Chuck Pagano previews the New York Giants | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ayyan Ahmad

Need to get the defense back in form

    Clint Jefferson


Roger Drayton

Defense stopped the run Bear Down 🐻⬇️


Get it together Chuck please. I knew we were gonna regress when Vic Fangio left smh. Step up defense!


He sounds like Joe Biden and I don’t like it

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    Issachar yep just like sleepy joe

    Dirty Mustard

    Coaches like him to


Is Khalil Mack injured?

Dirty Mustard

Chuck pagano is horrible replace him asap

Willie L. Terry Jr.

Ask coach why he plays so much zone coverage. Especially against teams that don’t have a true deep threat? 🤷🏾‍♂️

Christian Muldrew

It’s not Nagy Or it’s not Mitch Problem It’s Pagano’s problem he was the reason why we’d struggled I’m glad we won the game but bring back Fangio he’s more aggressive.

    Dutch Man

    Fangios never coming back he’s the head coach of the broncos

    Christian Muldrew

    @Dutch Man I know Fangio is the head coach of the Broncos but what if he actually come to Chicago.

Bubba Gump

They replaced one Italian D coordinator with another. Didn’t miss a beat last year.

    frank deleo

    i am a ginny lolol

frank deleo

he is right the d was lacking on sunday

C&C Vee

He sounds just like Joe Biden but without the dementia!💯

frank deleo

the whole d did not play well at all

Michael McCaffery

The D looked flat. They need to get pressure. They need to stay in their gaps to stop the run. Barkley is way more talented than an aging Peterson. Bear Down everyone.

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