Christian McCaffrey has found a home with the 49ers! – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Connor Miller

See what happens when you don’t have Baker Mayfield as your quarterback? Good things happen!


    i mean we also have 2 other qbs we use all the time 🫠


    @yeesus25 What does the QB have to do with the RB? This is what happens when you dont have clown HC’s

    patrick santino

    Baker Mayfield will be back with CMC soon 😂

    Markel Scott

    @patrick santino nope

bruce lau

See what happens when Baker Mayfield isn’t ur quarterback ? Christian McCaffrey is finally gonna be in the postseason again


    Baker was just media hype. As soon as the league figured him out he became backup caliber at best

    Andrew Jankowski

    I mean let’s be honest – Carolina is a better running team. 49ers far better team, but McCaffrey has not been integrated into the run game well in SanFran.

    Rage Wayz

    Baker 98 yard gamewinner td? That baker?

    Luke F

    @Andrew Jankowski running teams are outdated anyways. Those aren’t the 90s anymore. It’s about passing. Thank god. It’s more tactical.

I forgot how change my name

He fits the team perfectly, wait till try olays

    Wonder McThunder

    I dont see the infatuation with Lance tbh. Idk what he brings to the table that Jimmy didn’t already.


    @Wonder McThunder the ability to run which opens up read option and play action plays and deep throw arm talent so they can actually take deep shots down the field. Treys potential is just higher

    Hasan Ażîż

    Islam is the religion who makes us to Believe in Jesus,

    We Muslims 100% Believes in Jesus,
    We Muslims Believes that Jesus was The Christ,
    No Muslim is a Muslim if he doesn’t Believes in Jesus,

    Jesus did Miracles by the Permission of Allah,

    Jesus himself Never said “Im God” also Never he said anyone to “Worship Me”

    Jesus was Just a Prophet and Messenger Of Allah Only to Guide The People of Israel, 


    *Jesus Denies Being God* | Read ⬇️

    “My Father is greater than me.” [John 14:28] 

    “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to My God and your God.” [John 20:17]

    “Jesus said: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” [Mark 12:29]

    “Jesus, Fell with his face to the ground and Prayed.” [Matthew 26:39]

    “I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgement is just because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father who has sent me.” [John 5:30] 

    “The crowd answered, This is Jesus, the Prophet.” [Matthew 21:10-11]

    *The Coming Of Prophet Muhammed In Bible*

    “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When he the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come, He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” [John 16:12-14]

    *Allah Clears About Jesus*

    [Quran:- 5:72]:-
    “Jesus has said, “O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.” 

    [Quran:- 19:30]:-
    “Jesus has said, “Indeed, I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet.”

    [Quran:- 4:171]:- 
    “Christ Jesus the son of Mary was no more than a messenger of Allah, So believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not “Trinity” desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah:



    @Hasan Ażîż This is off topic and might as well be spam.

Elias Gonzalez

First play is the last of Jimmy from the season 🙁


    No it wasn’t


    He got injured on a sack after that

Isaac Singleton

niners have a tough road ahead with the jimmy injury, guessing he can get back for playoffs, but they have a win now team and no qb. defense is really going to have to carry now

    Harry Malech



    @Harry Malech Mr. Irrelevant is going to be pretty relevant the rest of this season

    Chris Thompson

    the word is surgery gone for the season. if SF iis gonna make a play in the postseason it will be on Purdy,s back. has great touch with his passes.

    Vah Hustlin

    Nah, we’ll be fine. Haha. This team is built different. Any other team, boom! Season over.

    Isaac Singleton

    @Vah Hustlin I had nines going to the super bowl, now the title game would would a great run. They won’t be the 1 seed or a bye.


That field was so wide open for mcaffrey even the audio got cut out sheesh. 😂

    Sam S.

    Oh yeah. That’s the only reason why he had a big day right? 🤔

Ricky Clark

He’s remarkable to me at the position because of his complexion

    Mack McKim

    Wtf are you trying to say? Ignorant asl

    Everett D.


    Stevie Champagne

    @Mack McKimwhy are you so mad? it’s true! there are literally ZERO white RBs in the nfl other than Mccafrey. And he’s been an ALL-PRO for multiple years too which is crazy!

    McCaffrey is a unicorn! It really is remarkable!


    We need to address the sysemic racism within sports. You see the huge overrepresentation of blacks, and underrepresentation of whites? This racism must end!

Andrew Martinez

Everybody looks good in red and gold! #BangBangNinerGang

Matthew Reynoso

That cutback was mind bending

Joseph Talmadge

If we had CMC in the super bowl against the chief’s we would of won easily

    Mike Hocksbig

    If the chiefs didn’t have the refs in their back pocket the 9ers would’ve won


    There are no “ifs” in the NFL. If that was the case, the niners would have 7 superbowls

Scruff D0g

He’s about to get even more touches with Brock Purdy at QB, This niners team is good enough to carry the QB Position the rest of the way.

    Robert Baratheon

    Anything can happen. BUT i dont see the 9ers reaching the sb. All teams gotta do is tire out that defense, get to the qb, and shut down the run/put up points every drive forcing them to throw or end up playing catch up. Who knows maybe Purdy does just enough but with teams like bills, chiefs, philly, dallas, all in post season gonna be tough.

Luis Gonzalez

0:42 don’t forget to appreciate how quick and athletic big trent #71 is pulling ahead of cmc for a block!

Richie James

Lets go Brock


Purdy gonna surprise the whole league. Let’s go ninerss!!!

Raider Warrior

#23 jersey
Might cop one for Christmas


If he wanted he’d probably be the best slot receiver in the league. Might not be a bad idea In a couple years to switch so he extends his career.

Ed Harris

He’s one of my favorite players, but some tweaks are needed, especially in his run game. While watching All-22, I noticed that holes are closing on him. He appears to be exercising the patience that worked at Carolina but here, waiting to take off after seeing the hole isn’t working. He has good instincts, so he needs to trust a space and blast through it as it opens so he can consistently get to the next level. I know this isn’t easy because I played the position, but he has the ability to do it. Also, he was known for making the first guy miss, but that guy often gets him now, so he also needs to upgrade his awareness a hair and catch a ball while he sees the other guy coming so he can either juke or shed him.

john tataje

Love the fact that Purdy was all the way downfield with him.

Homeless to Greatness

He’s back to his all-pro self when the Top3 RBs in the League are Henry, CMC and Kamara


He belonged back home

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