Cincinnati Bengals vs. Pittsburgh Steelers | NFL Week 10 Game Preview – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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I got the Steelers winning

    Team Elite - SniperKillz

    @Eddie Hernandez we talking about Steelers and bengals and now you saying anything can happen, get the hell out of here

    Eddie Hernandez

    @Team Elite – SniperKillz it’s TRUE though and you know it, Steelers were expected to blow out the cowboys but didnt. So my point is that anything can happen and I’m not saying who’s winning cause I’d rather wait and see who wins rather than saying a team is gonna win and they end up losing and making me look dumb, just saying.


    @Eddie Hernandez agreed he’s just being salty, anything can happen

    Eddie Hernandez

    @BBC_PRO someone that actually understands


Steelers 30-20

Sports 311

The Steelers are gonna win, but the bengals are gonna keep this game close

    Derek Ogaz

    Most likely


    Nahhh, The steelers are gon keep this close, not the Bengals xD


    Ya mean another hospital visit for me


    @WüstenSpinne yessir

    Epileptic Oreo

    Bengals will keep it a one score game and then at the end the steelers will finish on top because they have more talent on defense and better coaching

The Playbook

Like Steelers
Comment Bengals
Steelers win 27-17

    yeetkid2.0 Rodriguez



    Bengals win by a field goal


    @BlackStattic sure I’ll take that

    Drew Rozier





Steelers win again on a failed hail mary


Steelers gotta start Joshua dobbs if Ben not playing because mason ain’t it

    Keaden Wheeler

    He doesn’t play with them anymore

    Logan Whetzel

    @Keaden Wheeler yeah, he does. They signed him back this year. He’s their 3rd string quarterback.

    SteelersNation 1

    All Mason does is read up field for 2 seconds then dump it off to his RB Mason needs to learn to let plays develop

Pelayo Agag

After they overlooked the Cowboys and almost lost, the Steelers aren’t going to do the same again


    @Sebastian Schumaecker obviously 🙄

    Nobe 412

    @Tablespoon we won so what u mean

    Nobe 412

    @Sriharshini Chada they already said its tough the next week after playin the Ravens but that’s not a division game lol. In the past we lose that game


    @Nobe 412 you were down 10 against an massively injured that had nothing to play for. You played down to your competition.

    Nobe 412

    @Tablespoon man stop it lol. They gifted the bengals a pick 6 when they clearly jumped offsides I remember that. Go watch if u dnt believe me , only reason they even scored

Wayne Hall

Bengals have chance to win this game. it’s time to finally turn it around no more losing to the Steelers. I’ve been waiting all season for this game it’s gonna be a GAME. Let’s get it Bengals Fans. #WhoDey #newdey #SEIZETHEDEY.
but the Steelers are a good team but that doesn’t mean they can’t get beat

    Michael Lawrence

    I sure hope so! #WhoDey

    Bob Dicc

    Itll be a blowout

    Marc Derogatis

    Steelers redeem themselves after the play of first half against cowgirls and win big !!

Fishing Bro

Every good team has a few bad weeks which usually makes up for their losses along with games where they were just playing a really good team. However the way I see the Steelers r so good that the bad game their supposed to loose turned into a win for them.

    Saud Khan

    i agree. finding ways to win after a terrible game is a big positive. teams have had to play near perfect games to beat us but still end losing. would be nice to have a blow out here and there tho lmao

    Nobe 412

    I know. Just different this yr, we lose last game any other time

Piggy Plush Animations

No one:

Nfl: Here’s week 9!

Me: Either YouTube is drunk or one of the most important sports is a swivel

    David Parrott

    Well its week 9 for the steelers.

    City Of Lenz

    @David Parrott game 9*

Matthew Miller

Three things in life are absolute. Death, taxes, and Steelers over Bengals.


    @BBC_PRO well it is sorry to say steelers beaten bengals 10 times in a row bro that’s 5 seasons

    FootballMan 360

    @Darian but big ben is now out with covid

    shane bowyer

    Lmao but burrow good ngl ima Steelers fan

    Evan Cammisa

    @FootballMan 360 he may play

    FootballMan 360

    @Evan Cammisa yeah but of he doesnt steelers are gonna have a hard time

Nick Clement

best case scenario for Steelers: we rest Ben due to knee injuries, and show we can win with our run game and defense, not relying on Ben to do it all, play-calling, and throwing 90% of the time out of an empty set. It’s just not sustainable against better teams, and in January. Hopefully we can use this week to rediscover our identity, run the ball down their throats, control the clock, and get them off the field with solid (but not necessarily flashy) defense.

    Ezekiel Scroggs

    Does anyone know what happened to James Connor last week? Saw him like 2 times!


who will win, like steelers comment Bengals.



LaShawn Benjamin

The steelers are going to win because there defense not big ben

Stan E

Maybe a year from now I’ll have an upset between these two but this ain’t it. Who y’all got?…

_Steelers 28_
_Bengals 10_

johnnie neal

Steelers nation let’s Rise up for this game go Steelers forever

Ridiculous Nicholas

steelers ok the way you played against the cowboys was not that good but you will win by a field goal 35-28


    Bruh that’s 7 points

    G Kid

    can u do math

    Killian Mitchell

    Did you fail school?


The Bengals haven’t beaten the Steelers in almost a thousand years 😂😂😂


    @super saiyan mania 4 years is forever LMAO.


    @JoJoKiwi they always blow leads against the Steelers, but this time they will take the lead and not blow it


    @BBC_PRO Not with that Steelers defense and if Big Ben is set to play I think Steelers continue their streak. If Bengals win I will be impressed tho.

    Playboii JW

    @super saiyan mania thats how long a person is in high school 🤣🤣🤣

Erubiel Azpeitia Diaz




    Drew Rozier


    Ian Edwards

    @Drew Rozier cap


Bengals are going to ruin the Steelers season in more ways than one.

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