Clark Pushing For Defense To Put Together A Complete Game – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Mr Malone

I love you

Energized Magazine

Tell Mike Pettine to stop playing soft zones

Graciela Bahena

Lafleur is just like mcarthy 💯 same old story SMH AROD gets us to the playoffs for nothing

    Billy Octavius

    @Graciela Bahena you are the real goofball not him

    Graciela Bahena

    @Billy Octavius look here silly billy don’t go thinking ur one to call someone goofy octavius 🤣🤣🤣

    Billy Octavius

    @Graciela Bahena ok banana you are the funniest person I have met for thinking I’m silly

    Graciela Bahena

    @Billy Octavius cornyyy

    Jess G

    No way!!! They are way different, n we are lucky to have Lafleur. This coach can get the job done with this roster!!! GO PACK GO

No Star Reviews

I’m hoping for at least 4 sacks and a turnover from the D. I always liked Bridgewater and think he would be a top 10 at the worst, top 5 possibly QB if not for the horrific injury in Minnesota, so don’t want him roughed up too much just enough for GB to win lol

    Sport's Company Picks

    Yeah me too hope so also too we need the D to do some so we could go n win the Superbowl

    John Roberts

    Top 5? Lol no

Wilmer David Acosta

tell mike petrine he better have the best defensive scheme to stop derrick henry

    Sport's Company Picks

    Definitely we need to stop that men but we have the Panthers don’t overlook them


    That’s for sure

    FM L

    Tell Mike Pettine he won’t be on the Packers payroll after this season.

    Sport's Company Picks

    @FM L but what if the defense get better n help in the playoffs more

Legless One

He said absolutely NOTHING in this interview. Robotic do you think! What a waste of time….

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