Christian Watson: ‘We just have to get back to work’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
PackOnly Podcast

Christian Watson absolutely played amazing for the second straight week in a row and looks like you could be that wide receiver for the Packers that they’ve been looking for


    @Blkyyk21t lazard I think was a big part of packers losing he dropped so many passes and Rogers kept looking for him

    Ross Lillebo

    @LB Connection between Rodgers and Lazard was terrible tonight. If Rodgers put it where he could catch it…he dropped it…. If he was wide open and could have had a catch and run…Rodgers missed him by a mile. Lazard doesn’t have the best hands and feel like he’s gotten a bit of a pass on his drops because the spotlight in that category has been on Watson. Also looked like Lazard just quit on several plays tonight and looked tired. Wonder how bad his injuries actually are to the shoulder and ankle. Watikins is absolutely worthless. Would be so nice to have Doubs out there rn now that Watson has started to ball. Hope the two of them can turn into a Chase/Higgins type duo.

    Jade Segura

    @Ross Lillebo honestly I know this season is probably over but like I said at least the receivers can continue to develop and improve because I think we have at least 1 more year of Rodgers next year for one final run and than it’s onto a true rebuild but honestly I think the offense and team overall suffered with such a chnage with no davante but I think the team overall will be so much better next year in my opinion


    @LB hey look. More excuses

    bama fan1

    Should I trade Watson and late first rounder for Justin Fields. 10 team Dynasty league?

Irrelevant Me

10 targets per game minimum.

Tyler Meyer

At least Watson’s finally starting to look like a stud.


Love you Christian! You’re already a stud. Can’t wait to see the player you blossom into in years to come!

Jade Segura

The one positive is at least we have a receiver like Watson to look forward to more development the rest of this year and the years to come


    He’s Julio Jones if he gets his hands together

Plays in Vain

Imagine when Romeo gets out there. People do not realize what’s coming

Plays in Vain

He’s an odd tracker of the ball…but oh wow the potential

Plays in Vain

It’s just been a trickster season. Next year🎉🎉🎉


He was open all night long to. Just keep running routes and don’t give up on them. Aaron will see your performance in film and give him more targets

Moby 45

He was the best thing happened last night. But season over bruh.

Jeffery Reed

If Rodgers would stop forcing the ball to Randle Cobb an Allen Lazard so much I’m sorry but Allen Lazard has been given to many chances to b a number 1 or number 2 WR an he haven’t lived up to it truthfully I think this should b Lazard last season in Green Bay my opinion I think Watson or Doubs will have a break out season next season

    Bobbie Grace

    No! Lazard will get it together stop wanting to trade players wh😅they make mistakes!


    @Bobbie Grace Lazard probably won’t be here long anyway, I doubt he’s resigning in the offseason and that’s really what’s best. He’ll never be a number 1 (respectfully)and we have Watson doubs and toure for the future. Might even draft another receiver.

    Bobbie Grace

    @Blkyyk21t I think that he is never going to be number one or 2 but he is a great blocker that’s all I am saying they made a big mistake letting Hill go for no reason.

jason lavake

That all you can do



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