor vins

We should have gone for it on 4th and short both times in the redzone. Field were not enough and it didn’t help that we missed one. I hope Bisaccia is more aggressive on 4th down next game

    kamui Cage

    Carr would’ve just thrown it out the back of the end zone

    Tribe of Judah Lion (Zion)

    @kamui Cage I’m glad I’m not the only one who know that. Dude need to go to OZ and get a fking heart. Straight up wait of time

    T C

    @kamui Cage 🤣

Dino Ruiz

Love Yawns confidence and he’s a rare breed because he backs up that talk with his play on the field. That dude does what he says he needs to do each week and I’ve been very impressed with his production to the Raiders.

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