Cleveland Browns Daily – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Cleveland Browns Daily

Cleveland Browns Daily is hosted by Browns' Senior Media Broadcaster Nathan Zegura and Emmy Award-winner Beau Bishop. It offers comprehensive coverage and analysis of the team both on and off the field, broadcast directly from the Browns' CrossCountry Mortgage Campus in Berea. Subscribe now to automatically download the latest episode every weekday.


If the Browns can keep scoring more points than their quarterback has sexual assault victims this team might do well.

    Adam Saley


Caleb Repko

Please, Edit out the breaks, so I don’t have to skip 100 times while driving. Will make this much more listenable.

    Primarch Victus

    Episodes are available as podcasts with the breaks edited out and are available within 2-3 hours after the show ends generally. It wouldn’t make sense to re-upload that to youtube

    Jason Juhasz

    They immediately post it after the show ends.

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